Saturday, March 19, 2011

Usb Camera Vx-3000 Sterowniki

Forgive me father

Who can give you a greater love

Forgive me father

I did not understand but there is still time to return

Roberto 19:03:11

Photo source

Friday, March 18, 2011

Barefoot Vegan Shoes Low Cost

... UuuAa aOooH!

We're back! After a long pause, we are ready to leave ... and it was a departure really amazing how the discoveries of science lab extraordinary coordinated by prof. ssa Enrica Giordano ... UuAoH! Among
inventions and experiments, we started the training process that will lead us this year by the creation of "scientific development" in search of their deeper meanings, then the metaphor.
I hope to post some photos on the experiences ... I miss those with dust and earth ... you can guess why: I've done a mess ... in short student to model!?

AIR: construction and flight of the parachute


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Retirement Wording For Cakes

united Italy

Son more than a thousand red poppies
that marred
our lawns
all heroic volunteers
that allowed
with passion and unhindered
with sacrifice and without fear
with will and passion
this coveted goal.

An unparalleled courage
for a handful brave
with a single creed
a real desire
a pure ideal and stubborn.

Roberto 17:03:11

Monday, March 14, 2011

Lacrosse Men's Pinnies

Pescara March 11, 2011 Magic Science e. .. music

When the teachers are "oh oh oh"
How wonderful, how wonderful! The

science can become a game
So everything is new
and with Enrico
all back to do oh oh oh "

Thanks Claudia

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cell Respiration Lab Five Answers


They have repeatedly called on to throw in the
but he
perseveres ...

wants to prove to himself and to others

that there ...

Roberto 06.12.88

The photo is of Julia

Friday, March 11, 2011

Why Do I Having A Outie Belly Button

How likely 'that there are holes in a tire tread and not on the side? How many forino
that two tires on the side on the same day? I would say more 'or less than one in a million ... to say much.
According to the tire I replaced the tires on the ground in the case of holes punteruolo.Per him and 'the work of some stupid' cause maybe I had parked in a place where it was annoying. I though 'I know that bucarmi tires were "them" to prevent me from arriving in time for an appointment I had on the morning of March 3.
Gia 'cause this morning I was supposed to go with a group of friends for a few days in the woods, on foot, with backpack and sleeping bag, leaving the car park and leaving home phones, watches, cameras. Face to face with nature and without technology, in short, even though it was a test of survival as we would have a shelter with a fireplace and we bought food for three days.
The fact 'that the forests in question are not easily accessible since they are owned by' private and the Federation of Damanhur are considered sacred in the rise in the mountains above and around the temple of the people, and that 'a huge underground structure, ie 'carved into the mountain. Around these woods there are several settlements Damanhurians and cars and people are moving all the residents.
It 'obvious that my "remote controllers" have thought of taking preventive action, because' in the woods would not be able to follow my movements as they usually do and that is' using tracking devices that they put me in the car , PC, mobile, and various personal items.
I also had a pair of hiking boots just bought that they could not put anything inside, and I had brought with her sweaters and suits the battle, not the usual pants and jackets that occasionally emit smears microscopically due to radio frequency stuck by spies.
So on the morning of the appointment with the group I started with Natalibera, my glorious Freelander, but after a few hundred meters I had to stop by the roadside, with the right rear tire that was on the floor.
Fortunately I called him and others I picked them up, then after a few attempts to change the tire, we decided to leave the car there because 'it would take too long. Wise decision, also because 'the tires were pierced two, even if you do not know. The left front tire seemed a little 'puffs up, but it was still on the ground. Dh
At the Create, a meeting place with our guides Damanhurian, I immediately noticed a jerk who clashed with the environment was smoking a cigarette (in Damanhur and 'no smoking even outside), was in the parking lot that is below and opposite the building, where we had data just because 'and' a little 'aloof and hard to see, had a dark and sinister attitude, in contrast to the smiling faces and open and that' used to see in Damanhur. The
tipaccio gave me a quick glance that I have returned, practically there are "recognized." He will have 'seen my many photos and movies taken in secret, while I become the accomplices of the criminals spies, mercenaries from peanuts, are made known to the skin.
Sara 'was he forarmi the tires? When they will have 'done? Probably during the night.
Until the night before my participation experience in the sacred forest was probably due to flu and fever that I had had the previous days, but tonight I felt better and I decided to go, also communicate via SMS to others that I should bring in the car with me. Then "they" have decided to get into action and sent the jerk to do his dirty work.
So I left the car on the roadside and went into the woods with other, more 'Later I also left the keys to a person who would find someone to replace the tire and bring the car home, then the damage and retaliation-is' revealed a loss instead of an advantage for the spies: I was now without the gps and the car without the keys with the their "tracking device" in the remote control.
My experience of contact with the sacred grove and 'only lasted three days while the rest of the group has scored five.
the third day I asked him to return to civilization 'cause I was overwhelmed with flulike symptoms who had become more and more' heavy, especially from a very oppressive headache, which prevented me from doing activities of both 'physical rest.
I have strong suspicions that some of the symptoms are caused by the activation of some microchip under the skin that I have somewhere, but this time I had no dizziness, eye problems, mental wild fantasies, etc., so the considerations I had done after the withdrawal of vipassana. (I had attended a ten-day retreat in Marradi, a place 'where they took cell phones, and fully experienced symptoms of the nervous system by electrical overload ... see post). In this forest
phones took very well, the wind had four notches, so the situation was different ... and with powerful telephoto lenses from nearby hills or satellite spies have certainly found a way to follow my every move and the group.
The symptoms that I felt were some hyperactivity 'nervous heated neck that made me sweat on the scalp, in fact already' on the second day my hair was all greasy, and hung his head I had to always wear hat or earmuffs even inside the shelter, because it was cold and then froze the sweat on his head. This likely solicitation of a chip near the brain has had its positive side: despite a heavy cold, I was able to carry out activities' outside in the snow, and I participated in work hard and heavy as the transport of firewood a place situated about a mile to our shelter. While others pushed hard with a wheelbarrow full of huge logs along a path uphill into the slush, snow, leaves, I had loaded the logs in my huge backpack and hobbled invicta ... with a drop of gas! Unfortunately there were also downsides and that means' insomnia, which 'was a contributory cause of the headaches that I had then and that I and' duration for two nights after returning home.
realizing that the first night of being awake as a cricket I did watch the first round by the fire, which was never extinguished, it being several hours by the fire staring at the magic of warmth and color of the flames, then at night when the second person gave me the return, I went to lie down in my sleeping bag but I could not sleep. At first I was very cold, I was uncomfortable, I could not relax, then after I intabarrata sweaters with leggings and wool socks I had no more 'cold but I had to make an effort to be able to keep your eyes closed .. and slowly and finally 'arrived in the morning.
The second night I again made the watch by the fire and spent most of the night by the fireplace, leaving the other two well a few hours to spend awake. The relationship I had with fire 'was really beautiful, magical, made me feel how alive and how many possibilities this' gives us contact with other dimensions in time and space. Sacred fire of contact with our inner fire.
The next day I began to experience some failure due to fatigue, heavy legs and I felt I was having trouble walking, then started to hurt my head and all movement gave me especially painful pulse front. In this state I have not had the strength and desire to participate in activities' and the group games and when they fell to dhcrea for a meeting I stayed at the shelter, also because 'I had a little' fever.
the third night I did not shift at the fire but I have very little and slept badly. I had difficulty 'to breathe and I missed the wind, so' several times I had to put a bronchopneumonia seduta.Credevo I was coming so I felt shortness of breath. During this time of difficulty 'breathing, I had the feeling of reliving scenes from a previous life, I saw a bed in a nightgown with the nineteenth lace and was dying of some disease vanished as tuberculosis or tuberculosis.
In brief moments of sleep I have dreams equally short with very vivid colors, such as a sea of \u200b\u200bgreen that I saw from various perspectives, from a ship, close to where I appeared on a pier just a few inches deep and I saw end ...
After breakfast sure to have some more 'of a headache, I asked the guide to leave the sacred grove and go home, I greeted the group and go. Arrived home that is' the core Damanhurian where I was staying, I found a pleasant surprise, my Natalibera was parked along with other core and was mounted spare wheel. It was Sunday and that day I devoted to much needed toilet (in the woods we had a rudimentary process dry air) with megadoccia and washing clothes reeking of smoke and sweat.
Monday immediately stop the first distributor to inflate the left front tire that was really down ', then off to find a tire that had the right tires and do not make me mad spending figures. After a few laps I opted for Angel Tires and I must say that intuition is not betrayed me, there were these two brothers tracagnotti who have worked very well and have checked the tires also dipping into the water, making sure it had been drilled on the side and not on the tread and that there were no nails or other. Their conclusion: punch holes made on purpose by someone.
I changed two tires and put the spare in its place, the ground was destroyed and thrown while the deflated and 'was repaired by putting putty into the hole.
About my story in person spied upon and the research that led me to Damanhur I tried to mention a few things with a couple of people but unfortunately I noticed the usual reaction of disbelief 'and skepticism, so I left lose, too bad.
spend some time here I thought I would shed light on my memories, to get an indication, visions, signs ... but this is not 'success, at least for now. Many have done courses in hypnosis and define hypnotherapists, but on 4 people contact I could not find even one willing to help me through hypnosis and other techniques sweet, to recall any abductions or experiences suffered against my will 'in a state of sleep or trance.
Since it's been three months now and I can say that the experience 'over and draw conclusions that can be: the signs indicate that it is not' the case of stress, forget it and do not remember anything - this is not 'the place or the right time, groped by other means.
The funny thing is' that Damanhurians show a certain narrow-mindedness in the face of issues like this, but suggest a philosophical system ultrafantascientifico: believe that their teacher is from 600 years into the future and is incarnate here to save the human race from destruction, this has enabled a different timeline in which events are different, opened the synchronic lines which are rivers of energy that traverse the globe carrying ideas and dreams and souls, he would travel through time and has access to ancient knowledge ... up his teaching Damanhurians performing magic theurgic evoking a triad of their allies, they use sticks and magic carpets for Neopagan rituals, attract souls to be reincarnated in their children, prepare for the great work of alchemical liquid, are decades of experience astral travel , past lives, courses to host alien consciousness within themselves' and ... many other things that I am not able to know they are not part of the beginning of their school of meditation.
short and 'the place and type of people that are right for me, because I feel too ahead of my time and I have different frequencies from 99% of my fellow human beings from which I feel more and more' alienated .
Pero '... if I tell any of them, "I have ten years under control by military medical organization that follows me everywhere and carries out tests on me against my will '" and the response' I say strange things, absurd and invented. Maybe they never imagined that there was someone more 'crazy about them ...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pendant Palm Tree With Crossed Swords

report on my case for remote control

Report on my case for remote control

I am an Italian woman.
Since 2002, I became aware of being followed and spied on the move, but mostly kept under control with very technologically advanced.
My belongings have been tampered with several times, cars and apartments that have changed over the years have been subject to intrusion and damage, my working life and social economy 'has been compromised. Additionally, both to me, to my family and friends' close several incidents have occurred whenever I tried to fight against this situation.
The worst thing, however 'and' knowing that it was undergo a medical examination against my will ', have suffered some type of surgery or insertion of microchips, and not remember anything of everything'.
Over the years I got to check that it is a military organization, that depending on where I am uses both private investigative agencies of local connections in the police officer.
These soldiers seem to have scientific knowledge and medical devices for decades ahead than the technology currently available to the public.
They also have budget to pursue their highest economic espionage, a charge that a deployment of resources and seemingly unlimited in time that seem completely disproportionate compared to the target, and make even more 'amazing the whole situation.
fact and I know that 'hard to believe these kinds of stories seem to delusions or paranoia of a geek, I think I would, but it is up to me to be the star of this endless nightmare.


Continuous thump in the head, as a "zzzzzz" which increases at times of rest and silence. The buzz intensified in the most 'isolated, far from the city', especially where they take the phones.
e'accompagnato Sometimes a feeling of warmth to the head, no fever but sensation of overheating of the tissues.

ears, popping and hissing metal ranging from an ear to another, hearing that ends in one ear or both as in air or in the mountains.

chronically inflamed eyes, small, hypersensitive to cold and hot
scar under his right eye: it seems a small surgical cut perfect, suddenly appeared with spots called "a pinguecola" in the eyes and creases in both.
ocular pulse rhythm, with simultaneous appearance of small spots that come and go from the visual field, only the right eye in the lower right. It happens in isolated places or unusual for me or if there are around "they" are trying me, enabling a tracking device under the skin near the eye itself.

Strange sight disorders: feeling to see through a screen, the vision of "floaters" and opaque objects that move in the visual field, similar to the look of dust through the lens of a microscope, the vision of "digital pictures definition "as it were a film.

In situations of relaxation, for example during meditation suddenly accelerate heart rate, nausea, body type pendulum swings, chills and cold sweats.

disorders of blood circulation and the density 'of the blood (blood or too thin or too thick), blood tests with bogus values, and often very different.
recurrent varicose veins in the legs, tingling and extreme heaviness in the legs with dizziness, feeling light-headedness.

frequent cramps in the calves, shots and a feeling of small electric shocks to peripheral nerves of the arms and legs, especially in a state of rest. Hypersensitivity 'of the feet, muscle stress and other ailments at the time diagnosed as peripheral sensory neuropathy "

Difficulty' concentration, frequent periods of depression, memory lapses, whole periods of" blackout "or total absence of memories, feeling to act as an automaton or doing things contrary to their nature without knowing why '.

body that emits radiation of some kind.

Some of the symptoms described could be due to the system of one or more 'of electrodes or microchips that emit radio frequencies, certain symptoms were diagnosed in more ways' from several different teams of doctors and specialists to whom my case "doubtful" he was sent for counseling. Given that no doctor has ever really made a convincing diagnosis I stopped to turn to medicine. To summarize some
list then shown to improper diagnosis:
in 2001 following a biopsy showed cirrhosis with HCV, in 2002, major depression, thrombocytopenia, ascites, chronic bronchial asthma, peripheral sensory neuropathy in 2003, in 2004, a pneumonia, immunosuppression with hiv false negative, then a cryoglobulinemia that required a wash of blood, in 2005 I was hinting at Hodgkin's lymphoma rose from the blood or lymphatic leukemia, then excluded from both bone marrow biopsy, also in 2005 Eye of the calculations to be made, other bronchial pneumonia in 2007 .... etc etc.
can 'be enough? No, 'cause the various psychiatric diagnoses are missing ...  Well now we are in 2011 and if I go to a doctor today to make me do a check up says I am perfectly healthy! I

reason to believe that the many studies were performed on laboratory samples to be exchanged but not mine "them", although I do not know why.
Many intrusions into my apartment occurred during the menstrual period, taking absorbent used. For a long time my garbage and 'was systematically taken from the tanks where they threw.
Sometimes I have found unmistakable signs of withdrawal or injection in the arm, withdrawals and injections that I did and I can not remember anything.

technology used and its effects

Over the years various technologies have been used to spy on me, not being an engineer does not know how to explain, so 'I apologize if it is unable' to use language sufficiently scientific and'll explain if 'especially the effects they produce. What
noticed more 'frequent' "the intrusion of something" in the flow of electric current and a particular use of the electromagnetic light: where I stand the lights become more 'intense, double and multiple reflections occur and all of the lights 'inside the bulbs.
Looking at the electric light in slow motion, we realize that the current does not appear more 'alternative, but still, that the electrical flow or rhythm changes, for example, with neon. It seems that the electromagnetic pollution increases.
often occur failures and malfunctions of electrical appliances and where I stand, both houses of cars. The shadows become
colored walls reflect light like mirrors, the reflections increase and multiply, and other impossible things of this kind.
refrigerators, televisions, appliances in general as well as cabinets, furniture and furnishings large begin to "pop", ie 'emit sounds dry, as if they were affected at certain intervals of time.
doors and wooden doors are struggling to close and open, as they swell and deform when the moisture '. In
doors and wooden doors streaks appear and shades of color never noticed before.
bulbs seem to have switched two wires instead of one.
lights of any equipment they need in more than a few seconds' to go out. In
curtains and textiles in general appear folds, the curtains appear more 'heavy and hardened, as if they were starched. Wool and synthetic fabrics become more 'easily "electric."
Even if you turn off the main switch is out of power for several seconds.
Air circulation in the house and 'reduced even if you keep the windows open. Flowers and fruits wither
first or last less than usual.
The houseplants are not growing, those small usually die within months.
Dogs and cats become nervous, look here and suddenly something la'come following, in places where there apparently is not 'nothing.
Every call I make or receive is intercepted and listened to, whether it's using my cell phone number, the number of another or use a landline. I have checked this many times and in so many ways now I will not tell. On the fixed line is usually 'this an echo due to deflection of the line by using the scrambler, with which they are able to prove the phones off or unreachable, or disturb or interrupt conversations.
control is also carried out for Internet navigation and use Skype or chat programs, whether I connect from my pc and from that of others at an internet point, also "they" are able to turn on and off PCs remotely, to change what 'you are writing , open and close programs, get rid of or add files and so on.

addition to these electromagnetic disturbances on telephone communications and Internet technologies that are quite ordinary, even for small detective agencies and spy software which are also sold on the internet, some times I witnessed a very different kind of seemingly impossible effects, such as:
appearance in the room of multicolored hologram that turned on itself with mechanical noises
objects that moved themselves from one place to another room
change in weight and density 'materials, magnetized objects and the ground or wall
doors that closed themselves to triple outlet
handles, metal objects, car seats and bike gets very hot or very cold (the latter I saw one of them fit under the seat like a remote-controlled metal plate)
cars and mopeds that do not respond to commands, with electric motor and crazy, flying that ran in the opposite direction, goalkeeper closes, preventing the exit, block change ....
hands or unseen forces that held me sometimes an arm, sometimes a hand, preventing me from doing certain movements, such as call
invisible presences that touched me, pulled my hair, I loose the strings of his shoes, I could take things in their pockets ...
my eyes were strange distortions of vision, such as hallucinations, but that seemed built for art.
In correspondence with the occurrence of certain effects fantascentifci I always had the impression that it was some kind of human technology and not that they were due to supernatural phenomena to magic, to otherworldly beings or other unexplainable things, but I believe that they used the reality 'virtual technology and remote-controlled devices.
This would explain why 'big vans stationed nearby, including trucks, and why' in the area always keep the same car for hours, as to guard the territory.
often the occurrence of these events in the flat or jumping the light throughout the building, while a couple of times and it 'had an electrical blackout in the area.

The grounds of espionage
Since 2002 I am asking this question! Who they are and because 'they do it? Why 'me? I still do not have an answer, even though I tried to make so many assumptions, that if you want you can read the blog I am
un'emerita Mr. nobody, no money it 'important relationships, I have no talent or special skills.
've always been a solitary person and introverted, and this' they 'made easy' cause I'm easily able to weaken my few social relationships and to isolate myself from others, and where there are managed in this way have used Mafia-style retaliation.
Over time they spread all sorts of horrible and false rumors about me, at work, with neighbors and friends, sometimes posing as plainclothes police and telling them that I was under investigation for drug issues, sex, terrorism and everything 'and another asking them to cooperate or to stay out, and kept secret.
The surveys were invented but credible, given that I have really a history of drug use and changed partners. Certainly in my past there 'the key to understanding why and who I spy'.
I do not know why I are monitoring and studying at a distance as I was a human guinea pig lab, but I know I have a huge economic value for them, since they spend exorbitant - the years have spent billions of € - to advance this their project.

Proceedings of the facts - and as' started

Since April 2000 I started having problems with both fixed and mobile phone: noise and echoes on the line, calls from one phone call dozens of times a day, others on whose answer is knocked out ', and some intrusion into the apartment. At first I thought had a personal vendetta of a former boyfriend and my former partner as it had sued for fraud, because 'he had made transactions without my knowledge and give a company on my behalf. I discovered that he had a second life when he was a private detective, was in a group of nostalgic fascists that supported violent acts, and had friendships rather sinister and dangerous.
After a bit 'of time I realized that he could be being involved in the organization of harassment against me, but a character that could not be the only agent of persecution so' extended both in time and space, greatly expensive and technologically sophisticated.
October 2002 and 'suddenly started a gangstalking "very aggressive and 'lasted, although in a less invasive and alternating, until today. The
gangstalking is activated depending on my behavior, in practice if I carry out investigations, if I travel, if they want to stop me from doing something, if you use substances that stimulate the nervous system ...
Since then I have suffered frequent intrusion and damage to my apartment, which continued even if they change locks, doors, if you put the safety devices. I noticed the visits of the perpetrators 'cause to move things around, replacing items with similar but more' worn oliavano locks ... but above all tools video surveillance and positioning devices that to control the electrical system and water, the opening and closing of doors and windows, as well as' the change of air in the apartment. I had
car and scooter accessories replaced, damaged and sometimes rendered unusable, with the inclusion of GPS devices and devilry able to block doors, engine, making the cabin very hot or very cold ...
cars and motorcycles that follow a fair distance I have become a regular presence, so 'as trucks parked nearby and people crossing send a text message to your phone.
Sometimes I noticed in small groups kept hidden and camouflaged paramilitary in the woods near where I was. Once
I noticed a group inside a building under construction behind where I lived, it was dawn and they were dressed all in black and equipped, removing the sheets were blacks who were placed in the windows of the house, probably during their night operations. Near this house there were fields, uncultivated some other innocent-looking garden plots, but some plantations were fictitious, they were kind of shell of a camouflaged hole in the underground and from there came other men.
Sometimes the characters wielding the equipment that I do not know what they are, they looked like some strange fancy guns that made me come up with the science fiction film.

Experiment cocaine

electromagnetic harassment and heavy gangstalking began in October 2002 at one of my shooting in the use of cocaine, and was primarily intended to prevent me from using it in any way, so to prevent the acquisition , to prevent consumption, making the experience uncomfortable, get away from people who consumed the same substance, making it impossible to communicate with them.
The number of times that I tried to tell what was happening did not believe me no one told him that mine was a mania of persecution as well as a paranoia hallucinations due to cocaine.
But the organized stalking and harassment case before the use of drugs, not as a result of it!
It 'important to say that before that time I was a consumer of all occasional cocaine, but not until then I had problems with it psychological dependence' of paranoia, not even trying and I liked it so often 'just because' I gave anxiety and tachycardia, not to mention the high price that made it a rare luxury for my pockets.
At that particular time but I began to have a very strong desire to use it, the so-called craving. I wanted
cocaine every day, I thought about it constantly, even if I did not like! I lost control very quickly. Looking back at that period seems to have been possessed by a demon.
In October 2002 I had just discontinued a course of 6 months of interferon and ribavirin because of the debilitating side effects, I was weak and depressed by the weight of care that I had dealt with a conviction of having HCV-related liver cirrhosis.
In just two months of this situation, with gangstalking spying and intrusion on one side and the other that I reacted more and more 'in a panic and craving, my entire life was destroyed, I had to leave work, I suffered forced hospitalization in psychiatry for two weeks for "paranoid delirium due to drug abuse," my teenage son, I was taken away by social workers, driver's license was suspended me, my apartment was damaged and the cold, all the money gone.
I think that "they" I have caused artificial craving for cocaine, it has been induced by a behavior modification carried out under hypnosis, that the craving was the side effect of other substances that affect the nervous system , in the framework of a military medical experiment of some kind for which I am subject to involuntary.
After having caused this horrible craving tried to dissuade the use of the substance in every way:
putting sleeping pills in food and beverages that literally made me sleep standing up, scared to death with sci-fi technology, reality 'virtual holograms, or magnetized objects disappearing, things suddenly became very heavy, closing in my own apartment or car, disturbing every telephone line from which I tried to call, stop by the police, and accidents happen to everyone who attended ...
Several times I could have stopped myself, but the cops inexplicably kept me out of any consequence, as if he had been ordered not to make me go to jail. One day, conducted a "mock raid" in my house, taking away two people who were with me without touching it 'I nor' 50 grams of cocaine that had just brought one of these, which were in plain view and in surely the cops knew, had come to this! However I was never able to use the cocaine, they used their tricks of the trade to make it disappear.
After a bit 'of time introduced a new technology, something that prevents you from having feelings of "high from cocaine." I think changes the brain wave activity while maintaining the 'neuronal stable, so using the substance does not produce any euphoric effect.
The same technology was also used to cause horrific hallucinations, somewhat artificial, seemed to projected images, but not due to the effect of substances.
Once when I was really desperate I attempted suicide by cutting his veins, inexplicably instead of flowing blood is coagulated and firm 'alone.
were also used for invisible weapons, such as the "spokes" hitting specific points on the skin resulting in feelings of shock or burn, other style bombing ultrasound, which is used especially at night, causing me headaches and nausea prevented me from twisting and to sleep ... and so 'on. I could go on to list other things "completely impossible".

connection with Marco Pantani

The champion cyclist Marco Pantani was the victim of the same situation of technological espionage and guinea pig of the same type of non-consensual experiments on humans. The unknown organization that put him under surveillance and that it causes 'premature death' still the same that is guarding me.
I believe that he unwittingly took part in the same experiment for which you manifest 'an intense craving induced by cocaine. In fact, its sudden dependence on coca as something quite distant from its natural way of life. He became 'overnight, a drug addict, a paranoid with delusions of persecution, while his personality' was different, not prone to certain weaknesses.
him in exchange Something 'so sudden, just as happened to me.
Pantani was born and lived in Cesenatico, 30 km from my town '. Reading a book about her life I discovered that we were both in Cuba during the same period in December 2003. Did not know him personally, we met and I thought that I went to Cuba on vacation, but maybe my choice was influenced by hypnotic and mind control.
It is said that in Cuba there is the best eye microsurgery of the world. Anyway, I spent two weeks in Cuba really strange, never left town 'Havana and visited the island nothing, still I can not explain why'.
Pantani was found dead in a residence in Rimini February 14, 2004, just ten minutes from my house. I was back from Mexico a week ago, where I was after leaving Cuba, and where I have remained much more '. When I saw on TV news stories on his death and the scenes I was literally shocked by the scientific: I found that MP was exactly the same things I did when I tried to defend myself from attacks by the spies who used the reality 'and other virtual technologies impossible.
MP and 'officially died of an overdose of cocaine, which was found mainly in his stomach, not in the nose.
I'm sure he was trying to hide the cocaine inside the mouth perche'i his persecutors made her disappear from any place to put, or swallowed, and that 'a quantity' fatal accident during a struggle with one or more 'virtual figures who sought of estrargliela from the mouth to make it disappear.
His blood was very thick and dark, was a solidified lump of matter, the thickening and darkening of the blood also occurred to me, even with the use of what 'really cocaine minimum. Was the result of the use of instruments of deterrence of the perpetrators, perhaps to prevent the substance circulated.
MP had the same spots on the whites of the eyes and I have the same color and type of iris, probably had the same type of microchip implanted near the eye.
Although his case and officially 'closed, there are many unresolved questions about his death, and maybe I'm the only one to have a precise idea of \u200b\u200bhow things went, than those who killed him.

My medical history and drug

I was a drug addict for many years, even though I was not the type of toxicity that is encountered on the streets. I've had long periods where I did not use anything, then resumes. Although I was addicted to opiates did a wealthy middle-class life, I worked and I paid the rent, I had a car and affections, as well as' different cultural interests.
In reality 'I never liked drugs, I' smoke it 'heroin, only that I hated myself. I wanted to punish me, hurt me and ruin my life. I did not want to feel the anguish and pain I felt inside. Before that
relapse with cocaine in October 2002 had been cleaned for years, I had come to accept mediocrity 'of my life. Methadone to sert, the hangover did occasionally happened or cocaine, or both.
I've had several hospitalizations over the years, I was subjected to a variety of specialist visits and countless blood tests. There have been hundreds of occasions for which a medical corporation can take me as a guinea pig of some multi-year follow-up study for a lifetime.
Many of my childhood friend 'died of causes linked to drugs, others have big health problems. my ex partner died 'of AIDS in the early 80's while I'm still HIV negative 20yo away. This I probably immune 'to the HIV virus could be reason enough to perform experiments.
am completely healed from hepatitis B and hepatitis C have still active. In 2001, following a liver biopsy I was diagnosed with HCV cirrhosis, which in reality 'I have not yet developed after ten years. I have a good quality 'of life quietly and drinking beer and wine, while other patients with the same diagnosis are already' dead or are in serious condition, so I suspect it is a false question. Perhaps an exchange of samples. In 2005 I
other batteries of tests because of neurological symptoms and absurd values \u200b\u200bin the blood and it was suggested a probable lymphoma past blood due to cryoglobulins and hepatitis c. After a bone marrow biopsy I was told that they had no lymphoma 'leukemia, but could not explain my symptoms so' with special 'How High blood values \u200b\u200bor analysis results are always different.
Since then I have no more 'no confidence in doctors and medical system. I would like to redo
other tests, to determine whether and where possible I have microchips implanted in the body and neutralize them. I want to know who and why 'I spy, and what I have is so special for having to endure this treatment. I never want to 'be a human guinea pig experiments carried out by the military. I want to serve the cause of life, peace and freedom ' human beings, I will not be unwilling accomplice of one who always seeks new means to subdue them.

Ragazza Molto Viziosa In Stremming


Saturday 5 and Sunday, March 6 was held on 8 Blue Judo International Trophy, a race of primary importance in the judo calendar, eighty participating teams with more than eight hundred athletes.

Judo Grinzane 10th place in the overall standings of
Judo Trophy Blue!!

here for the rankings

our boys were classified as follows:

day Saturday, March 5 agonists

Schellino Gabriele 5th
Audasso Alessio 5th

have also participated: Henry Jordan, Bruno Montaldo, Veglio Emanuele

Sunday, March 6th day of preagonisti:

Andrea Cerrato (cat ex / A) 2nd place Andreas
Morra (cat ex / A) 5th place
Beatrice Picollo (cat. es / A) 1st place
Laura Taricco (cat ex / A) 7 th place

Audasso Lorenza (cat. RA) 1st place
Audasso Roberta (cat. RA) 2 nd place

Federico gasoline (cat. RA) 2 nd place
Louis Biscia (cat. RA) 2 nd place
federico Picollo (cat. RA) 3 rd place
Sara Sagle (cat. RA) 1st place

Biscia Alessandro (cat. BA) 1st place
Biscia Elena (cat, BA) 3 rd place

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sharking Violent Japanese


not even remember your voice
and this is perhaps the thing that
more harm me ...

not even remember your face
is as if a photo
someone had cut removed ...

You've become just my imagination

that time has brought with him sneak away ...

Roberto 10:03:11

The photo is of Julia

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pain Neutralization Technique In The Uk


I've never been lucky with women

, let alone the game:
are the exception

that proves the rule ...

I am still in love
without ever being returned:
there has always been
someone better looking, richer,
smarter or more clever ...

Given the bad block,
I have long since ceased to play
but never stop to love women.

Viva women, not just for today ...

Roberto 08:03:11

The photo is of ErbaLunaria

Marie Stuart Masterson Nuda

"On Scravamentu" on Seui: the rites of Holy Week

Seui, Church of St. Mary Magdalene (photo by Joseph Deplano, journalist
© 2008, are reserved).
Among the rituals of "Holy Week" the most heard is definitely "on Scravamentu, the deposition of Christ from the cross, as Seui, every Friday is celebrated in many churches of our island. This traditional manifestation of faith seems to have been introduced in Sardinia by the Greek church, during the period of Byzantine influence (533-900 AD).
After a long period, which lasted several decades, each Seui years also renews this sacred representation, according to the same rituals that about ninety years ago it had characterized the first edition. In fact, in this location in the heart of Sardinia's first "Scravamentu" date 1919, when it was introduced by the then parish priest Fr Joseph Mancosu. For several decades, the celebration of this rite suffered a break. But in 1981, thanks to the efforts by the parish priest, Don Dino Bisi, and some seuesi the traditional expression of faith is taken. Rinvangando in memory, only the reconstruction of the costumes, faithful copies of the originals unfortunately lost, were also rediscovered the original prayers in the local dialect.
The representation takes place in the parish church of Santa Maria Maddalena. On the main altar is set up a stage dominated by a large wooden cross with Christ nailed to it.
The ritual begins with the celebration of the Via Crucis, one hour after sunset. When you reach the twelfth station, the death of Jesus, dressed in their colorful robes and preceded by a pair of angels, go on stage Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea, Simon of Cyrene the Apostle John. The moment that is experienced with intense emotion and participation from the crowd of the faithful is surely when Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus extract the nails from the wrists and from the ankles and wrest the crown of thorns from the head of Christ. Deposition from the Cross, the statue of the Saviour is wrapped in a white shroud and presented to the mother.
After the image is placed on a stretcher and accompanied the Our is carried in procession through the streets of Old Town. (Giuseppe Deplano, copyright © 2011 - are reserved)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Identify Car Bonnet

In sparse

I just sailed

silent in the bay the moon at sunset
bathes the last wave ...

They left the land
at random

aware of the little sweet

and so bitter
who will find ...

Roberto 05:03:11

The photo is of Erbalunaria

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Long Can You Serve In Military

Seui, to discover the traditional sweets

Seui, traditional cakes (photo by Joseph Deplano,
journalist, Copyright © 2009, are reserved).
"Different countries, different cakes that are." This saying also applies to Seui. In our country, most mountainous in the heart of Sardinia, in an environment that still remained untouched, it is still possible to find clean air and wholesome food. Browsing in gastronomy seuese go to get his sweet old tradition, which are still made according to recipes handed down from generation generation.
start our journey with "is pirichittus. This is sweet, round, made from flour, sugar, eggs, lemon and olive oil. Once baked and are covered with icing sugar.
Another delight of the palate seuese 's amaretto, which is packaged according to the traditional "classical" (spread almost all over the island) with almond paste, flour, eggs and sugar.
Equally known is also 'bread' and saba. " Namely small loaves made with flour, yeast, eggs, nuts, raisins, all worked well with the Sapa (mulled wine).
Typical of Easter and spring "is pardulas" can be made with fresh cheese (formagelle) or by ricotta. They appear as small cestinetti containing a filling of dough made of flour, or ricotta cheese, sugar and eggs.
"Is pabassinas" biscuits are made of a pastry made of flour, butter, eggs, sugar. All integrated with raisins, nuts. Once cooked on the surface is coated with a layer of icing sugar.
Among other sweet delights seuesi we can not forget Bianchini, made with egg white, and donuts of pastry, typical of the Sardinian tradition. (Giuseppe Deplano, copyright © 2011 - are reserved)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Toshiba Tv Not Working With Antenna

Anime also

There are angels in Heaven flew

too early

Anime well

kidnapped and killed by monsters
people (?) secretive
who are around us
and stain
of horrendous crimes
leaving dead
also live ...

... and I wonder how do they

fathers (?) mothers (?), uncles (?), friends (?)
or unknown
to continue to eat
to sleep to live
like nothing had ...

Be cursed forever
and that every moment of your life

is marked by pain
and full of nightmares ...

foul beast.

Roberto 01:03:11

Dedicated to Yara, Sara and small Alessia and Livia that there are more ...

Does Anyone Have Any Cute Sad Quotes

is so long that I write a blog post, specifically this summer, when I did my volunteer experience. This does not mean that you, and all the experiments that I shared with you, you are not always present in my mind and in my heart. I found this article pointed to my facebook link and I want to make you participate. Too bad that we work in a country where, in addition to the ordinary, even more so is not including overtime. This
is the story of ordinary experience that it has become extraordinary for the theme and content thereof. What about our volunteer experiences that depart from an area already out of the ordinary?
We always keep your head high, and a Christian, turn the other cheek. It is always the right to be mocked and ridiculed.
An affectionate kiss to all

The teacher of children with leukemia

Costco Bakery Order Sheet


Sunday, February 27, 2011 in Giaveno Judo Grinzane was in the Piedmont League debutants A.

excellent placements of our children:

first place Cerrato and Andrea Picollo Beatrice, fifth in
Andreas Morra,
ninth place Italo Alberto.