Friday, September 24, 2010

Polaris Indy Suspension Adjustment

thank Lisa a hug and greet all
e. .. Claudia soon

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Gland Pain After Drinking

trophy "Sea Alps"

Saturday, September 18, 2010, in Cuneo, in the presence of the provincial technical, there was the selection of athletes for the team that will represent the province of Cuneo scope trophy "Sea Alps "to be held Sunday, October 3 in Nice. Four of the Judo athletes
Grinzane were selected to be part of the team: Andrea Cerruti

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What Is The Best Gym Locker Lock


Care colleagues, for organizational reasons the dinner scheduled for Thursday, September 23 has been postponed.
will contact you as soon as a message, call and write on the blog to announce the next date and the restaurant where we meet. Good luck to tutte.A soon. Lisa.

Monday, September 13, 2010

How To Get Companies To Donate Money

impossible to contact, but the journey continues

I had hoped for a nearly impossible to contact by "them."
Also for this for a long time I no longer 'written anything on these pages, I was waiting for the close contact of the fourth type. That is not 'happen.
It 's also true that things had to write a bit' exhausted, having witnessed more 'or less the story of my target was going on repetitive ... and I'm always looking for new things to get the impression that evolve, and I feel dead inside.
hoped naively came forward, I do not know how or by who or What I do not know when, but I threw a stone and listen for the thud or reverse, but I launched into space, he said nothing, and it 'the worst response. That they have no answer.
So 'and' Time passed, and although I count on the psychological factor, that 'on many years of distinguished service as a test lab and no one' experiment came to tell me that it is, who controls us and why '.
What a disappointment. I'm going to write here groped for new ways and new hypotheses, having a little 'ee path a little' forget the old ones.
Sometimes I happened to write some comments on the PC spying on my life, but then I had not published. Dead letter, however, are modest confidence that we read just me and my profilerss ... (the double and they 'wanted). Here's what I wrote March 4, 2010 at the airport in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bangry over losing the plane:
"I'm still alive.
I did not write 's nothing for a long time, but my life continues as before tip-off.
I'm ready to die every day .... but I want to live every moment.
rating of the world does not make me more 'nor' hot or 'cold ... yet the world is still a prisoner, though I'm taking a step by step toward liberation.
One of these steps and 'was the hospital to get rid from a drug addiction that had lasted several years.
E 'was very hard. Beyond the 'worst of all my expectations.
The shelter itself 'and' only lasted 10 days, but had the straschichi very heavy physical and psychological that last day.
For two months, December and January 2010, I was a sickly plant species or anchored to the bed or sofa.
withdrawal symptoms are persistent, extreme fatigue, depression, insomnia, here is the content of my every day for three months now.

I was a naive innocent. Unfortunately I trusted the advice of a physician surface SERT and a discussion of the hyper reassuring chief of "medicine dependency. " Yet
knew: never trust doctors, especially those with the detoxification you earn. Always ask
independently on the Internet and international sites.
But as often happens, that 'it is recommended to others then you do not follow it yourself.

Only after returning home, with several weeks of shoulder pain and suffering, I started doing research on the Internet, especially in forums in English, and I discovered that I had to behave in a completely different way.
To remove painlessly from my life that I had to use intoxicants certain devices ... I have heard too late and I paid dearly for my superficiality ', but to ensure that this suffering is not useless, I have translated and adapted to the small Italian two guides, one on the detoxification and opiate detoxification on Subutex, which was then my case.

Apart from the sweat and blood with which I have paid my way ... without rash disintosscazione I'm happy.
are satisfied with me, even though they are physically quite a rag.
E 'for this reason that I have written over' anything, although there were significant events both in and out of hospital, which would be worth talking. But it 's better than me taking certain discoveries for me, or I would give more benefits to the enemy. I say
just showed up heavily, and I have confirmed that a number of 'them' and 'man at a distance from me, wherever I am and at any time.
Can 'a passer-by, sitting in a car, a girl who looks at the windows, a worker in the maintenance of the USL.
I usually do not see it at all, or only in passing, crossing, 'cause is ordered to be close to me but being out of my field of vision.

"they" were ready to enter into my hospital room after a few minutes away from my department in a non-programmed.
I left all my things in the room with nothing and I was wearing the pajamas and left without notice, as they could follow my movements unless through a microchip implanted somewhere, or audio-video satellite tracking ... or the recording of vital signs behind the walls ... how to find survivors under the rubble of earthquakes.
Yet they also need the support of people in situ that alert when I cross.

were ready to enter my apartment after a few minutes out of my house, again without warning and with the bag left at the home of my neighbor. Whatever it is to signal my presence I should be able to easily remove, or I WOULD BE around.

In recent months I have moved very little and slowly, that the occasions in which espionage and 'was evident were relatively few, but do not consider it a period of hibernation.
's a kind of disease but also a long convalescence, my body and' exhausted, but could die to make way for the caterpillar to butterfly.
In January, I still decided to take a trip to a climate more 'pleasant, in Malta, but' skipped, and it 'was better,' cause it gave me the opportunity 'to find info on the internet sull'Iboga and then participate in an initiation ceremony with this sacred root in Spain.
and 'was an interesting experience, strong, uncomfortable. Still partially to understand.
is not 'it happened' the miracle, and that means' that the nightmare is over espionage and I live a free life, it 'I have found the key to the problem, the reason for everything'.
"they" have not yet decided to do away with me, and I've temporarily decided to pretend do not exist.
Porto forward my little daily life of caring about those who follow me down the street, who hears my few phone calls, those who read my email and even a few who breaks into my house and my personal tarot.
In fact, the "who cares" and 'the way I managed to survive the organized stalking and all attempts to get me mad.
have survived the tests to which I have submitted. Temporarily.
I still have a life to spend, but the video game world makes me go to the next level. Temporarily
I still wonder why the 'I'm surviving. I suspect I'll find out 'a moment too late, dead.
I saw the madness in my face, I lived through the hell and terror, I went through the death of his former life, I lost my social roles, familari, reputation, friendships, identity '... and I'm still here. But I might not be tomorrow. "

So I make a summary of the period, given that my memory is incomplete more and more 'deficit, and that I intend to keep a diary but often then not ever start.

Since the end of 2009 have happened a bit 'of things in my life, the underlying reason and' remained the same but some details have changed, some small goals I've achieved and I'm happy, others have changed or I have abandoned, but my life in person spied, a guinea pig for secret experiments, continues as usual.
The winter months between late 2009 and early 2010 were characterized by persistent discomfort due to detox from Subutex, which I practically locked in the house for a lot more 'time than expected. I felt apathetic, exhausted, I was shuttled from the bed to the couch and did not go out hardly ever. The turning and
'was a ceremony with a sacred plant iboga, which I decided to participate in February 2010. The aim was to overcome the dependence on that drug, you took that as far as quantity 'negligible, however, kept me tied psychologically. (Target achieved for some months, but by July I'm experiencing recurring effects in the use of small amounts 'of opiate-based substances, also because' I always feel tired, stiff, as well as depressed.)

In December 2009 I was hospitalized Verona 10 days for what was to be a rapid detoxification, revealed a joke given that to restore it took me months.
Then I was in spain a week at Christmas to see my son again in January then everything locked in the house, slowly improving.
Browsing the internet I found many stories of people who describe the properties' iboga, which besides being an aid for those who want to detoxify without pain and 'especially with a root property' psychoactive, allowing travel by contacting the inner parts of himself 'deep entities' ancestral experiences of death and rebirth. I was contacted by mail an Italian friend of two shamans English, who told me of preparing for a spiritual ceremony in andalusia own in February, in a weekend full moon.
Well, that did ... within a few days I joined the group Andalusian last minute as always.
I will not dwell on what 'I've lived inside and how it' done this weekend, I had visions of it 'I received messages from spirit guides or if my' higher, but this is a bit 'budget was because I know that the spies can use technology to change my brain waves, although I hope only to a certain extent.
do not know exactly how they do it, but I personally experienced that they can clear the physical and neurological effects of certain drugs, particularly cocaine. I also participated
... the risk that the iboga not work with me or make me feel bad or I would cause unpredictable side effects, but also run the risk of me putting a spoke in the wheel during the trip and I did not arrive on the scene ... I boycott or in other ways as a surprise, but there you '... in the words of the great raffaella carra '"better not ever try a tumble! ("Who knows' if it" was called and it was the symbol of Canzonissima).

However since then the events are unlocked, and I started to feel pretty well within a few days I have also found the apartment to buy for my son, I was looking for a year so inconclusive.
do not know if it was a good choice or not, to me that city ' not like it at all and a little 'me tired all over Spain, but the price was affordable and the piso being located in the center I thought I could easily sell in a hypothetical future ... There were some work to do, third floor, etc. ... but insomnia and now 'way.
Having resolved the thorny issue of a sudden, you drag along with me, what to expect and making me repeat the same behaviors and thoughts, almost unexpectedly with a header, I thought to do another one, gia'che I was there!
Back in Italy, after a week, I joined a group leaving for khumba apple, I had a visa for India and they are playing!
Journey with a capital, the mystical journey of search for excellence, mother India ... ETA 'for 15 years I thought I would go to India and I never did, maybe for fear perhaps snobbery ... had become almost a myth, the great journey ... but I'm not here to make an account of my experiences in India, the story is too long!
For two weeks I have shared the journey with these people, then they came back and I'm still two months left on my own to roam Delhi, Goa, Kolkata, Dharamsala ... I returned to Italy on June 1st 2010, at the expiry of three months.
So I spent the summer at home in total laziness and relaxation, enjoying their new-found comfort 'western, tv, water, clean streets, the few people around from the masses of various humanitarian' Eastern Europe, without having found answers to my questions or directions on the next steps forward in my journey.
Recently, research continues in a very halting and fragmentary with some tentative sprint but 'quickly exhaust their energy boost, or if I'm evolving I'm regressing honestly do not know. They are prey to internal struggles between opposing tendencies and needs'.

I realize that my seemingly contradictory path, no direction, in reality, 'even if it has a mostly unconscious, that direction myself I can not interpret its signals and messages in code, I would say that there are parts of me trying to communicate with the outside but they speak different languages.
sure the path and 'also influenced by external forces, the spies who, with their forays me cause reactions of different types of events that I was drawn to go beyond the Matrix, as well as the reality' or unconscious imitation of human soul submitted by entities' invisible.
I'm tired of my life as a human guinea pig and I'm ready to know the truth ', whatever it is.
One of the hypotheses that sometimes makes its way into my mind and 'that of suicide awareness, ie' to put an end to my life not continue to serve evil ends, a business that are harmful to people and animals, corporations that finance wars and epidemics to get rich, the creators of evil that creates more harm that triggers another bad in a labyrinth without end.
not want to be part of this, and if not I'll have 'other alternatives to go this hypothesis seems to be taken into consideration. In exceptional cases, suicide and 'allowed even in the esoteric schools of Christian origin, and the soul does not come to the karmic consequences that should be expected in most circumstances' common.
first try 'to get some shred of truth' by means less drastic ... I'm getting close to hypnosis with a therapist proven experience and skill, I am facing my physical and emotional wounds with Prana therapy sessions, I made some attempt to astral travel, yet failed, an introduction to Tibetan Buddhism, of which I have read some very interesting texts on death and reincarnation .... in short, I seek the truth 'inside, I could also look for evidence outside the gps hidden in the car, the bugs hidden in the house, fake phones, but it would solve? On these items there 'the brand name of the client ... the mystery remain ... I sold it and attract the manpower criminal who makes a living spying on cheating scheming stalking sabotaging ...
etc etc etc etc

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Brent Corrigan And Brent Everett 3gp

Conference School and Hospital

On September 9, 2010, at the Aula Magna of the Hospital of Pescara, conference will be held on "School and Hospital - dialogue between knowledge and places of care."
at 12.15 the intervention of the Ass. Tartabus: "Donating time, volunteer master Tartabus"

"... but as was the care that first gave shape to this being, it will live as long as it holds the Care "

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What To Wear To A Brown Alum Interview

there are too ...

Finally I'm in a greeting to all.
Yesterday I resumed service, we had the first college .....
hours, organization, calendar, committees and so on. Then the comments from colleagues:
-Going back to school on 15 and we expect our students with their new starched aprons, with books and notebooks carefully lined by their mothers because they do not spoil too much.

But what would you do, my dear teacher, if there was no one in that room ?!..... Luisa