some events in this period:
- July 25 I attended a meeting of acofoinmenef Paolo Dorigo, Mestre, where we chatted a lot more informal 'and that. there 'was no intervention of doctors or lawyers, as had been expected, and none of the participants, who were a dozen other targeted individuals like me, has made a real report about something.
and we 'talked freely and constantly interrupted some one who was talking, it seemed to be the nursery, or the market, more 'in a gathering of civilized people. I would have some things to say, proposed to do, but I realized that was not the right context. we are alone and separated, so 'as we want our persecutors.
- I was 3 days in England, with a return flight Ryanair East Midlands-Rimini, I wanted to take last minute, but instead I booked online a few days before. I went to the airport two hours before the flight, convinced to buy a ticket onsite, but I should pay more 'than 400 € for a flight that normally does not cost more' than 100, and I gave up. I know that booking in advance makes life even more to the spies' easy, but I see that also acting in an unpredictable way can very well follow. cover areas via satellite.
travel and 'was practically useless, since I have not been able to meet the freelance investigator / former perpetrator / victim of stalking technology, with which I wanted to confront. he was abroad, was going back after 2 days but it 'was held. probably draws kept away on purpose.
3 days I have been doing the tourist in Nottingham, spending a lot of money to cover (it was cold and raining) to sleep and move around. by the way, I love everything about England, except that and 'dear to those who do not know how to move.
as already 'happened in Strasbourg, I could never call to mobile numbers and home of this person, the number had been disconnected from stalkers, probably with a jammer that prevented calls not only from my cell number. but from the whole area where I was.
- got home I started looking for a flight to Granada, where I left all my things and the machine. book last minute has a price to pay, especially in August when everyone goes on vacation, and I paid the beauty of a € 200 one-way flight Bologna-Granada. I went from here to reach Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1000 km more 'to the north, with my Citroen Berlingo overloaded with suitcases, bags of all more, including Chinese bicycle.
along the way I did yet another experience of being followed at a distance by car to investigators who took turns with the aid of a gps tracker installatomi to his time in the car, and that causes me some problems to the electrical system. having made several stops to rest, some I met them in the service areas, and they just look like cops, only those that are in pairs, they are not alone. one seemed a bit 'surprised to see me there', maybe 'cause I had also stopped in the previous year.
- I was a guest of a couple of friends who live near bcn, and after several days of adventure as well as 'fruitless search for the whole city', I rented a room in a small town just outside bcn.
that evening when I finally emptied luggage from the car, the perpetrators have again sprinkled on the steering wheel, gear, doors, knobs and various buttons, radio, cable just bought my tomtom, a lubricating substance oilseeds, such as that used for polishing dashboards.
do not know if this is a harmful chemical substance, but to protect the gloves I used to always carry with me, though my fingers are, however, remained impregnated, were red and gave me the feeling of having touched or acid glue.
the night before the perpetrators were the same substance sprinkled on my netbook, the power cord and I put the suitcase in which the usual.
I found the same substance on the beauty case and polishing up some things contained therein, as the blisters of the tablets I take.
stalkers have taken advantage of me and my friends who were out to dinner, to be introduced at home.
not know what else they did, as well as oil and grease these objects, I guess they applied tiny tracking cards on every dress and furnishings that I take on trips. but perhaps not limited to this.
- these days I did some laps in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthat 'a city' very great. obviously not convenient to go downtown by car because of parking, and I used the very efficient metro.
again, despite the tracking cards in the clothes, although always on the phone that transmits location gsm, behind several people who had followed me. Some waited outside the Metro. but how could they know which bus I fell? how many use them? some running in the bike, and when they should get off the passenger behind, away from my eyes.
the script and 'always the same: when I send an sms to cross a cell phone. then continue on their way, without ever turning back. some continue to listen to music with headphones, or pretend to do so.
I imagine the amount 'of my pictures that circulate in the hands of these people. I will periodically, and distribute these extras, probably people employed on any day. who knows' if you have a written contract, and with whom.
some boys and girls are very young, and they are always "on topic" with the place where I am. the historic center Arabs or Latinos, for the shopping area of \u200b\u200bgirls and women with shopping bags, for the university students with backpack and books ... and nothing 'left to chance, you see the imprint of the agency's espionage professional, well-organized.
- find yet another intrusion into my car, in my things in my intimacy ', made me feel bad, as always.
I felt helpless, full of anger, desperation, attempted to resign myself to being a rat in a cage with no way out.
and I 'also increased the desire to document things, take pictures, video, writing in the blog or somewhere else. Sometimes I think I'm going quickly to the only way out immediately available, death ...