important information and advice from a former spy on our side the past:
- the demonstration in Strasbourg there was a ex-perpetrator, Carl, became in turn a targeted individual, a man before "meet Christ" as he says, and convert to a religious life, worked for some private investigation agencies that had contracts for covert operations. his task was to find the most 'information as possible about the target person, his friends and family by installing miniature cameras and bugging devices in homes, detectors gps with microphone in the car, keys in tracking cards, documents, clothes and everything 'another, the organized stalking aimed at making the target an isolated individual, suspicious of anyone spreading slanders about him, making him paranoid by replacing or moving of personal items of furniture, the disappearance effect of particular objects, creating confusion for art in its documents, organizing scenes of street theater and so on.
- Carl has confirmed to me that stalking is done using a very short time-dilated, years and years, even the life of the target, and he told me that over time staff paid by the agency to replace them neighbors, who rented the apartments that surrounded the home of the target, with the installation of the real central control over her, using various types of technological and psychological torture. obviously these infiltrators were paid for it, they usually excellent coverage and social work, and eventually spreading "rumors" of any kind designed to discredit the target in the neighborhood. I believe that such operations can be carried out even in the professional, through bullying, and in the field of relations of friendship and love life. force to become antisocial and friendless, or are afraid they may hurt or be afraid of spies damn ... I think best to approach to niche environments, spiritual, political, esoteric, or people who known for many years, or people who know what 'suffering' cause they lived on their skin ... but do not digress ...
- Carl told me that he did it mainly for money, if they earn so much, and had been trained specifically to have no emotion of compassion or empathy for victims. the problem for him and his family soo and 'arose when he tried to get out, disgusted by a few episodes and from himself, he said, and his former colleagues have begun to target with threats and intimidation, false accident illnesses and disorders of any kind caused by ultrasonic and microwave technologies, etc.. the Christian faith after meeting Carl for years has fought his own battle, and for years and not 'I came home from her' you and 'showed up in any way with them, for fear of reprisals against them.
- Carl says he is still alive only because it 'has weapons of effective controdifesa type life insurance - that is' evidence in hand against someone and if something happens they become public - and that all those who knew they wanted to change their lives have suffered a premature death by suicide strange, strange accidents, strange collapse or have completely disappeared from circulation.
now lives in Norfolk, England, with his wife and children, who he says are protected by parish, and c OUNCIL to live near U.S. military bases, not more 'than 4-5 km from the installations, and because ' in these areas can not be used and also the electromagnetic weapons technology of espionage should be limited so as not to interfere and not to be discovered by the defensive systems of interception of the staff of the military base itself.
fact 's true that oppress the target of several experiments are carried out using military technologies, but these are secret experiments carried out by special teams that operanno in total secrecy', which the army "normal" is not made aware . rather it 'happened that some of the same soldiers were subjected to experiments as human guinea pigs ...
- to confuse the most of the water and reduce the chance 'of being traced as instigators of these crimes against innocent civilians, major corporations outsource - that is' external firms - some parts of operations, these agencies provide contractors no information on the nature of the transaction, its purpose, time, and manner. mi ha detto che a quanto ha potuto vedere sono state prese di mira le persone piu' diverse per i motivi piu' diversi.
- mi ha anche detto che e' molto frequente, almeno in Inghilterra, lo spionaggio e lo stalking nei confronti di animalisti militanti, questo perche'vengono portati avanti esperimenti di manipolazione del comportamento sugli animali, soprattutto scimpanze', oranghi e altri primati, considerati della massima importanza, che comportano l'uso di armi ad energia diretta, acustiche, a microonde, ed altre tecnologie che agiscono sul cervello.
mi ha riferito la morte di oltre 20.000 scimmie in pochi anni, spero di aver capito male ma so che la realta' e' piu' terrificante di qualsiasi incubo...e ripenso al mio impegno animal with animal liberation, so I edited the website, I did volunteer at the shelter, the strange death of my dog \u200b\u200b....
other possible people are spied on everyone who has had experience with social and political activism of some kind, who broke the boxes to big companies, where the latter are trying to find the corpses of those who believe in the closet enemy, but this is not 'nothing new'.
however, the Board moved to live near a U.S. military base and 'very interesting, would it be worth a try, although I have some doubts, because when they were made peaceful demonstrations in their vicinity, for the closure or simply anti-war protesters accused often know all the classic symptoms of attack with unconventional weapons, such as severe headache tinnitus mental confusion, drowsiness nausea - symptoms are generic, but when a hundred people and accuse them all at the same time and 'logical think that they get something from outside - and circulated leaflets advised to wear hats with aluminum foil shielded and completely cover the tents.
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