today I got a nasty surprise. yet another. the latest in a long series.
that this is not a novelty ', and' more than 7-seven years (!!!) I find items replaced with almost the same, that I am I being sabotaged computers, cameras, mobile phones ....
for me 'was still a bad half hour. do not ever get used to violations of their privacy and their lives, or at least I can not do it, even if I look around at this point, not least the worst.
surprise and 'was to open the pouch where I keep things that I carry with me always and everywhere, from the 10-inch netbook that I'm writing this post from the camera with its charger, keys and some papers ... and find some things slightly but clearly changed, a car key replaced with a similar, but more 'worn, and its remote control is missing the opening call. disappeared. jprobabilmente have opened the device for inserting a lamp and broke it, or they forgot to attach the key.
maybe were in a hurry for some reason.
I left pouch and carrying bag-netbook to the organizers of Vipassana retreat, which took into custody all the personal belongings of participants in the course of 10 days. I was told that guarded all the loot in the safe, but when you pick up my things I saw that it was a simple metal case, a blue cart on wheels with a trivial closed lock. a breeze for experienced criminals with Mat, there have lost less than two minutes to open it. have waited the appropriate time, probably at night, and were introduced by stealth in the center, and that 'a secluded villa surrounded by acres of forest, but usually where there' s always someone around, and where even at night there may well be someone in the group awake ... not just a risk. everything 'to steal something, but to have access to all of those things that I always carry with me. to sabotage them also. to make them more 'paranoid. to humiliate me further. to me that all my effort and 'useless. Well thank you. I now realize once more 'I have to give up everything. every object, every technology. I also give to my own life. I can not do more 'to live like this'. not 'this life. I do not know if the thoughts in my head are mine, if I perform the actions, or if I decide I really under hypnotic suggestion of some crazy criminal. but I digress ... back to the facts: I have two keys
two cars, one that I use here in Italy and one that I bought in Spain, thinking that I would set them indefinitely.
I bought a "furgoneta" used stuff varies where you can upload a Citroen Berlingo suited to the campaign, with two keys and its infrared remote control.
now the main key and 'was replaced with a more' old, with several spots, or maybe 'the same but from the smooth, and' was rubbed with something that has removed the black and the other has many small scratches and marks around the logo Citroen, a circle with a kind of double v.
the remote control that was both the key and 'completely disappeared.
then I noticed some small differences even in the charger the camera, especially the power of light, mind, the same camera, a Casio Exilim, apparently has not changed evident. only that I can not 'load any videos on youtube, and then puo'darsi that would modify the software in the camera and in the netbook.
for the latter, besides not being able to upload videos, when I came back to Italy I can not 'to use linux. I have a dual operating system, in addition to Windows XP SP3 I installed ubuntu, and I used it too often, though not always. already 'a month Firefox had begun to make the tantrums, but still managed to surf the web and use programs, but now It is impossible to even access the menus and applications and' fully disabled the program that deals with the network, ie 'network access, both wireless and wired. I have done this without any change of course. I have not even had access to the system. ubuntu asks for the password to enter, but I do not think a major obstacle for a hacker, except that to my friend Julian, who is a programmer and that I had installed ubuntu, had escaped to say it out loud, and apart from that if I really see a plant in the retina when I type ... I also
car here in Italy, a rover I bought a few months ago, after having toured for years with a decrepit fiat. having to do the testing for the lpg that I had installed - uses no delusions of petrol - I left the car to my father and I went to the withdrawal of vipassana. He has dutifully parked my place in condominium and left the key in his house. in this case were brought into his house and have installed some device in the key and remote control. well not have been much injured 'professional This time, the remote control after the fact, their chore is malfunctioning, the car is hard to open and close and they left marks and scratches on both buttons. the key seems rather more 'old, with some signs of rust.
in the carrier there 's also un'agendina where I wrote down all my passwords, PIN debit, credit cards, account numbers, is that my my mom and my son .... can therefore in theory, make purchases or withdraw money making believe that was me. go to show that you and 'stolen your password or pin! Go to report that somebody has cloned them ... will reimburse only if it proves that it is not 'your fault, but should rather be read by any password or pin the attacker, without providing just to change, and 'of course not your fault.
course, I can change them. I have already 'made a lot of times. I can no more '.
not take it anymore 'of everything.
I can not go on like this'. I'm bursting. I'm struggling day after day for too long, and time is only worsening the situation for me. them is being felt more and more 'strong,' cause I do not rebel. so I can not do anything, right? and whatever I do and 'useless.
but I do not give up. My motto is' Never Give Up!
want the truth '. I want to know ... to understand ...
but I do not want to 'create suffering to anyone ... and this' was one of my predominant thoughts during the course of Vipassana meditation, listen to talks on Buddhism by Goenka and the universal law of dharma, which are not harming others and to forgive their enemies and 'the main pillar, along with the concept of tolerance of impermanence and attachment and desire ...
I know I'm risking to create suffering to my family, I have the sense of guilt with the quote and I racked my brains but with itself. I do not lack imagination, but the reality 'has always puzzled so far, and I know that is not' over ...
if I find some concrete evidence or some reliable witness an accident could happen to my child ... an arrest for a shit, a car pirate, a robbery, an illness after eating something strange, a fight ...
or it may happen that in the village where my mother lives, which never happens nothing, there is a burglary in the house, a blockhead that scares, a robbery, an illness of unknown origin, a viral disease ...
or may refer to my new - to me - freelander, or on scooters, or any other thing that causes damage, even if only symbolically.
course could affect me personally.
a nice gang rape, already 'sexuality that I have a' not well defined?
a bat barrel squad fascist militant saw my past?
procured a overdose of something, given my past toxic?
a week of fever and diarrhea at the right time, when I'm about to leave for a trip?
short, there is' an embarrassment of choice. some the thing that they would agree more 'and' come up with something that I reduce to silence and immobility 'without me off.
but since I read every post in real time while I'm typing, or perhaps they are the only readers of this blog post from long, I will not give too many hints. Come and break my legs in a creative way, please. and maybe you please explain the 'cause of all this'. is already 'there you bring me a winning lottery ticket, I am willing to deal on my silence, let's talk.
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