Friday, March 11, 2011
Why Do I Having A Outie Belly Button
How likely 'that there are holes in a tire tread and not on the side? How many forino
that two tires on the side on the same day? I would say more 'or less than one in a million ... to say much.
According to the tire I replaced the tires on the ground in the case of holes punteruolo.Per him and 'the work of some stupid' cause maybe I had parked in a place where it was annoying. I though 'I know that bucarmi tires were "them" to prevent me from arriving in time for an appointment I had on the morning of March 3.
Gia 'cause this morning I was supposed to go with a group of friends for a few days in the woods, on foot, with backpack and sleeping bag, leaving the car park and leaving home phones, watches, cameras. Face to face with nature and without technology, in short, even though it was a test of survival as we would have a shelter with a fireplace and we bought food for three days.
The fact 'that the forests in question are not easily accessible since they are owned by' private and the Federation of Damanhur are considered sacred in the rise in the mountains above and around the temple of the people, and that 'a huge underground structure, ie 'carved into the mountain. Around these woods there are several settlements Damanhurians and cars and people are moving all the residents.
It 'obvious that my "remote controllers" have thought of taking preventive action, because' in the woods would not be able to follow my movements as they usually do and that is' using tracking devices that they put me in the car , PC, mobile, and various personal items.
I also had a pair of hiking boots just bought that they could not put anything inside, and I had brought with her sweaters and suits the battle, not the usual pants and jackets that occasionally emit smears microscopically due to radio frequency stuck by spies.
So on the morning of the appointment with the group I started with Natalibera, my glorious Freelander, but after a few hundred meters I had to stop by the roadside, with the right rear tire that was on the floor.
Fortunately I called him and others I picked them up, then after a few attempts to change the tire, we decided to leave the car there because 'it would take too long. Wise decision, also because 'the tires were pierced two, even if you do not know. The left front tire seemed a little 'puffs up, but it was still on the ground. Dh
At the Create, a meeting place with our guides Damanhurian, I immediately noticed a jerk who clashed with the environment was smoking a cigarette (in Damanhur and 'no smoking even outside), was in the parking lot that is below and opposite the building, where we had data just because 'and' a little 'aloof and hard to see, had a dark and sinister attitude, in contrast to the smiling faces and open and that' used to see in Damanhur. The
tipaccio gave me a quick glance that I have returned, practically there are "recognized." He will have 'seen my many photos and movies taken in secret, while I become the accomplices of the criminals spies, mercenaries from peanuts, are made known to the skin.
Sara 'was he forarmi the tires? When they will have 'done? Probably during the night.
Until the night before my participation experience in the sacred forest was probably due to flu and fever that I had had the previous days, but tonight I felt better and I decided to go, also communicate via SMS to others that I should bring in the car with me. Then "they" have decided to get into action and sent the jerk to do his dirty work.
So I left the car on the roadside and went into the woods with other, more 'Later I also left the keys to a person who would find someone to replace the tire and bring the car home, then the damage and retaliation-is' revealed a loss instead of an advantage for the spies: I was now without the gps and the car without the keys with the their "tracking device" in the remote control.
My experience of contact with the sacred grove and 'only lasted three days while the rest of the group has scored five.
the third day I asked him to return to civilization 'cause I was overwhelmed with flulike symptoms who had become more and more' heavy, especially from a very oppressive headache, which prevented me from doing activities of both 'physical rest.
I have strong suspicions that some of the symptoms are caused by the activation of some microchip under the skin that I have somewhere, but this time I had no dizziness, eye problems, mental wild fantasies, etc., so the considerations I had done after the withdrawal of vipassana. (I had attended a ten-day retreat in Marradi, a place 'where they took cell phones, and fully experienced symptoms of the nervous system by electrical overload ... see post). In this forest
phones took very well, the wind had four notches, so the situation was different ... and with powerful telephoto lenses from nearby hills or satellite spies have certainly found a way to follow my every move and the group.
The symptoms that I felt were some hyperactivity 'nervous heated neck that made me sweat on the scalp, in fact already' on the second day my hair was all greasy, and hung his head I had to always wear hat or earmuffs even inside the shelter, because it was cold and then froze the sweat on his head. This likely solicitation of a chip near the brain has had its positive side: despite a heavy cold, I was able to carry out activities' outside in the snow, and I participated in work hard and heavy as the transport of firewood a place situated about a mile to our shelter. While others pushed hard with a wheelbarrow full of huge logs along a path uphill into the slush, snow, leaves, I had loaded the logs in my huge backpack and hobbled invicta ... with a drop of gas! Unfortunately there were also downsides and that means' insomnia, which 'was a contributory cause of the headaches that I had then and that I and' duration for two nights after returning home.
realizing that the first night of being awake as a cricket I did watch the first round by the fire, which was never extinguished, it being several hours by the fire staring at the magic of warmth and color of the flames, then at night when the second person gave me the return, I went to lie down in my sleeping bag but I could not sleep. At first I was very cold, I was uncomfortable, I could not relax, then after I intabarrata sweaters with leggings and wool socks I had no more 'cold but I had to make an effort to be able to keep your eyes closed .. and slowly and finally 'arrived in the morning.
The second night I again made the watch by the fire and spent most of the night by the fireplace, leaving the other two well a few hours to spend awake. The relationship I had with fire 'was really beautiful, magical, made me feel how alive and how many possibilities this' gives us contact with other dimensions in time and space. Sacred fire of contact with our inner fire.
The next day I began to experience some failure due to fatigue, heavy legs and I felt I was having trouble walking, then started to hurt my head and all movement gave me especially painful pulse front. In this state I have not had the strength and desire to participate in activities' and the group games and when they fell to dhcrea for a meeting I stayed at the shelter, also because 'I had a little' fever.
the third night I did not shift at the fire but I have very little and slept badly. I had difficulty 'to breathe and I missed the wind, so' several times I had to put a bronchopneumonia seduta.Credevo I was coming so I felt shortness of breath. During this time of difficulty 'breathing, I had the feeling of reliving scenes from a previous life, I saw a bed in a nightgown with the nineteenth lace and was dying of some disease vanished as tuberculosis or tuberculosis.
In brief moments of sleep I have dreams equally short with very vivid colors, such as a sea of \u200b\u200bgreen that I saw from various perspectives, from a ship, close to where I appeared on a pier just a few inches deep and I saw end ...
After breakfast sure to have some more 'of a headache, I asked the guide to leave the sacred grove and go home, I greeted the group and go. Arrived home that is' the core Damanhurian where I was staying, I found a pleasant surprise, my Natalibera was parked along with other core and was mounted spare wheel. It was Sunday and that day I devoted to much needed toilet (in the woods we had a rudimentary process dry air) with megadoccia and washing clothes reeking of smoke and sweat.
Monday immediately stop the first distributor to inflate the left front tire that was really down ', then off to find a tire that had the right tires and do not make me mad spending figures. After a few laps I opted for Angel Tires and I must say that intuition is not betrayed me, there were these two brothers tracagnotti who have worked very well and have checked the tires also dipping into the water, making sure it had been drilled on the side and not on the tread and that there were no nails or other. Their conclusion: punch holes made on purpose by someone.
I changed two tires and put the spare in its place, the ground was destroyed and thrown while the deflated and 'was repaired by putting putty into the hole.
About my story in person spied upon and the research that led me to Damanhur I tried to mention a few things with a couple of people but unfortunately I noticed the usual reaction of disbelief 'and skepticism, so I left lose, too bad.
spend some time here I thought I would shed light on my memories, to get an indication, visions, signs ... but this is not 'success, at least for now. Many have done courses in hypnosis and define hypnotherapists, but on 4 people contact I could not find even one willing to help me through hypnosis and other techniques sweet, to recall any abductions or experiences suffered against my will 'in a state of sleep or trance.
Since it's been three months now and I can say that the experience 'over and draw conclusions that can be: the signs indicate that it is not' the case of stress, forget it and do not remember anything - this is not 'the place or the right time, groped by other means.
The funny thing is' that Damanhurians show a certain narrow-mindedness in the face of issues like this, but suggest a philosophical system ultrafantascientifico: believe that their teacher is from 600 years into the future and is incarnate here to save the human race from destruction, this has enabled a different timeline in which events are different, opened the synchronic lines which are rivers of energy that traverse the globe carrying ideas and dreams and souls, he would travel through time and has access to ancient knowledge ... up his teaching Damanhurians performing magic theurgic evoking a triad of their allies, they use sticks and magic carpets for Neopagan rituals, attract souls to be reincarnated in their children, prepare for the great work of alchemical liquid, are decades of experience astral travel , past lives, courses to host alien consciousness within themselves' and ... many other things that I am not able to know they are not part of the beginning of their school of meditation.
short and 'the place and type of people that are right for me, because I feel too ahead of my time and I have different frequencies from 99% of my fellow human beings from which I feel more and more' alienated .
Pero '... if I tell any of them, "I have ten years under control by military medical organization that follows me everywhere and carries out tests on me against my will '" and the response' I say strange things, absurd and invented. Maybe they never imagined that there was someone more 'crazy about them ...
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