report about my case of abuse
Report about my case of abuse and non-consensual human experimentation
Name: angymary64
Nationality: italian
Gangstalking started in 2002
Youtube videos: angymary64 channel
born: 18/11/1964
Hello everybody.
I am a female subject of non-consensual human experimentation , a guinea pig Being watched 24on24, 7 days a week, and spit gangstalked by a covert organization That Seems To Have and to military medical profile.
I'm Trying to Understand if and how I can escape from this cage and I'm looking for support from others targets. I have found many similarities with other cases reported in mind control forums, but I’m not sure if I am really a victim of mind control, as since now I never experienced symptoms as hearing recorded voices in head, microwave burns, remote sexual assaults, induced sleep or anything like that.
I'm quite sure I have been implanted with microchip or electrodes emitting radio frequencies , but until now I haven't got any proof of evidence, as I wasn't able to perform a TAC scan nor other examinations.
The main symptoms I get are:
- a continuous “buzzz”in my head, a noise that I hear stronger when I lay in bed or in other situations of silence. This rumour is hard to describe, could be similar to a television or radio tuned on a free channel. It seems to come from both ears, that are also very sensitive to sound.When I am in remote locations, areas with no gsm coverage, open countryside, the buzz become stronger, more various and covers outside rumours. At times I have extreme heat in head, but no fever.
- dizziness, feeling of oscillation of the body, sensation of being lifted from ground when laying, all of this are stronger in remote locations;
- chronic irritation of eyes, extreme sensitivity to light and to cold, eye pulsations, alterations of vision as seeing “flying flies” or “digital high definition images” , I have strange spots in the white of eye, in pupil and below the eye;
- body emitting some kind of radiation;
- everchanging blood alterations, circulatory problems, pins and needles in hands and legs; recidive varicose veins, capillars;
- suddenly racing heart in calm and relaxed situations (ex. during meditation) with sweating and thrills;
- sensitive peripherical neuropathy, often little cramps in calfs and feet, nervs pulled, muscular stress, sensation of electrical flow running all over the body;
- depression with ups and downs, anxiety, apathy, concentration problems, daydreaming.
Work situation:
I have an accountancy degree and changed many different administrative jobs in life, I worked also in tourism, selled and rented cars , traded with shares, and so on. I have lost my last jobs because of the harrassment and now I don’t have a fixed income, apart from a little pension from social previdence.
Family situation:
I don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend, and since the harrassment has begun I find more and more difficult to have relationships. My last girlfriend could not understand I was under control and didn’t believe me, so she left. But even simple friendships have become complicated for me, in fact I have a few friends. So I suppose I can say I’m definitly single .
I’m a single mother of a 19old son , and we live together only at times, but for 3 years I lived alone as the social services took him away as a psychiatrist found me mentally ill (persecution mania). It ‘s quite ironic that just 2 months after this happened I got the most important job in my career, as executive manager in a catering corporation.
Shielding issues
I have read in the internet of many different ways of shelding oneself from technological hattacks, but until now no one of them seems to work for me. I tried alluminium or copper foil with no remarkable change. Magnets make me feel worse, the same as relocating in less crowded, less polluted countryside areas.
The only shelding I have found effective in these years is to keep moving , to change often address, to relocate in a different city, or country. The harrassment doesn’t stop anywhere of course, but at least they have to re-organize their strategies, change their movements, train other people, break-in in new flats and so on. I feel better if I don’t have to see every day my fake neighbours, being payed to watch me while I’m in toilet or to steal my rubbish from down the street.
Technological abuse
The technology always been used in my case is a kind of electromagnetic light not normally visible, it is charged to usual alternate electrical flow that becomes continuous. Perpetrators introduce it remotely – maybe by satellite – into the internal electrical systems of houses, offices, public illumination, but also in open air.
It can often causes malfuncion of all electrical appliances . I personally experience a kind of digital environment , as it was created with a 3d software, with very accurate imagery, double and multiple reflections, coloured shadows, stronger lights, echoes and hidden sounds, walls reflecting light like mirrors, magnetized objects, and other incredible things .
general effects are:
- refrigerators, ovens, tv sets, but also pieces of furniture start to “chop”(they emit one single sound as they were hit or knocked) every half an hour or so.
- All electrical lights need a few more seconds to be turned off.
- In wood pieces of every type appear stripes never noticed before.
- In monitors and televisions appear an upside line on the screen.
- In light bulbs there are two flowlines instead of one.
-Stand-by lights of appliances can change of intensity and shape.
- Even if main switch is off you still get evidence of electrical energy
- In curtains and texiles appear little folds, curtains looks heavy and starched.
- Air circulation is reduced, even with open windows.
- Little plants look weaker and don’t grow (they usually die in few months), flowers and fruits last less than usual.
- Cats become nervous and look insistently around in places where’s apparently nothing.
I have also to say that along with this technology perps can use virtual reality , small and big holograms , changing in weight and density of matter , other science fiction effects, even if they have used only a few times, when they wanted to scare me to death, as I was behaviouring so bad.
After many efforts to discover the truth I believe that I’m probably taking part in a medical-militar black project, very extended in time and with a millionaire budget available.
The project needs 24hours surveillance , that is developed with high-level tracking and spying devices, and sometimes weird, unknown technologies and the human intervention of local perpetrators (agencies of private investigations, habitual criminals, army contractors, retired cops, and so on).
The perps needs their targets to be isolated, alone and weak to be better controlled, and in my case during years they spreaded all kind of voices about me to destroy my reputation, thing very easy to do for them, as I am an ex-drug addict and had some homosexual relationships in my life.
They also created the void around me in much thougher ways, for example one week after I took on a private detective to investigate my situation, they arrested my son creating a very complicated street theatre situation in the middle of the halloween night; another time they arrested some of my friends with false evidences, with the helping hand of some corrupted cops; another friend of mine was fired because he was helping me, and the next day someone informed his wife about false things and she left him on the street.
So now everytime I’m searching for the truth I expect to get their mafia style revenge , an accident to me or to someone near me, a robbery, a theft, a strange illness, or something even worse…
How my story started
Since october 2002 I have been targeted with very aggressive gang stalking , but I had problems of break-ins in my flat and telephone problems -landline and mobile disturbed with anonymus calls from covert numbers, “one-ring-calls”, rumours, echoes, and line breakdowns, etc- since early 2000.
At first I though it was a personal revenge by an ex-boyfriend and ex-professional partner of mine, as I had to report him for fraud, - we had run a building society together- and during the investigations I did about him with my lawyer, I discovered he had a second life, being a private detective, an active nazifascist supporter with many connections with evil people.
But after a while I realized that yes, maybe I could have been involved in the organization of my harrassment in someway, but he can not be the mandator of such a worldwide extended, very expensive, sophisticated, technological harrassment.
I had my flat being entered by perpetrators many times , they used to mess thing around, replace objects with others similar, but above all they put devices that actually allow them to control the electrical system, the air and water system, and the opening-closening of all doors and windows.
I had my car and my motorbike damaged with the placement of weird gps tracking devices, that not only transmit position and hear conversations inside, but they could also turn off the engine, stop the car, close doors entraping me inside, turn on extreme heat-cold in the car, and so on.
Millions of times I noticed to have suspicious vans and trucks parked near where I was, or wandering around for hours, cars and motorbikes following mine from a discrete distance have become a normal habit in my life, so I won’t talk about this.
Sometimes I noticed groups of mimetized military people spying me.
Some of them were full equipped but some of them weared plain, formal dress. Once they were inside an empty building, it was at dawn and they were all dressed in black and were removing black curtains on windows that thy had placed by night; once they were inside moving bushes in the woods; once they come out from underground hole in a tomato plantation!
I never saw any gun, but lots of scientific/technical apparatus that I ‘m not sure what’s for.
the Cocaine experiment
The heavy gangstalking and the electromagnetic harrassment started in october 2002, exactly when I had a relapse with the use of cocaine , and was carried on with the purpose of prevent me from taking this drug.
When I tried to tell people and call for help noone of course didn’t believe me, they say that mine could have been a paranoid hallucination due to cocaine.
But the organized stalking and the harrassment was happening BEFORE the use of drug, it was not a consecuence of it!
Anyway before that period I had been an once-a-week cocaine user, without troubles and without side effects, as I used to take it only sometimes and in very low doses.
Actually I didn’t like it too much and I didn’t like the high price of it, but from that particular period I felt a very strong craving for it, I wanted it everyday and everytime. I lost control. Looking back it looks as I was possessed.
This madness started in october 2002,when I just had suspended a 5 months interferon-rybavirin therapy because of worse collateral effects, and I was feeling depressed and weakened from that kind of long and useless chemiotherapy.
After only 2 months of heavy organized stalking, with me reacting like a fool, my entire life was destroyed: I was put in a mental hospital for 2 weeks for “ paranoid delirium due to drug abuse”, I was forced to lose my job, my teenager son was taken away from me, my driving licence was suspended, my flat was damaged on a daily basis.
I think that first they caused me an artificial craving for cocaine , testing some weird chemical or hipnosys-based behaviour induction , or the craving was a side effect of the testing, then they did everything possible to discourage me from taking it:
they scared me to death with weird technologies, using virtual reality, holograms, remote-controlled objects, they put sleeping drugs in my food and drinks, closed me inside my own flat and car, make things completely disappear from the room, they reported everyone was taking drugs with me to the police, to have them arrested, but always keeped me out of it.
Actually the anti-narcotics had chances to put me in jail several times, but they closed both eyes and pretended not to see me.
They also saved my life from my attempt of suicide. I think I have an extreme high value for who’s behind the game.
The last surprising technology they used, before I gave up definitively with drugs, worked for me and also for everyone who was near me:
it was a kind of energy weapon that change the electromagnetic waves of brains, modifying neural activity , so we didn’t feel any sensation of being “high on coke”, but remain very lucid and calm.
Eventually, if i was alone and perps were in a bad mood, they could make me see only horror hallucinations, lasting for a very few minutes.
I‘m quite sure these weird images came from perps technology, as they were completely different from any natural drug effects and looked screened.
Perps also used other invisible weapons to punish me when I was trying to fight back: at times they hit my skin with some rays, at others they caused me strong headaches, poisoned my water, increased/reduced the weight of things I was carrying…and so on, I could go on telling a big amount of “absolutely impossible” things
Marco Pantani connection
The famous cyclist and big champion Marco Pantani was in my same situation of espionage and harrassment . He was under surveillance by exactly the same covert organization that still is targeting me .
I believe he took part in the same experiment with induced cocaine craving , in fact his addiction was something very distant from his way of life. He become a cocaine addict, a paranoid with persecution manias, from one day to another, like me.
He was born and used to live in Cesenatico, 30 km from my town. Reading a book about his life I discovered that we were in Cuba at the same time, in december 2003 . We didn’t meet and I thought I went to Cuba on holiday, but maybe my choice was induced with hipnosis or mind control techniques. I
n Cuba there is the best micro ocular surgery, some says. I had a very strange time in Cuba: for 2 weeks I wasn’t able to leave La Habana and didn’t visited any part of the isle. I still don’t know why.
Marco Pantani was found dead on 14 february 2004 in a Rimini residence, about ten minutes from my flat.
I had just returned in Italy two weeks before, when I watched some tv reports on his death was shocked to learn that he did exactly the same things I used to do , when trying to defend myself from their artificial scenery and virtual reality attacks.
Marco officially died for a cocaine overdose, that was mainly found in his stomach, not in his nose. I'm sure he was trying to hide coke in his mouth , as perpetrators were swallowing it technologically, then he swallowed some grams of it by accident, fighting with the virtual image of a perpetrator.
His blood was very thick and dark , it was nearly solidified matter, and this blood clotting used to happen to me as well, even with very tiny amounts of cocaine.
He had the same eyespots I have in mine, probably a similar microchip implanted . Officially his case is closed, but there are a lot of unsolved issues about his death , and probably I’m the only one who has a precise idea how things really went, apart the covert military team that killed him, of course.
My drug addiction and my medical story
I have been a drug addict for years, even if not I was not the usual addict you can find down the streets. Well I didn’t like drugs, I just hated myself.
I gave up with smack/coke in 1994, started again in 1997, gave up again in 1999.
I stayed clean until I had that bad relapse in 2002 with coke , when I first noticed harrassment and gangstalking, and my addiction went on until 2004, with many intervals in between. Even if I was addicted to drugs I have always worked and always payed my rents.
Since then I’m not taking any illegal drugs anymore, but I am still a social drinker.
Because of my past problems with heavy drugs I had several hospitalizations, in time I did many blood exams and all kind of specialist visits , so a medical corporation could have picked me up for some kind of lifelong medical testing.
Most of my past addict friends had severe immune system problems and an ex-boyfriend of mine died of AIDS . We lived together and had sex without protection, shared the same old tools…but after 20 years I’m still hiv negative . This HIV immunity I have could be a reason for doing experiments on me.
As I had previous liver problems and had recovered from hepatitis B and C, in 2001 I did a liver biopsy, and a liver cirrhosis from hepatitis C virus was found; but until now I haven’t had any symptoms of it and 8 years have past.
Actually I can still drink wine and beer, I’m quite active and have an average good quality of everyday life. Most of all the other patients with the same level of cirrhosis have died.
I strongly suspect that diagnosis was a fake.
In 2005 I did other visits with a professor, she was a specialist in new diseases, as I noticed strange spots in my eyes, in my back near the kidneys, and swollen lynfhnodes . After a few blood analysis and a spinal marrow biopsy they diagnosed me a lynphoma , a kind of fast growing blood cancer.
After further exams they say “sorry it’s not true” but insisted to cure me with a machine that washes blood, cleaning heavy cells. No need to tell that after what happened I didn’trust doctors anymore and went away.
My problem now is that I still don't have done any TAC or other digital imagery to find out if I have been implanted, and can’t find a doctor to trust.
That's it, sorry for having been so long telling you my story.
Kind regards and many many thanks for reading!
Any help or advice will be appreciated angymary64 channel
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
What Does A Pink Sticker In A Cell Phone Mean?
final version of my homes abuse in the
Report about my case of abuse and non-consensual human experimentation
Name: angymary64
Nationality: italian
Gangstalking started in 2002
Youtube videos: angymary64 channel
Hello everybody. I am a female subject of non-consensual human experimentation,a guinea pig being watched 24on24,7 days a week, spied and gangstalked by a covert organization that seems to have a military and medical profile. I'm trying to understand if and how I can escape from this cage and I'm looking for support from others targets. I have found many similarities with other cases reported in mind control forums, but I’m not sure if I am really a victim of mind control, as since now I never experienced symptoms as hearing recorded voices in head, microwave burns, remote sexual assaults, induced sleep or anything like that.
I'm quite sure I have been implanted with some microchip or electrodes emitting radio frequencies, but until now I haven't got any proof of evidence, as I wasn't able to perform a TAC scan nor other examinations..
The main symptoms I get are:
- a continuous “buzzz”in my head, a noise that I hear stronger when I lay in bed or in other situations of silence. This rumour is hard to describe, could be similar to a television or radio tuned on a free channel. It seems to come from both ears, that are also very sensitive to sound.When I am in remote locations, areas with no gsm coverage, open countryside, the buzz become stronger, more various and covers outside rumours. At times I have extreme heat in head, but no fever.
- dizziness, feeling of oscillation of the body, sensation of being lifted from ground when laying, all of this are stronger in remote locations;
- chronic irritation of eyes, extreme sensitivity to light and to cold, eye pulsations, alterations of vision as seeing “flying flies” or “digital high definition images” , I have strange spots in the white of eye, in pupil and below the eye;
- body emitting some kind of radiation
- everchanging blood alterations, circulatory problems, pins and needles in hands and legs; recidive varicose veins, capillars;
- suddenly racing heart in calm and relaxed situations (ex. during meditation) with sweating and thrills;
- sensitive peripherical neuropathy, often little cramps in calfs and feet, nervs pulled, muscular stress, sensation of electrical flow running all over the body;
- depression with ups and downs, anxiety, apathy, concentration problems, daydreaming.
Work situation:
I have an accountancy degree and changed many different administrative jobs in life, I worked also in tourism, selled and rented cars , traded with shares, and so on. I have lost my last jobs because of the harrassment and now I don’t have a fixed income, apart from a little pension from social previdence.
Family situation:
I don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend, and since the harrassment has begun I find more and more difficult to have relationships. My last girlfriend could not understand I was under control and didn’t believe me, so she left. But even simple friendships have become complicated for me, in fact I have a few friends. So I suppose I can say I’m definitly single.
I’m a single mother of a 19old son, and we live together only at times, but for 3 years I lived alone as the social services took him away as a psychiatrist found me mentally ill (persecution mania). It ‘s quite ironic that just 2 months after this happened I got the most important job in my career, as executive manager in a catering corporation.
I have read in the internet of many different ways of shelding oneself from technological hattacks, but until now no one of them seems to work for me. I tried alluminium or copper foil with no remarkable change. Magnets make me feel worse, the same as relocating in less crowded, less polluted countryside areas.
The only shelding I have found effective in these years is to keep moving, to change often address, to relocate in a different city, or country. The harrassment doesn’t stop anywhere of course, but at least they have to re-organize their strategies, change their movements, train other people, break-in in new flats and so on. I feel better if I don’t have to see every day my fake neighbours, being payed to watch me while I’m in toilet or to steal my rubbish from down the street.
Technological abuse
The technology always been used in my case is a kind of electromagnetic light not normally visible, it is charged to usual alternate electrical flow that becomes continuous. Perpetrators introduce it remotely – maybe by satellite – into the internal electrical systems of houses, offices, public illumination, but also in open air.
It can often causes malfuncion of all electrical appliances. I personally experience a kind of digital environment, as it was created with a 3d software, with very accurate imagery, double and multiple reflections, coloured shadows, stronger lights, echoes and hidden sounds, walls reflecting light like mirrors, magnetized objects, and other incredible things .
general effects are:
refrigerators, ovens, tv sets, but also pieces of furniture start to “chop”(they emit one single sound as they were hit or knocked) every hour or so.
All electrical lights need a few more seconds to be turned off.
In wood pieces of every type appear stripes never noticed before.
In monitors and televisions appear an upside line on the screen.
In light bulbs there are two flowlines instead of one.
Stand-by lights of appliances can change of intensity and shape.
Even if main switch is off you still get evidence of electrical energy
In curtains and texiles appear little folds, curtains looks heavy and starched.
Air circulation is reduced, even with open windows.
Little plants look weaker and don’t grow (they usually die in few months), flowers and fruits last less than usual.
Cats become nervous and look insistently around in places where’s apparently nothing.
I have also to say that along with this technology perps can use virtual reality, small and big holograms, changing in weight and density of matter, other science fiction effects, even if they have used only a few times, when they wanted to scare me to death, as I was behaviouring so bad.
After many efforts to discover the truth I believe that I’m probably taking part in a medical-militar black project, very extended in time and with a millionaire budget available.
The project needs 24hours surveillance, that is developed with high-level tracking and spying devices, and sometimes weird, unknown technologies and the human intervention of local perpetrators (agencies of private investigations, habitual criminals, army contractors, retired cops, and so on).
The perps needs their targets to be isolated, alone and weak to be better controlled, and in my case during years they spreaded all kind of voices about me to destroy my reputation, thing very easy to do for them, as I am an ex-drug addict and had some homosexual relationships in my life.
They also created the void around me in much thougher ways, for example one week after I took on a private detective to investigate my situation, they arrested my son creating a very complicated street theatre situation in the middle of the halloween night; another time they arrested some of my friends with false evidences, with the helping hand of some corrupted cops; another friend of mine was fired because he was helping me, and the next day someone informed his wife about false things and she left him on the street.
So now everytime I’m searching for the truth I expect to get their mafia style revenge, an accident to me or to someone near me, a robbery, a theft, a strange illness, or something even worse…
How my story started
Since october 2002 I have been targeted with very aggressive gang stalking, but I had problems of break-ins in my flat and telephone problems -landline and mobile disturbed with anonymus calls from covert numbers, “one-ring-calls”, rumours, echoes, and line breakdowns, etc- since early 2000.
At first I though it was a personal revenge by an ex-boyfriend and ex-professional partner of mine, as I had to report him for fraud, - we had run a building society together- and during the investigations I did about him with my lawyer, I discovered he was a private detective, a fascist supporter with many connections with evil people, but after a while I realized that yes, maybe I could have been involved in the organization in someway, but can not be the mandator of such a extended, very expensive, sophisticated, technological harrassment.
I had my flat being entered by perpetrators many times, they used to mess thing around, replace object with others similar, but above all they put devices that actually allow them to control the electrical system, the air and water system, and the opening-closening of all doors and windows.
I had my car and my motorbike damaged with the placement of weird tracking devices, that not only transmit position and hear conversations, but could also turn off the motor, stop the car, close the doors entraping me inside, put maximum heat-cold in the car, and so on.
Millions of times I noticed to have vans and trucks parked near me, cars and motorbikes following mine are a habit, so I won’t talk about this, but sometimes I noticed groups of mimetized military people spying me. Some of them were full equipped but some of them weared plain, formal dress. Once they were inside an empty building, it was at dawn and they were all dressed in black and placed black curtains on windows; once they were inside moving bushes in the woods; once they come out from underground hole in a tomato plantation! I never saw any gun, but lots of scientific apparatus that I don’t know what’s for.
Cocaine experiment
The heavy gangstalking and the electromagnetic harrassment started exactly when I had a relapse with the use of cocaine, and was carried on with the purpose of prevent me from taking this drug or not to make me feel any pleasant effect.
Before that period I had been using cocaine in the past without troubles, as I used to take it only sometimes and in very low doses, because I didn’t like it too much and because of the high price, but in that particular period I felt a very strong craving for it, I wanted it everyday and everytime, looking back it looks as I was possessed.
This started in october 2002,when I just suspended a 5 months interferon-rybavirin therapy because of worse collateral effects, and I was depressed and weakened from that kind of chemiotherapy.
After only 2 months my entire life was destroyed: I was put in a mental hospital for 2 weeks for “ paranoid delirium due to drug abuse”, I was forced to lose my job, my teenager son was taken away from me, my driving licence was suspended, my flat was damaged on a daily basis
I think that first they caused me an artificial craving for cocaine, testing some weird chemical or hipnosys-based behaviour induction, or the craving was a side effect of the testing, then they did everything possible to discourage me from taking it: they scared me to death with weird technologies, using virtual reality, holograms, remote-controlled objects, they put sleeping drugs in my food and drinks, closed me inside my own flat and car, make stuff disappear from the room, they reported everyone was taking drugs with me to the police, but keeping me out of it. Gangstalkers followed me everywhere in groups acting street theatre…and so on, until the last surprising technology they used, that worked for me and also for everyone who was near: a kind of energy weapon that changed the electromagnetic waves of brain, modifying neural activity, so we didn’t feel any sensation of being “high on coke”, but eventually, if we went on consuming it, could feel only horror allucinations
Marco Pantani
The famous cyclist and big champion Marco Pantani was in my same situation of harrassment. He was under surveillance by exactly the same covert organization that is targeting me. I believe he took part in the same experiment with induced cocaine craving, in fact his addiction was something very distant from his way of life. He become a cocaine addict and a paranoid with persecution manias from one day to another, like me. He was born and used to live in Cesenatico, 30 km from my town. Reading a book about his life I discovered that we were in Cuba at the same time, in december 2003. He was found dead on 14 february 2004 in a Rimini residence, at about ten minutes from my home. I had just returned in Italy two weeks before, watched some tv reports on his death and was shocked to learn he did exactly the same things I used to do, trying to defend myself from their vrtual reality attacks. Marco Pantani died for a cocaine overdose, that was found in his stomach, and I'm sure he was trying to hide it in his mouth, as perpetrators were swallowing it technologically, then he swallowed some grams of it fighting with a virtual ghost. Officially his case is closed, but there are a lot of unsolved issues about his death, and probably I’m the only one who has a precise idea how things really went, apart the covert military that killed him, of course.
My drug addiction and my medical story
I have been a drug addict for many years, I gave up in 1994, started again in 1997, gave up again in 1999, then had that bad relapse in 2002, when I first noticed harrassment and gangstalking, and it went on until 2004, with many intervals in between. Since then I’m not taking illegal drugs anymore, but I am still a alchool social drinker.
Because of my past problems with heavy drugs I had several hospitalizations, in time I did many blood exams and all kind of specialist visits, so they could have picked me up for some kind of lifelong medical testing.
Most of my past friends had immune system problems and one of my ex-boyfriend died of AIDS, we lived together and had sex without protection, fixed heroin with the same old tools…but after 20 years I’m still hiv negative. This HIV immunity also could be a reason for doing experiments on me.
As I had liver problems and had recovered from hepatitis B and C, in 2001 I did a liver biopsy, and a liver cirrosis was found; but until now I haven’t had any symptoms of it and 8 years have past. Actually I still drink beer, be active and have an average good quality of everyday life.
I strongly suspect that diagnosis was a fake.
In 2005 I did other visits with a professor specialist in new diseases, as I noticed strange spots in my eyes, in my back near the kidneys, and swollen lynfhnodes. After a few blood analysis and a spinal marrow biopsy they diagnosed me a lynphoma, a kind of fast growing blood cancer.
After further exams they say “sorry it’s not true, but you still have cirrosis” but insisted to cure me with a machine that wash blood cleaning heavy cells. But after what happened I didn’trust doctors anymore and went away. The problem is that I still don't have done any TAC or other digital imagery to find out if I have been implanted.
Kind regards and many many thanks for reading!
Any help or advice will be appreciated angymary64 channel
Report about my case of abuse and non-consensual human experimentation
Name: angymary64
Nationality: italian
Gangstalking started in 2002
Youtube videos: angymary64 channel
Hello everybody. I am a female subject of non-consensual human experimentation,a guinea pig being watched 24on24,7 days a week, spied and gangstalked by a covert organization that seems to have a military and medical profile. I'm trying to understand if and how I can escape from this cage and I'm looking for support from others targets. I have found many similarities with other cases reported in mind control forums, but I’m not sure if I am really a victim of mind control, as since now I never experienced symptoms as hearing recorded voices in head, microwave burns, remote sexual assaults, induced sleep or anything like that.
I'm quite sure I have been implanted with some microchip or electrodes emitting radio frequencies, but until now I haven't got any proof of evidence, as I wasn't able to perform a TAC scan nor other examinations..
The main symptoms I get are:
- a continuous “buzzz”in my head, a noise that I hear stronger when I lay in bed or in other situations of silence. This rumour is hard to describe, could be similar to a television or radio tuned on a free channel. It seems to come from both ears, that are also very sensitive to sound.When I am in remote locations, areas with no gsm coverage, open countryside, the buzz become stronger, more various and covers outside rumours. At times I have extreme heat in head, but no fever.
- dizziness, feeling of oscillation of the body, sensation of being lifted from ground when laying, all of this are stronger in remote locations;
- chronic irritation of eyes, extreme sensitivity to light and to cold, eye pulsations, alterations of vision as seeing “flying flies” or “digital high definition images” , I have strange spots in the white of eye, in pupil and below the eye;
- body emitting some kind of radiation
- everchanging blood alterations, circulatory problems, pins and needles in hands and legs; recidive varicose veins, capillars;
- suddenly racing heart in calm and relaxed situations (ex. during meditation) with sweating and thrills;
- sensitive peripherical neuropathy, often little cramps in calfs and feet, nervs pulled, muscular stress, sensation of electrical flow running all over the body;
- depression with ups and downs, anxiety, apathy, concentration problems, daydreaming.
Work situation:
I have an accountancy degree and changed many different administrative jobs in life, I worked also in tourism, selled and rented cars , traded with shares, and so on. I have lost my last jobs because of the harrassment and now I don’t have a fixed income, apart from a little pension from social previdence.
Family situation:
I don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend, and since the harrassment has begun I find more and more difficult to have relationships. My last girlfriend could not understand I was under control and didn’t believe me, so she left. But even simple friendships have become complicated for me, in fact I have a few friends. So I suppose I can say I’m definitly single.
I’m a single mother of a 19old son, and we live together only at times, but for 3 years I lived alone as the social services took him away as a psychiatrist found me mentally ill (persecution mania). It ‘s quite ironic that just 2 months after this happened I got the most important job in my career, as executive manager in a catering corporation.
I have read in the internet of many different ways of shelding oneself from technological hattacks, but until now no one of them seems to work for me. I tried alluminium or copper foil with no remarkable change. Magnets make me feel worse, the same as relocating in less crowded, less polluted countryside areas.
The only shelding I have found effective in these years is to keep moving, to change often address, to relocate in a different city, or country. The harrassment doesn’t stop anywhere of course, but at least they have to re-organize their strategies, change their movements, train other people, break-in in new flats and so on. I feel better if I don’t have to see every day my fake neighbours, being payed to watch me while I’m in toilet or to steal my rubbish from down the street.
Technological abuse
The technology always been used in my case is a kind of electromagnetic light not normally visible, it is charged to usual alternate electrical flow that becomes continuous. Perpetrators introduce it remotely – maybe by satellite – into the internal electrical systems of houses, offices, public illumination, but also in open air.
It can often causes malfuncion of all electrical appliances. I personally experience a kind of digital environment, as it was created with a 3d software, with very accurate imagery, double and multiple reflections, coloured shadows, stronger lights, echoes and hidden sounds, walls reflecting light like mirrors, magnetized objects, and other incredible things .
general effects are:
refrigerators, ovens, tv sets, but also pieces of furniture start to “chop”(they emit one single sound as they were hit or knocked) every hour or so.
All electrical lights need a few more seconds to be turned off.
In wood pieces of every type appear stripes never noticed before.
In monitors and televisions appear an upside line on the screen.
In light bulbs there are two flowlines instead of one.
Stand-by lights of appliances can change of intensity and shape.
Even if main switch is off you still get evidence of electrical energy
In curtains and texiles appear little folds, curtains looks heavy and starched.
Air circulation is reduced, even with open windows.
Little plants look weaker and don’t grow (they usually die in few months), flowers and fruits last less than usual.
Cats become nervous and look insistently around in places where’s apparently nothing.
I have also to say that along with this technology perps can use virtual reality, small and big holograms, changing in weight and density of matter, other science fiction effects, even if they have used only a few times, when they wanted to scare me to death, as I was behaviouring so bad.
After many efforts to discover the truth I believe that I’m probably taking part in a medical-militar black project, very extended in time and with a millionaire budget available.
The project needs 24hours surveillance, that is developed with high-level tracking and spying devices, and sometimes weird, unknown technologies and the human intervention of local perpetrators (agencies of private investigations, habitual criminals, army contractors, retired cops, and so on).
The perps needs their targets to be isolated, alone and weak to be better controlled, and in my case during years they spreaded all kind of voices about me to destroy my reputation, thing very easy to do for them, as I am an ex-drug addict and had some homosexual relationships in my life.
They also created the void around me in much thougher ways, for example one week after I took on a private detective to investigate my situation, they arrested my son creating a very complicated street theatre situation in the middle of the halloween night; another time they arrested some of my friends with false evidences, with the helping hand of some corrupted cops; another friend of mine was fired because he was helping me, and the next day someone informed his wife about false things and she left him on the street.
So now everytime I’m searching for the truth I expect to get their mafia style revenge, an accident to me or to someone near me, a robbery, a theft, a strange illness, or something even worse…
How my story started
Since october 2002 I have been targeted with very aggressive gang stalking, but I had problems of break-ins in my flat and telephone problems -landline and mobile disturbed with anonymus calls from covert numbers, “one-ring-calls”, rumours, echoes, and line breakdowns, etc- since early 2000.
At first I though it was a personal revenge by an ex-boyfriend and ex-professional partner of mine, as I had to report him for fraud, - we had run a building society together- and during the investigations I did about him with my lawyer, I discovered he was a private detective, a fascist supporter with many connections with evil people, but after a while I realized that yes, maybe I could have been involved in the organization in someway, but can not be the mandator of such a extended, very expensive, sophisticated, technological harrassment.
I had my flat being entered by perpetrators many times, they used to mess thing around, replace object with others similar, but above all they put devices that actually allow them to control the electrical system, the air and water system, and the opening-closening of all doors and windows.
I had my car and my motorbike damaged with the placement of weird tracking devices, that not only transmit position and hear conversations, but could also turn off the motor, stop the car, close the doors entraping me inside, put maximum heat-cold in the car, and so on.
Millions of times I noticed to have vans and trucks parked near me, cars and motorbikes following mine are a habit, so I won’t talk about this, but sometimes I noticed groups of mimetized military people spying me. Some of them were full equipped but some of them weared plain, formal dress. Once they were inside an empty building, it was at dawn and they were all dressed in black and placed black curtains on windows; once they were inside moving bushes in the woods; once they come out from underground hole in a tomato plantation! I never saw any gun, but lots of scientific apparatus that I don’t know what’s for.
Cocaine experiment
The heavy gangstalking and the electromagnetic harrassment started exactly when I had a relapse with the use of cocaine, and was carried on with the purpose of prevent me from taking this drug or not to make me feel any pleasant effect.
Before that period I had been using cocaine in the past without troubles, as I used to take it only sometimes and in very low doses, because I didn’t like it too much and because of the high price, but in that particular period I felt a very strong craving for it, I wanted it everyday and everytime, looking back it looks as I was possessed.
This started in october 2002,when I just suspended a 5 months interferon-rybavirin therapy because of worse collateral effects, and I was depressed and weakened from that kind of chemiotherapy.
After only 2 months my entire life was destroyed: I was put in a mental hospital for 2 weeks for “ paranoid delirium due to drug abuse”, I was forced to lose my job, my teenager son was taken away from me, my driving licence was suspended, my flat was damaged on a daily basis
I think that first they caused me an artificial craving for cocaine, testing some weird chemical or hipnosys-based behaviour induction, or the craving was a side effect of the testing, then they did everything possible to discourage me from taking it: they scared me to death with weird technologies, using virtual reality, holograms, remote-controlled objects, they put sleeping drugs in my food and drinks, closed me inside my own flat and car, make stuff disappear from the room, they reported everyone was taking drugs with me to the police, but keeping me out of it. Gangstalkers followed me everywhere in groups acting street theatre…and so on, until the last surprising technology they used, that worked for me and also for everyone who was near: a kind of energy weapon that changed the electromagnetic waves of brain, modifying neural activity, so we didn’t feel any sensation of being “high on coke”, but eventually, if we went on consuming it, could feel only horror allucinations
Marco Pantani
The famous cyclist and big champion Marco Pantani was in my same situation of harrassment. He was under surveillance by exactly the same covert organization that is targeting me. I believe he took part in the same experiment with induced cocaine craving, in fact his addiction was something very distant from his way of life. He become a cocaine addict and a paranoid with persecution manias from one day to another, like me. He was born and used to live in Cesenatico, 30 km from my town. Reading a book about his life I discovered that we were in Cuba at the same time, in december 2003. He was found dead on 14 february 2004 in a Rimini residence, at about ten minutes from my home. I had just returned in Italy two weeks before, watched some tv reports on his death and was shocked to learn he did exactly the same things I used to do, trying to defend myself from their vrtual reality attacks. Marco Pantani died for a cocaine overdose, that was found in his stomach, and I'm sure he was trying to hide it in his mouth, as perpetrators were swallowing it technologically, then he swallowed some grams of it fighting with a virtual ghost. Officially his case is closed, but there are a lot of unsolved issues about his death, and probably I’m the only one who has a precise idea how things really went, apart the covert military that killed him, of course.
My drug addiction and my medical story
I have been a drug addict for many years, I gave up in 1994, started again in 1997, gave up again in 1999, then had that bad relapse in 2002, when I first noticed harrassment and gangstalking, and it went on until 2004, with many intervals in between. Since then I’m not taking illegal drugs anymore, but I am still a alchool social drinker.
Because of my past problems with heavy drugs I had several hospitalizations, in time I did many blood exams and all kind of specialist visits, so they could have picked me up for some kind of lifelong medical testing.
Most of my past friends had immune system problems and one of my ex-boyfriend died of AIDS, we lived together and had sex without protection, fixed heroin with the same old tools…but after 20 years I’m still hiv negative. This HIV immunity also could be a reason for doing experiments on me.
As I had liver problems and had recovered from hepatitis B and C, in 2001 I did a liver biopsy, and a liver cirrosis was found; but until now I haven’t had any symptoms of it and 8 years have past. Actually I still drink beer, be active and have an average good quality of everyday life.
I strongly suspect that diagnosis was a fake.
In 2005 I did other visits with a professor specialist in new diseases, as I noticed strange spots in my eyes, in my back near the kidneys, and swollen lynfhnodes. After a few blood analysis and a spinal marrow biopsy they diagnosed me a lynphoma, a kind of fast growing blood cancer.
After further exams they say “sorry it’s not true, but you still have cirrosis” but insisted to cure me with a machine that wash blood cleaning heavy cells. But after what happened I didn’trust doctors anymore and went away. The problem is that I still don't have done any TAC or other digital imagery to find out if I have been implanted.
Kind regards and many many thanks for reading!
Any help or advice will be appreciated angymary64 channel
Friday, July 17, 2009
Waking Up To Vomiting And Diarrhea
Inglese 'nth-sabotage replacement - the disappearance of personal
today I got a nasty surprise. yet another. the latest in a long series.
that this is not a novelty ', and' more than 7-seven years (!!!) I find items replaced with almost the same, that I am I being sabotaged computers, cameras, mobile phones ....
for me 'was still a bad half hour. do not ever get used to violations of their privacy and their lives, or at least I can not do it, even if I look around at this point, not least the worst.
surprise and 'was to open the pouch where I keep things that I carry with me always and everywhere, from the 10-inch netbook that I'm writing this post from the camera with its charger, keys and some papers ... and find some things slightly but clearly changed, a car key replaced with a similar, but more 'worn, and its remote control is missing the opening call. disappeared. jprobabilmente have opened the device for inserting a lamp and broke it, or they forgot to attach the key.
maybe were in a hurry for some reason.
I left pouch and carrying bag-netbook to the organizers of Vipassana retreat, which took into custody all the personal belongings of participants in the course of 10 days. I was told that guarded all the loot in the safe, but when you pick up my things I saw that it was a simple metal case, a blue cart on wheels with a trivial closed lock. a breeze for experienced criminals with Mat, there have lost less than two minutes to open it. have waited the appropriate time, probably at night, and were introduced by stealth in the center, and that 'a secluded villa surrounded by acres of forest, but usually where there' s always someone around, and where even at night there may well be someone in the group awake ... not just a risk. everything 'to steal something, but to have access to all of those things that I always carry with me. to sabotage them also. to make them more 'paranoid. to humiliate me further. to me that all my effort and 'useless. Well thank you. I now realize once more 'I have to give up everything. every object, every technology. I also give to my own life. I can not do more 'to live like this'. not 'this life. I do not know if the thoughts in my head are mine, if I perform the actions, or if I decide I really under hypnotic suggestion of some crazy criminal. but I digress ... back to the facts: I have two keys
two cars, one that I use here in Italy and one that I bought in Spain, thinking that I would set them indefinitely.
I bought a "furgoneta" used stuff varies where you can upload a Citroen Berlingo suited to the campaign, with two keys and its infrared remote control.
now the main key and 'was replaced with a more' old, with several spots, or maybe 'the same but from the smooth, and' was rubbed with something that has removed the black and the other has many small scratches and marks around the logo Citroen, a circle with a kind of double v.
the remote control that was both the key and 'completely disappeared.
then I noticed some small differences even in the charger the camera, especially the power of light, mind, the same camera, a Casio Exilim, apparently has not changed evident. only that I can not 'load any videos on youtube, and then puo'darsi that would modify the software in the camera and in the netbook.
for the latter, besides not being able to upload videos, when I came back to Italy I can not 'to use linux. I have a dual operating system, in addition to Windows XP SP3 I installed ubuntu, and I used it too often, though not always. already 'a month Firefox had begun to make the tantrums, but still managed to surf the web and use programs, but now It is impossible to even access the menus and applications and' fully disabled the program that deals with the network, ie 'network access, both wireless and wired. I have done this without any change of course. I have not even had access to the system. ubuntu asks for the password to enter, but I do not think a major obstacle for a hacker, except that to my friend Julian, who is a programmer and that I had installed ubuntu, had escaped to say it out loud, and apart from that if I really see a plant in the retina when I type ... I also
car here in Italy, a rover I bought a few months ago, after having toured for years with a decrepit fiat. having to do the testing for the lpg that I had installed - uses no delusions of petrol - I left the car to my father and I went to the withdrawal of vipassana. He has dutifully parked my place in condominium and left the key in his house. in this case were brought into his house and have installed some device in the key and remote control. well not have been much injured 'professional This time, the remote control after the fact, their chore is malfunctioning, the car is hard to open and close and they left marks and scratches on both buttons. the key seems rather more 'old, with some signs of rust.
in the carrier there 's also un'agendina where I wrote down all my passwords, PIN debit, credit cards, account numbers, is that my my mom and my son .... can therefore in theory, make purchases or withdraw money making believe that was me. go to show that you and 'stolen your password or pin! Go to report that somebody has cloned them ... will reimburse only if it proves that it is not 'your fault, but should rather be read by any password or pin the attacker, without providing just to change, and 'of course not your fault.
course, I can change them. I have already 'made a lot of times. I can no more '.
not take it anymore 'of everything.
I can not go on like this'. I'm bursting. I'm struggling day after day for too long, and time is only worsening the situation for me. them is being felt more and more 'strong,' cause I do not rebel. so I can not do anything, right? and whatever I do and 'useless.
but I do not give up. My motto is' Never Give Up!
want the truth '. I want to know ... to understand ...
but I do not want to 'create suffering to anyone ... and this' was one of my predominant thoughts during the course of Vipassana meditation, listen to talks on Buddhism by Goenka and the universal law of dharma, which are not harming others and to forgive their enemies and 'the main pillar, along with the concept of tolerance of impermanence and attachment and desire ...
I know I'm risking to create suffering to my family, I have the sense of guilt with the quote and I racked my brains but with itself. I do not lack imagination, but the reality 'has always puzzled so far, and I know that is not' over ...
if I find some concrete evidence or some reliable witness an accident could happen to my child ... an arrest for a shit, a car pirate, a robbery, an illness after eating something strange, a fight ...
or it may happen that in the village where my mother lives, which never happens nothing, there is a burglary in the house, a blockhead that scares, a robbery, an illness of unknown origin, a viral disease ...
or may refer to my new - to me - freelander, or on scooters, or any other thing that causes damage, even if only symbolically.
course could affect me personally.
a nice gang rape, already 'sexuality that I have a' not well defined?
a bat barrel squad fascist militant saw my past?
procured a overdose of something, given my past toxic?
a week of fever and diarrhea at the right time, when I'm about to leave for a trip?
short, there is' an embarrassment of choice. some the thing that they would agree more 'and' come up with something that I reduce to silence and immobility 'without me off.
but since I read every post in real time while I'm typing, or perhaps they are the only readers of this blog post from long, I will not give too many hints. Come and break my legs in a creative way, please. and maybe you please explain the 'cause of all this'. is already 'there you bring me a winning lottery ticket, I am willing to deal on my silence, let's talk.
today I got a nasty surprise. yet another. the latest in a long series.
that this is not a novelty ', and' more than 7-seven years (!!!) I find items replaced with almost the same, that I am I being sabotaged computers, cameras, mobile phones ....
for me 'was still a bad half hour. do not ever get used to violations of their privacy and their lives, or at least I can not do it, even if I look around at this point, not least the worst.
surprise and 'was to open the pouch where I keep things that I carry with me always and everywhere, from the 10-inch netbook that I'm writing this post from the camera with its charger, keys and some papers ... and find some things slightly but clearly changed, a car key replaced with a similar, but more 'worn, and its remote control is missing the opening call. disappeared. jprobabilmente have opened the device for inserting a lamp and broke it, or they forgot to attach the key.
maybe were in a hurry for some reason.
I left pouch and carrying bag-netbook to the organizers of Vipassana retreat, which took into custody all the personal belongings of participants in the course of 10 days. I was told that guarded all the loot in the safe, but when you pick up my things I saw that it was a simple metal case, a blue cart on wheels with a trivial closed lock. a breeze for experienced criminals with Mat, there have lost less than two minutes to open it. have waited the appropriate time, probably at night, and were introduced by stealth in the center, and that 'a secluded villa surrounded by acres of forest, but usually where there' s always someone around, and where even at night there may well be someone in the group awake ... not just a risk. everything 'to steal something, but to have access to all of those things that I always carry with me. to sabotage them also. to make them more 'paranoid. to humiliate me further. to me that all my effort and 'useless. Well thank you. I now realize once more 'I have to give up everything. every object, every technology. I also give to my own life. I can not do more 'to live like this'. not 'this life. I do not know if the thoughts in my head are mine, if I perform the actions, or if I decide I really under hypnotic suggestion of some crazy criminal. but I digress ... back to the facts: I have two keys
two cars, one that I use here in Italy and one that I bought in Spain, thinking that I would set them indefinitely.
I bought a "furgoneta" used stuff varies where you can upload a Citroen Berlingo suited to the campaign, with two keys and its infrared remote control.
now the main key and 'was replaced with a more' old, with several spots, or maybe 'the same but from the smooth, and' was rubbed with something that has removed the black and the other has many small scratches and marks around the logo Citroen, a circle with a kind of double v.
the remote control that was both the key and 'completely disappeared.
then I noticed some small differences even in the charger the camera, especially the power of light, mind, the same camera, a Casio Exilim, apparently has not changed evident. only that I can not 'load any videos on youtube, and then puo'darsi that would modify the software in the camera and in the netbook.
for the latter, besides not being able to upload videos, when I came back to Italy I can not 'to use linux. I have a dual operating system, in addition to Windows XP SP3 I installed ubuntu, and I used it too often, though not always. already 'a month Firefox had begun to make the tantrums, but still managed to surf the web and use programs, but now It is impossible to even access the menus and applications and' fully disabled the program that deals with the network, ie 'network access, both wireless and wired. I have done this without any change of course. I have not even had access to the system. ubuntu asks for the password to enter, but I do not think a major obstacle for a hacker, except that to my friend Julian, who is a programmer and that I had installed ubuntu, had escaped to say it out loud, and apart from that if I really see a plant in the retina when I type ... I also
car here in Italy, a rover I bought a few months ago, after having toured for years with a decrepit fiat. having to do the testing for the lpg that I had installed - uses no delusions of petrol - I left the car to my father and I went to the withdrawal of vipassana. He has dutifully parked my place in condominium and left the key in his house. in this case were brought into his house and have installed some device in the key and remote control. well not have been much injured 'professional This time, the remote control after the fact, their chore is malfunctioning, the car is hard to open and close and they left marks and scratches on both buttons. the key seems rather more 'old, with some signs of rust.
in the carrier there 's also un'agendina where I wrote down all my passwords, PIN debit, credit cards, account numbers, is that my my mom and my son .... can therefore in theory, make purchases or withdraw money making believe that was me. go to show that you and 'stolen your password or pin! Go to report that somebody has cloned them ... will reimburse only if it proves that it is not 'your fault, but should rather be read by any password or pin the attacker, without providing just to change, and 'of course not your fault.
course, I can change them. I have already 'made a lot of times. I can no more '.
not take it anymore 'of everything.
I can not go on like this'. I'm bursting. I'm struggling day after day for too long, and time is only worsening the situation for me. them is being felt more and more 'strong,' cause I do not rebel. so I can not do anything, right? and whatever I do and 'useless.
but I do not give up. My motto is' Never Give Up!
want the truth '. I want to know ... to understand ...
but I do not want to 'create suffering to anyone ... and this' was one of my predominant thoughts during the course of Vipassana meditation, listen to talks on Buddhism by Goenka and the universal law of dharma, which are not harming others and to forgive their enemies and 'the main pillar, along with the concept of tolerance of impermanence and attachment and desire ...
I know I'm risking to create suffering to my family, I have the sense of guilt with the quote and I racked my brains but with itself. I do not lack imagination, but the reality 'has always puzzled so far, and I know that is not' over ...
if I find some concrete evidence or some reliable witness an accident could happen to my child ... an arrest for a shit, a car pirate, a robbery, an illness after eating something strange, a fight ...
or it may happen that in the village where my mother lives, which never happens nothing, there is a burglary in the house, a blockhead that scares, a robbery, an illness of unknown origin, a viral disease ...
or may refer to my new - to me - freelander, or on scooters, or any other thing that causes damage, even if only symbolically.
course could affect me personally.
a nice gang rape, already 'sexuality that I have a' not well defined?
a bat barrel squad fascist militant saw my past?
procured a overdose of something, given my past toxic?
a week of fever and diarrhea at the right time, when I'm about to leave for a trip?
short, there is' an embarrassment of choice. some the thing that they would agree more 'and' come up with something that I reduce to silence and immobility 'without me off.
but since I read every post in real time while I'm typing, or perhaps they are the only readers of this blog post from long, I will not give too many hints. Come and break my legs in a creative way, please. and maybe you please explain the 'cause of all this'. is already 'there you bring me a winning lottery ticket, I am willing to deal on my silence, let's talk.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
How Do I Unremove An Application On Facebook
U.S. military bases: the place NIU' safe place to live?
important information and advice from a former spy on our side the past:
- the demonstration in Strasbourg there was a ex-perpetrator, Carl, became in turn a targeted individual, a man before "meet Christ" as he says, and convert to a religious life, worked for some private investigation agencies that had contracts for covert operations. his task was to find the most 'information as possible about the target person, his friends and family by installing miniature cameras and bugging devices in homes, detectors gps with microphone in the car, keys in tracking cards, documents, clothes and everything 'another, the organized stalking aimed at making the target an isolated individual, suspicious of anyone spreading slanders about him, making him paranoid by replacing or moving of personal items of furniture, the disappearance effect of particular objects, creating confusion for art in its documents, organizing scenes of street theater and so on.
- Carl has confirmed to me that stalking is done using a very short time-dilated, years and years, even the life of the target, and he told me that over time staff paid by the agency to replace them neighbors, who rented the apartments that surrounded the home of the target, with the installation of the real central control over her, using various types of technological and psychological torture. obviously these infiltrators were paid for it, they usually excellent coverage and social work, and eventually spreading "rumors" of any kind designed to discredit the target in the neighborhood. I believe that such operations can be carried out even in the professional, through bullying, and in the field of relations of friendship and love life. force to become antisocial and friendless, or are afraid they may hurt or be afraid of spies damn ... I think best to approach to niche environments, spiritual, political, esoteric, or people who known for many years, or people who know what 'suffering' cause they lived on their skin ... but do not digress ...
- Carl told me that he did it mainly for money, if they earn so much, and had been trained specifically to have no emotion of compassion or empathy for victims. the problem for him and his family soo and 'arose when he tried to get out, disgusted by a few episodes and from himself, he said, and his former colleagues have begun to target with threats and intimidation, false accident illnesses and disorders of any kind caused by ultrasonic and microwave technologies, etc.. the Christian faith after meeting Carl for years has fought his own battle, and for years and not 'I came home from her' you and 'showed up in any way with them, for fear of reprisals against them.
- Carl says he is still alive only because it 'has weapons of effective controdifesa type life insurance - that is' evidence in hand against someone and if something happens they become public - and that all those who knew they wanted to change their lives have suffered a premature death by suicide strange, strange accidents, strange collapse or have completely disappeared from circulation.
now lives in Norfolk, England, with his wife and children, who he says are protected by parish, and c OUNCIL to live near U.S. military bases, not more 'than 4-5 km from the installations, and because ' in these areas can not be used and also the electromagnetic weapons technology of espionage should be limited so as not to interfere and not to be discovered by the defensive systems of interception of the staff of the military base itself.
fact 's true that oppress the target of several experiments are carried out using military technologies, but these are secret experiments carried out by special teams that operanno in total secrecy', which the army "normal" is not made aware . rather it 'happened that some of the same soldiers were subjected to experiments as human guinea pigs ...
- to confuse the most of the water and reduce the chance 'of being traced as instigators of these crimes against innocent civilians, major corporations outsource - that is' external firms - some parts of operations, these agencies provide contractors no information on the nature of the transaction, its purpose, time, and manner. mi ha detto che a quanto ha potuto vedere sono state prese di mira le persone piu' diverse per i motivi piu' diversi.
- mi ha anche detto che e' molto frequente, almeno in Inghilterra, lo spionaggio e lo stalking nei confronti di animalisti militanti, questo perche'vengono portati avanti esperimenti di manipolazione del comportamento sugli animali, soprattutto scimpanze', oranghi e altri primati, considerati della massima importanza, che comportano l'uso di armi ad energia diretta, acustiche, a microonde, ed altre tecnologie che agiscono sul cervello.
mi ha riferito la morte di oltre 20.000 scimmie in pochi anni, spero di aver capito male ma so che la realta' e' piu' terrificante di qualsiasi incubo...e ripenso al mio impegno animal with animal liberation, so I edited the website, I did volunteer at the shelter, the strange death of my dog \u200b\u200b....
other possible people are spied on everyone who has had experience with social and political activism of some kind, who broke the boxes to big companies, where the latter are trying to find the corpses of those who believe in the closet enemy, but this is not 'nothing new'.
however, the Board moved to live near a U.S. military base and 'very interesting, would it be worth a try, although I have some doubts, because when they were made peaceful demonstrations in their vicinity, for the closure or simply anti-war protesters accused often know all the classic symptoms of attack with unconventional weapons, such as severe headache tinnitus mental confusion, drowsiness nausea - symptoms are generic, but when a hundred people and accuse them all at the same time and 'logical think that they get something from outside - and circulated leaflets advised to wear hats with aluminum foil shielded and completely cover the tents.

important information and advice from a former spy on our side the past:
- the demonstration in Strasbourg there was a ex-perpetrator, Carl, became in turn a targeted individual, a man before "meet Christ" as he says, and convert to a religious life, worked for some private investigation agencies that had contracts for covert operations. his task was to find the most 'information as possible about the target person, his friends and family by installing miniature cameras and bugging devices in homes, detectors gps with microphone in the car, keys in tracking cards, documents, clothes and everything 'another, the organized stalking aimed at making the target an isolated individual, suspicious of anyone spreading slanders about him, making him paranoid by replacing or moving of personal items of furniture, the disappearance effect of particular objects, creating confusion for art in its documents, organizing scenes of street theater and so on.
- Carl has confirmed to me that stalking is done using a very short time-dilated, years and years, even the life of the target, and he told me that over time staff paid by the agency to replace them neighbors, who rented the apartments that surrounded the home of the target, with the installation of the real central control over her, using various types of technological and psychological torture. obviously these infiltrators were paid for it, they usually excellent coverage and social work, and eventually spreading "rumors" of any kind designed to discredit the target in the neighborhood. I believe that such operations can be carried out even in the professional, through bullying, and in the field of relations of friendship and love life. force to become antisocial and friendless, or are afraid they may hurt or be afraid of spies damn ... I think best to approach to niche environments, spiritual, political, esoteric, or people who known for many years, or people who know what 'suffering' cause they lived on their skin ... but do not digress ...
- Carl told me that he did it mainly for money, if they earn so much, and had been trained specifically to have no emotion of compassion or empathy for victims. the problem for him and his family soo and 'arose when he tried to get out, disgusted by a few episodes and from himself, he said, and his former colleagues have begun to target with threats and intimidation, false accident illnesses and disorders of any kind caused by ultrasonic and microwave technologies, etc.. the Christian faith after meeting Carl for years has fought his own battle, and for years and not 'I came home from her' you and 'showed up in any way with them, for fear of reprisals against them.
- Carl says he is still alive only because it 'has weapons of effective controdifesa type life insurance - that is' evidence in hand against someone and if something happens they become public - and that all those who knew they wanted to change their lives have suffered a premature death by suicide strange, strange accidents, strange collapse or have completely disappeared from circulation.
now lives in Norfolk, England, with his wife and children, who he says are protected by parish, and c OUNCIL to live near U.S. military bases, not more 'than 4-5 km from the installations, and because ' in these areas can not be used and also the electromagnetic weapons technology of espionage should be limited so as not to interfere and not to be discovered by the defensive systems of interception of the staff of the military base itself.
fact 's true that oppress the target of several experiments are carried out using military technologies, but these are secret experiments carried out by special teams that operanno in total secrecy', which the army "normal" is not made aware . rather it 'happened that some of the same soldiers were subjected to experiments as human guinea pigs ...
- to confuse the most of the water and reduce the chance 'of being traced as instigators of these crimes against innocent civilians, major corporations outsource - that is' external firms - some parts of operations, these agencies provide contractors no information on the nature of the transaction, its purpose, time, and manner. mi ha detto che a quanto ha potuto vedere sono state prese di mira le persone piu' diverse per i motivi piu' diversi.
- mi ha anche detto che e' molto frequente, almeno in Inghilterra, lo spionaggio e lo stalking nei confronti di animalisti militanti, questo perche'vengono portati avanti esperimenti di manipolazione del comportamento sugli animali, soprattutto scimpanze', oranghi e altri primati, considerati della massima importanza, che comportano l'uso di armi ad energia diretta, acustiche, a microonde, ed altre tecnologie che agiscono sul cervello.
mi ha riferito la morte di oltre 20.000 scimmie in pochi anni, spero di aver capito male ma so che la realta' e' piu' terrificante di qualsiasi incubo...e ripenso al mio impegno animal with animal liberation, so I edited the website, I did volunteer at the shelter, the strange death of my dog \u200b\u200b....
other possible people are spied on everyone who has had experience with social and political activism of some kind, who broke the boxes to big companies, where the latter are trying to find the corpses of those who believe in the closet enemy, but this is not 'nothing new'.
however, the Board moved to live near a U.S. military base and 'very interesting, would it be worth a try, although I have some doubts, because when they were made peaceful demonstrations in their vicinity, for the closure or simply anti-war protesters accused often know all the classic symptoms of attack with unconventional weapons, such as severe headache tinnitus mental confusion, drowsiness nausea - symptoms are generic, but when a hundred people and accuse them all at the same time and 'logical think that they get something from outside - and circulated leaflets advised to wear hats with aluminum foil shielded and completely cover the tents.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Inflamed Carotid Artery
worsening symptoms for me, better monitoring for their
Resume writing the blog after two weeks since my return from Spain after attending a Vipassana meditation retreat for 10 days + 2 in a beautiful place in the Apennines Tuscan-Emilian Apennines.
Vipassana and 'the classic meditation where you sit and you focus on the breath and the sensations of her body, observing everything' happens without reacting, and 'practiced since the time of Gautama Buddha, 2500 years ago, and he was enlightened by it.
The center site where you make these withdrawals and 'the following: The place where the center and 'isolation and the feeling of being far away from civilization', while just 30 km from Faenza.
At this moment I do not dwell on how I have lived these 10 days of silence and introspection, I have to make the most of the short time that I can write clearly, also because 'no I know what can 'last. In fact I'm evil, I stack overloaded with energy and if not take measures could go a short circuit.
I feel like a bomb about to explode, or that might break out but it might not do so and remain unexploded for who knows' how much, depends on a variable unknown to me, a detonator in his hands for dark purposes as dark as a house .. going to break down and every day you add a crack to the structure already 'collapse. Anyways
', cheogni day I feel worse than I had already' written a month ago, but now new symptoms were added to the picture, and going to complicate the puzzle of my absurd story. Gia 'since I moved from the city' of Granada to live in half of the Alpujarras, an area of \u200b\u200bhigh hills bordering the Sierra Nevada, had suddenly appeared a constant buzzing in my head, a dull thud, a man-made noise similar to a radio or a televiisione left on a channel where There 'no transmission in progress. I have set up a device previously impiantatomi? You are tuned to the electromagnetic frequencies emitted from my brain? E 'the final game of mind control experiment in which they are subjected?
From the third day of the Vipassana retreat this buzz and 'greatly increased, and' become invasive, and its frequency seems to vary in a range from a piercing low and alternate, who arrive in my head like waves, pulse that make me hair stand on end. At this horrible symptom adds a strange warmth to the head that has nothing to do with normal fever, and 'hyperthermia overheating of the circuits. I'm becoming a cyborg. I'm afraid to go crazy. The mind and 'subjected to incredible stress and creates both mental and psychomotor agitation, sweating, tremors, vibrations, shots of the peripheral nerves. A delirium.
I remember the buzz that started suddenly, as if something clicked, activated by a telecomando.Invece in the days when I went to Strasbourg for the event seemed to mind control had weakened, and on my return I felt again in the Alpujarras clearly the shot with which resumed in intensity '. Perhaps the perpetrators were hiding nearby, lurking in the woods wearing camouflage, or so 'I imagined them, but it could be an activation via satellite, which inspires me a lot more' fear.
perhaps this buzz was there from before my move, even if latent level and it was so low that I did not realized.
that I live for a period in a house located in open countryside, in an isolated valley which is accessed only through private dirt roads, where a few neighbors scattered in cortijos are either old hippies or elderly couples in love with the English English sun I would have done well. But in reality 'was the opposite: in the mountains can not stalk as they do in town' and can not rely on tracking cards that emit my position, I could go out with other clothes and without a mobile phone and lose my tracks, to prevent this occurrence have amplified the electrical signal that the human body emits naturally, I became a kind of wireless living.
unlike the Valley of the Eternal Father in Spain, where there was both the GSM and ADSL in the area where lies the heart of the Vipassana do not take cell phones, and in any case one of the rules expected to hand it over to staff at the beginning course. Maybe that's why the perps have decided to increase the signal that I evidently helmet to report my position, or through any device using radio waves, or microchip, or electrode applied the brain. after a few days after my arrival also fixed telephony network has stopped working, can 'be that they have deliberately broken to not disturb my signal?
spies do not want to lose sight of, and this makes me even more 'to think that my health situation is really hanging by a thread, perhaps they expect me to be a hit at any moment, and sometimes I guess they are ready to kidnap me and take me to one of those underground military installations where they lead the "covert operations" to protect from prying eyes.
I said that from the third day of the course and the buzz 'increased, but not only ... has started to turn around his head, only the first few moments, then more' every day more '... in the last days I could not even sit still to meditate, swing like a pendulum throughout the body. It seemed that the floor wobble and I felt the tremors exist. the teachers thought I had gone into a trance, or in deep meditation, and I myself had doubts that it was the effect of vipassana, which was then and 'be false.
along with the dizziness began heart palpitations and arrhythmia, the heart rate is in the lead in various parts of the body, feelings of nerves in involuntary movement, the vibrations of the muscle fibers, as microscosse power. I often hear informicolato whole body, especially at the ends'. The weakness is in addition to the strange feeling of being light as a feather, as if I were no longer 'under the same way to the force of gravity'. The withdrawal
nights I could hardly sleep, also because of the change of time - getting up at 4 matitna and rest to 21.30 - and the long hours spent sitting in the meditation hall, insomnia and this was added the feeling of being weightless, floating in the air in the air, feeling that at times was very pleasant, like a blast, and at times was terrific, 'cause I felt faint, I felt a tear in the astral body and it seemed to me that life is slipping away from my physical body.
I'm back from 2 days of withdrawal symptoms and no signs of diminishing, even worse day by day, more pronounced in the afternoon and if I stand, even if I'm walking I feel better if I lie down, and then there 's also a syndrome of orthostatic circulatory or whatever they call it ... I suspect that all the various problems I've had to date circulation, varicose veins in the legs, etc., are a consequence of the implantation of a microchip that changes the blood flow.
Today I did a long ride with the scooter, let me into the shop for a coupon, and I thought that I would not have done back home, to pass the time until 'was not ready and I went into a mall I turned my head fearfully, I could not 'walk. I barely reached a bench and sat there for a while, I had swollen feet, veins throbbing like mad in my whole body, I felt pins and needles in my legs and hands, I wanted to lie down but I did not want to attract attention.
The mechanic then and I 'came to take the scooter, with uncertain steps I reach and climb back thinking "now I will run' the world will lose 'the balance and I spiaccichero' asphalt ', instead go up and all is well I do not run anything! ... in the workshop while I prepare the bill - salty - starting to have the usual spinning and I feel lacking, as there was a magnet rotating on the floor that attracts me, I take my scooter and I ride the incredibly 7 km to the house lovely as ever, seems almost to fly, drive suspended by a cushion of air as in science fiction. Something is wrong! If it were a dizzy I had to drive as it should with difficulty ', as it happens with the car, where I have senbra seasickness, or do not do it to drive at all ...
ask me 'cause these symptoms, I think caused the sending frequency of some sort, they continue here, yet in the city' would not need this type of activation, since they follow me everywhere, I always carry a mobile phone below that I have both the car with the scooter detector position, and who knows' how many microchip inserted in the clothes and shoes ... but evidently not 'so' that works, maybe once set in motion the device can not be 'off ... or it is symptoms that they must follow their natural evolution and I'm almost at the end of the story ...
recapping I make a list of symptoms
steady hum in the ears and spreads to the head, is accentuated in the silence - heat throughout the skull, seems to have an electric motor in the head
dizziness - swaying of the body - lack of balance - disorientation - feeling of lightness - muscle weakness
tingling in hands and feet - spread-vibration pulse - pins and needles spread, especially at the temples -
micro electric shock sensations in the muscles and nerves - involuntary movements nerves present in the calves
heart palpitations - a sense of weight on his chest - agitation - anxiety - emotionalism 'accentuated
burning eyes - flickering vision - floaters - hypersensitivity' in the light - hypersensitivity 'hypersensitivity to sounds
' skin - ipesudorazione - frequent urination
sexual stimulation - sensation of blood flow and swelling in the genital region - erotic fantasies applicants continuously throughout the day
arousal and mental confusion - overlapping of thoughts - difficulty 'to think clearly - uncontrollable fantasies, daydreams that prevent Normal activities' mental

Resume writing the blog after two weeks since my return from Spain after attending a Vipassana meditation retreat for 10 days + 2 in a beautiful place in the Apennines Tuscan-Emilian Apennines.
Vipassana and 'the classic meditation where you sit and you focus on the breath and the sensations of her body, observing everything' happens without reacting, and 'practiced since the time of Gautama Buddha, 2500 years ago, and he was enlightened by it.
The center site where you make these withdrawals and 'the following: The place where the center and 'isolation and the feeling of being far away from civilization', while just 30 km from Faenza.
At this moment I do not dwell on how I have lived these 10 days of silence and introspection, I have to make the most of the short time that I can write clearly, also because 'no I know what can 'last. In fact I'm evil, I stack overloaded with energy and if not take measures could go a short circuit.
I feel like a bomb about to explode, or that might break out but it might not do so and remain unexploded for who knows' how much, depends on a variable unknown to me, a detonator in his hands for dark purposes as dark as a house .. going to break down and every day you add a crack to the structure already 'collapse. Anyways
', cheogni day I feel worse than I had already' written a month ago, but now new symptoms were added to the picture, and going to complicate the puzzle of my absurd story. Gia 'since I moved from the city' of Granada to live in half of the Alpujarras, an area of \u200b\u200bhigh hills bordering the Sierra Nevada, had suddenly appeared a constant buzzing in my head, a dull thud, a man-made noise similar to a radio or a televiisione left on a channel where There 'no transmission in progress. I have set up a device previously impiantatomi? You are tuned to the electromagnetic frequencies emitted from my brain? E 'the final game of mind control experiment in which they are subjected?
From the third day of the Vipassana retreat this buzz and 'greatly increased, and' become invasive, and its frequency seems to vary in a range from a piercing low and alternate, who arrive in my head like waves, pulse that make me hair stand on end. At this horrible symptom adds a strange warmth to the head that has nothing to do with normal fever, and 'hyperthermia overheating of the circuits. I'm becoming a cyborg. I'm afraid to go crazy. The mind and 'subjected to incredible stress and creates both mental and psychomotor agitation, sweating, tremors, vibrations, shots of the peripheral nerves. A delirium.
I remember the buzz that started suddenly, as if something clicked, activated by a telecomando.Invece in the days when I went to Strasbourg for the event seemed to mind control had weakened, and on my return I felt again in the Alpujarras clearly the shot with which resumed in intensity '. Perhaps the perpetrators were hiding nearby, lurking in the woods wearing camouflage, or so 'I imagined them, but it could be an activation via satellite, which inspires me a lot more' fear.
perhaps this buzz was there from before my move, even if latent level and it was so low that I did not realized.
that I live for a period in a house located in open countryside, in an isolated valley which is accessed only through private dirt roads, where a few neighbors scattered in cortijos are either old hippies or elderly couples in love with the English English sun I would have done well. But in reality 'was the opposite: in the mountains can not stalk as they do in town' and can not rely on tracking cards that emit my position, I could go out with other clothes and without a mobile phone and lose my tracks, to prevent this occurrence have amplified the electrical signal that the human body emits naturally, I became a kind of wireless living.
unlike the Valley of the Eternal Father in Spain, where there was both the GSM and ADSL in the area where lies the heart of the Vipassana do not take cell phones, and in any case one of the rules expected to hand it over to staff at the beginning course. Maybe that's why the perps have decided to increase the signal that I evidently helmet to report my position, or through any device using radio waves, or microchip, or electrode applied the brain. after a few days after my arrival also fixed telephony network has stopped working, can 'be that they have deliberately broken to not disturb my signal?
spies do not want to lose sight of, and this makes me even more 'to think that my health situation is really hanging by a thread, perhaps they expect me to be a hit at any moment, and sometimes I guess they are ready to kidnap me and take me to one of those underground military installations where they lead the "covert operations" to protect from prying eyes.
I said that from the third day of the course and the buzz 'increased, but not only ... has started to turn around his head, only the first few moments, then more' every day more '... in the last days I could not even sit still to meditate, swing like a pendulum throughout the body. It seemed that the floor wobble and I felt the tremors exist. the teachers thought I had gone into a trance, or in deep meditation, and I myself had doubts that it was the effect of vipassana, which was then and 'be false.
along with the dizziness began heart palpitations and arrhythmia, the heart rate is in the lead in various parts of the body, feelings of nerves in involuntary movement, the vibrations of the muscle fibers, as microscosse power. I often hear informicolato whole body, especially at the ends'. The weakness is in addition to the strange feeling of being light as a feather, as if I were no longer 'under the same way to the force of gravity'. The withdrawal
nights I could hardly sleep, also because of the change of time - getting up at 4 matitna and rest to 21.30 - and the long hours spent sitting in the meditation hall, insomnia and this was added the feeling of being weightless, floating in the air in the air, feeling that at times was very pleasant, like a blast, and at times was terrific, 'cause I felt faint, I felt a tear in the astral body and it seemed to me that life is slipping away from my physical body.
I'm back from 2 days of withdrawal symptoms and no signs of diminishing, even worse day by day, more pronounced in the afternoon and if I stand, even if I'm walking I feel better if I lie down, and then there 's also a syndrome of orthostatic circulatory or whatever they call it ... I suspect that all the various problems I've had to date circulation, varicose veins in the legs, etc., are a consequence of the implantation of a microchip that changes the blood flow.
Today I did a long ride with the scooter, let me into the shop for a coupon, and I thought that I would not have done back home, to pass the time until 'was not ready and I went into a mall I turned my head fearfully, I could not 'walk. I barely reached a bench and sat there for a while, I had swollen feet, veins throbbing like mad in my whole body, I felt pins and needles in my legs and hands, I wanted to lie down but I did not want to attract attention.
The mechanic then and I 'came to take the scooter, with uncertain steps I reach and climb back thinking "now I will run' the world will lose 'the balance and I spiaccichero' asphalt ', instead go up and all is well I do not run anything! ... in the workshop while I prepare the bill - salty - starting to have the usual spinning and I feel lacking, as there was a magnet rotating on the floor that attracts me, I take my scooter and I ride the incredibly 7 km to the house lovely as ever, seems almost to fly, drive suspended by a cushion of air as in science fiction. Something is wrong! If it were a dizzy I had to drive as it should with difficulty ', as it happens with the car, where I have senbra seasickness, or do not do it to drive at all ...
ask me 'cause these symptoms, I think caused the sending frequency of some sort, they continue here, yet in the city' would not need this type of activation, since they follow me everywhere, I always carry a mobile phone below that I have both the car with the scooter detector position, and who knows' how many microchip inserted in the clothes and shoes ... but evidently not 'so' that works, maybe once set in motion the device can not be 'off ... or it is symptoms that they must follow their natural evolution and I'm almost at the end of the story ...
recapping I make a list of symptoms
steady hum in the ears and spreads to the head, is accentuated in the silence - heat throughout the skull, seems to have an electric motor in the head
dizziness - swaying of the body - lack of balance - disorientation - feeling of lightness - muscle weakness
tingling in hands and feet - spread-vibration pulse - pins and needles spread, especially at the temples -
micro electric shock sensations in the muscles and nerves - involuntary movements nerves present in the calves
heart palpitations - a sense of weight on his chest - agitation - anxiety - emotionalism 'accentuated
burning eyes - flickering vision - floaters - hypersensitivity' in the light - hypersensitivity 'hypersensitivity to sounds
' skin - ipesudorazione - frequent urination
sexual stimulation - sensation of blood flow and swelling in the genital region - erotic fantasies applicants continuously throughout the day
arousal and mental confusion - overlapping of thoughts - difficulty 'to think clearly - uncontrollable fantasies, daydreams that prevent Normal activities' mental
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