the posts that I write today, Saturday, Sept. 5, I wanted to write it already 'yesterday, but I preferred to wait a day not to go too much emotion'. I wanted to sleep on it - although in this case the night does not give advice but very different - and reflect a bit 'before putting x rearrange ideas in writing.
I can only describe the facts without much comment.
Thursday 'morning I went to make a complaint to intrusion, damage, substances scattered on my things, in the afternoon I had an acupuncture treatment, the first of the new therapist to whom I turned Barcelona, \u200b\u200bXavier, with the study in full center near the cathedral, then I went home and I went to bed, fast asleep with fatigue.
towards morning I woke up from the cold, I shiver. I put the sweat pants and a knit wool and wrapped in a blanket.
note that in Barcelona from July gasps from the heat, even at night, and I never slept with him more than 'a tshirt and a sheet, often not even those.
Oh well ', but the summer is ending, no? and the temperature is changing ...
the morning I wake up with a little 'sore throat, a sense of inflammation and broken bones, vabbe' can happen ... even with the heat that makes you sweat, then go into rooms with air conditioning and getting caught by a bad cold, right?
I go to my last English class, then I'll walk towards Calle Balmes, where there should be one of the Police Commissariat nacional. I have no complaints in mind, I just have to ask for information to redo the documents.
within a store stuff in Japanese, with absurd brushes of all shapes and sizes for massaging various parts of the body. I'm curious, and I tried a couple. arrival in a masseur for the arms, I'll put my left arm ... What's this'?? I realize with horror that you have a small bruise on the forearm, a small but painful, with an even more 'small hole injection.
I left the shop and start walking again. I feel almost as wavering. I key point several times, I can not believe. yet the pale and 'always there', not 'a dream. and it 's just the classic bruise on the vein, that comes after a withdrawal of blood.
I mentally retraced the acupuncture session the day before.
I had no needle in the arms, which could move freely.
although I was already 'safe I went into a bathroom and I checked the points where Xavier had inserted the needles, two in the stomach and four in each leg. at no point was a bruise, only a small red mark in the legs, while on his stomach anything at all, no sign, and nothing ached to touch her.
reality 'at this point was clear: someone' came into my room at night and I made a withdrawal, and / or injection.
I continued to walk for hours now without a goal.
I was so shocked by this revelation that chance to decrease the pain I bought a bottle of wine and have drained me, so 'on an empty stomach, without any fuss.
I had millions of thoughts. I imagined everything.
do? escape? suicide? make a dramatic gesture? kill before it crosses send an sms? to ignore it?
course, whatever and 'continue to make the best of human guinea pig. if not I'll kill myself consciously, perhaps one of the next night I come to do a good injection, drug overdose in his sleep, and hello.
what I have injected? and why '?
and if I have only one sample, to see the values \u200b\u200bof what?
I can think of something else. while I was in the police commissioner, on Thursday morning, after about half an hour I was in the office I turned off the phone. at one point I felt clearly the beginning of a buzzing in his head, and a weak shock from my head and 'arrived at the foot, informicolandoli. Then his head began to turn around, in fact I seemed to sway to the rhythm of the heartbeat, as had happened to me during the retreat of vipassana, but now in a more 'bland. the dizziness and 'did not last long, but the buzz still continues, and gives me a feeling of warmth to the right temporal lobe, and tingling.
one last thing: my blood has always been interested in my perpetrators have more 'or less regularly picked up my garbage, especially when I had my period. but also my droppings, when I lived in apartments stable, the doctors have regularly replaced, or made some changes to the sewage pipes. I do not understand it myself why, and now I 'clear. do analysis.
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