Resume writing the blog after two weeks since my return from Spain after attending a Vipassana meditation retreat for 10 days + 2 in a beautiful place in the Apennines Tuscan-Emilian Apennines.
Vipassana and 'the classic meditation where you sit and you focus on the breath and the sensations of her body, observing everything' happens without reacting, and 'practiced since the time of Gautama Buddha, 2500 years ago, and he was enlightened by it.
The center site where you make these withdrawals and 'the following: http://www.atala.dhamma.org. The place where the center and 'isolation and the feeling of being far away from civilization', while just 30 km from Faenza.
At this moment I do not dwell on how I have lived these 10 days of silence and introspection, I have to make the most of the short time that I can write clearly, also because 'no I know what can 'last. In fact I'm evil, I stack overloaded with energy and if not take measures could go a short circuit.
I feel like a bomb about to explode, or that might break out but it might not do so and remain unexploded for who knows' how much, depends on a variable unknown to me, a detonator in his hands for dark purposes as dark as a house .. going to break down and every day you add a crack to the structure already 'collapse. Anyways
', cheogni day I feel worse than I had already' written a month ago, but now new symptoms were added to the picture, and going to complicate the puzzle of my absurd story. Gia 'since I moved from the city' of Granada to live in half of the Alpujarras, an area of \u200b\u200bhigh hills bordering the Sierra Nevada, had suddenly appeared a constant buzzing in my head, a dull thud, a man-made noise similar to a radio or a televiisione left on a channel where There 'no transmission in progress. I have set up a device previously impiantatomi? You are tuned to the electromagnetic frequencies emitted from my brain? E 'the final game of mind control experiment in which they are subjected?
From the third day of the Vipassana retreat this buzz and 'greatly increased, and' become invasive, and its frequency seems to vary in a range from a piercing low and alternate, who arrive in my head like waves, pulse that make me hair stand on end. At this horrible symptom adds a strange warmth to the head that has nothing to do with normal fever, and 'hyperthermia overheating of the circuits. I'm becoming a cyborg. I'm afraid to go crazy. The mind and 'subjected to incredible stress and creates both mental and psychomotor agitation, sweating, tremors, vibrations, shots of the peripheral nerves. A delirium.
I remember the buzz that started suddenly, as if something clicked, activated by a telecomando.Invece in the days when I went to Strasbourg for the event seemed to mind control had weakened, and on my return I felt again in the Alpujarras clearly the shot with which resumed in intensity '. Perhaps the perpetrators were hiding nearby, lurking in the woods wearing camouflage, or so 'I imagined them, but it could be an activation via satellite, which inspires me a lot more' fear.
perhaps this buzz was there from before my move, even if latent level and it was so low that I did not realized.
that I live for a period in a house located in open countryside, in an isolated valley which is accessed only through private dirt roads, where a few neighbors scattered in cortijos are either old hippies or elderly couples in love with the English English sun I would have done well. But in reality 'was the opposite: in the mountains can not stalk as they do in town' and can not rely on tracking cards that emit my position, I could go out with other clothes and without a mobile phone and lose my tracks, to prevent this occurrence have amplified the electrical signal that the human body emits naturally, I became a kind of wireless living.
unlike the Valley of the Eternal Father in Spain, where there was both the GSM and ADSL in the area where lies the heart of the Vipassana do not take cell phones, and in any case one of the rules expected to hand it over to staff at the beginning course. Maybe that's why the perps have decided to increase the signal that I evidently helmet to report my position, or through any device using radio waves, or microchip, or electrode applied the brain. after a few days after my arrival also fixed telephony network has stopped working, can 'be that they have deliberately broken to not disturb my signal?
spies do not want to lose sight of, and this makes me even more 'to think that my health situation is really hanging by a thread, perhaps they expect me to be a hit at any moment, and sometimes I guess they are ready to kidnap me and take me to one of those underground military installations where they lead the "covert operations" to protect from prying eyes.
I said that from the third day of the course and the buzz 'increased, but not only ... has started to turn around his head, only the first few moments, then more' every day more '... in the last days I could not even sit still to meditate, swing like a pendulum throughout the body. It seemed that the floor wobble and I felt the tremors exist. the teachers thought I had gone into a trance, or in deep meditation, and I myself had doubts that it was the effect of vipassana, which was then and 'be false.
along with the dizziness began heart palpitations and arrhythmia, the heart rate is in the lead in various parts of the body, feelings of nerves in involuntary movement, the vibrations of the muscle fibers, as microscosse power. I often hear informicolato whole body, especially at the ends'. The weakness is in addition to the strange feeling of being light as a feather, as if I were no longer 'under the same way to the force of gravity'. The withdrawal
nights I could hardly sleep, also because of the change of time - getting up at 4 matitna and rest to 21.30 - and the long hours spent sitting in the meditation hall, insomnia and this was added the feeling of being weightless, floating in the air in the air, feeling that at times was very pleasant, like a blast, and at times was terrific, 'cause I felt faint, I felt a tear in the astral body and it seemed to me that life is slipping away from my physical body.
I'm back from 2 days of withdrawal symptoms and no signs of diminishing, even worse day by day, more pronounced in the afternoon and if I stand, even if I'm walking I feel better if I lie down, and then there 's also a syndrome of orthostatic circulatory or whatever they call it ... I suspect that all the various problems I've had to date circulation, varicose veins in the legs, etc., are a consequence of the implantation of a microchip that changes the blood flow.
Today I did a long ride with the scooter, let me into the shop for a coupon, and I thought that I would not have done back home, to pass the time until 'was not ready and I went into a mall I turned my head fearfully, I could not 'walk. I barely reached a bench and sat there for a while, I had swollen feet, veins throbbing like mad in my whole body, I felt pins and needles in my legs and hands, I wanted to lie down but I did not want to attract attention.
The mechanic then and I 'came to take the scooter, with uncertain steps I reach and climb back thinking "now I will run' the world will lose 'the balance and I spiaccichero' asphalt ', instead go up and all is well I do not run anything! ... in the workshop while I prepare the bill - salty - starting to have the usual spinning and I feel lacking, as there was a magnet rotating on the floor that attracts me, I take my scooter and I ride the incredibly 7 km to the house lovely as ever, seems almost to fly, drive suspended by a cushion of air as in science fiction. Something is wrong! If it were a dizzy I had to drive as it should with difficulty ', as it happens with the car, where I have senbra seasickness, or do not do it to drive at all ...
ask me 'cause these symptoms, I think caused the sending frequency of some sort, they continue here, yet in the city' would not need this type of activation, since they follow me everywhere, I always carry a mobile phone below that I have both the car with the scooter detector position, and who knows' how many microchip inserted in the clothes and shoes ... but evidently not 'so' that works, maybe once set in motion the device can not be 'off ... or it is symptoms that they must follow their natural evolution and I'm almost at the end of the story ...
recapping I make a list of symptoms
steady hum in the ears and spreads to the head, is accentuated in the silence - heat throughout the skull, seems to have an electric motor in the head
dizziness - swaying of the body - lack of balance - disorientation - feeling of lightness - muscle weakness
tingling in hands and feet - spread-vibration pulse - pins and needles spread, especially at the temples -
micro electric shock sensations in the muscles and nerves - involuntary movements nerves present in the calves
heart palpitations - a sense of weight on his chest - agitation - anxiety - emotionalism 'accentuated
burning eyes - flickering vision - floaters - hypersensitivity' in the light - hypersensitivity 'hypersensitivity to sounds
' skin - ipesudorazione - frequent urination
sexual stimulation - sensation of blood flow and swelling in the genital region - erotic fantasies applicants continuously throughout the day
arousal and mental confusion - overlapping of thoughts - difficulty 'to think clearly - uncontrollable fantasies, daydreams that prevent Normal activities' mental
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