Saturday, June 27, 2009

Numbers And Names Of Dental Forceps

tonight and 'was a bit' a wild night of revelations, insights and profound mental and physical findings are clear, crystal clear, those who say ... eureka!
shame that while I have come a great goose bumps, chills, headache, and me and 'strongly increased the steady hum in my ears that I have, it seems that I must express my head explode ...
what if I say 'I'm going to write to the wrong people would have secured admission to psychiatry.
already 'cause I had the clear perception, of which I'm sure by now, to have a plant micro-relief.
in practice, I have placed a microcamera connected Somehow the optic nerve. see what 'I see. this is an experiment in cybernetics, human-machine interaction. sending the film in progress in my life that if someone looks at him, and not e'certo a passive spectator, can 'interact and change the course of events, cut scenes that do not like ... thrilling is not it?

so I have a second sight. a mine and an artificial, which broadcasts remotely wherever I am. here 'cause I see some small light sources are doubles.

here 'cause I often feel like to see on a monitor in high definition. here 'cause when there' low light I think I see a screen with missing pixels in small dives points, opaque areas of the overview that makes my vision. gave me a faulty microchip! could at least give me night vision also included in the package ...
I understand 'cause a lot of things. all my troubles to the eyes, peripheral vision, the microcicatrici under the right eye, the sclera pinguecole, hypersensitivity 'and the gradual contraction of the eyes, as if it fosseo small and sunken into the skull.
the device interface is obviously the environmental, transmitting and receiving simultaneously, and likely to be translated into actual pictures and resubmit it to the destination (which?) Needs an external digital media, which is evident through the use of Satellite technologies or laser, infrared, ultraviolet or other types of light invisible to the naked eye.
or rather, watching carefully the lights in places where they remain, especially small ones like the lights of home appliances, or the stars, you can 'see a light splitting. This is also seen from the photos if taken without a flash. we can also see shadows and reflections digital high-definition, except that no one notices except me.

the fact that I know of to have such a MicroPlant fore the grounding me quite overwhelming, even if it now 'I suspected for some time, but I did not want to believe so far, I have often chased away the thought.
yet the feeling of big brother coming back ... and now I realize that for a while 'time I continued to accumulate data in bulk, that suddenly you are stuck with each other perfectly, producing a logical conclusion. it is not anything new, the microchip implants in the optic nerve is what well-founded, as you can 'read here:

and I back it all: the feeling of sending my position through my point of view , to the spies who were looking for me around here ... people approached by pointing a mobile phone to me and my subsequent pulse at a given point of the right eye, with hints of oncoming waves and changes in vision ... the fact that I do not lose sight of ...

the video also assumes that there is also the sound, and perhaps the latter espionage with traditional methods would be sufficient. I try to find reasons to reject this hypothesis, but I just confirmed.
in January 2004 I returned home after being in Cuba and Mexico, and as I mentioned in my previous post and the trip 'was very strange, especially the two weeks in Cuba, of which I remember only half' of the day. The thing I remember very well, 'that I got home I found a job at a call center, and absolutely could not stand the light of the computer ... I got to work with your eyes closed. I had to write when I put the glasses blacks.
since the disturbances began in the eyes, redness, inflammation, sensitivity 'in the light, strange reflections, doubling ... up to, especially this year when I made the meaning more 'awake from spiritual practices, to see something that could be defined as "transmission-images, especially when it comes to light when my eyes are closed.
but I'm not to dwell on this, although I would be writing for hours.
demand and 'always the same: because' everything '?? prche 'I??
and perhaps' one of those experiments that test new weapons or new "achievements of science." type of spot, you become blind? made a nice chip eyes, we see better than before, and we have no more 'secrets!
obviously this experiment could be done only on a sample of a few "privileged", which meet all a number of factors that made them suitable candidates. perhaps even the shape of the skull or eyes, or ears, blood group and personality ', boh ...
did not matter that one was a great champion of cycling and another accountant a toxic half recovered.
or perhaps there is' another explanation.
have chosen me and Marco Pantani reasons, we have something else in common, that is not 'physical. we have a soul like that.
physical characteristics in common can not see, for now, although I do not have sufficient data to compare his with mine, but very similar characteristics of inner torment, of great loneliness, but suffered at the same time desired, of diversity 'and alienation from others, blood I see many old and ailing.
course this would mean to corroborate the thesis Malanga, of alien abductions and so on, would anyone want to transplant a soul in another body, and failing in the meantime the monitors through the implantation of microchips and espionage.
but aside from the esoteric ponderings, I still have to ruminate for a while ', there are some basic points, the facts in common with the story of Marco Pantani.
since the very moment when I read the newspaper and saw on television the news of his death, February 14, 2004 in a residential community of Rimini, I had assured him that he had the exact same criminal organization that I brought along myself.
when I saw pictures of the studio upside down, imagine what had happened. I viewed my home.
fact and 'The same thing happened to me several times, is that I'm still here and I could tell, if anyone ever believe me ...
that prevented both cocaine use may be motivated by the nature of MicroPlant eye or other gadgets to it, they would first have a distorted vision, then it would be destroyed by going to short circuit ... overexcitation Network neuronal ...
or perhaps a particular flow conditions' which must remain in the bloodstream, which consistently produces heat energy.
it to me and to the use of the substance Pantani made the clotted blood, thick, dark, almost solid. also a minimum amount '. this does not happen using other substances such as heroin, cannabis, or alcohol. in any case I am almost certain that the fluidity of 'the blood of both was manipulated from outside, from these people. I pricked her finger one day and went 'that looked like a blood annaquato, rose, flowed without any hint of stop and had almost nothing in my blood "normal." other times it was very dark and thick as honey.
's true that the cause of death of Pantani, and' was too much cocaine, but not in the way they wish.
second I had bought so much, 'cause he knew gia'che much of it to him would make her disappear under the nose, wherever he tried to hide it. him would have prevented the use in any way.
why the only solution at the end was to put in your mouth. can not enter into them with their technology of reality 'virtual, so access to apartments or cars and you physically perform actions according to another room, they' can not access, if one does not open his mouth.
and have also tried this at the end, they fought and he swallowed several grams and it 'went in overdose.
certainly have tried to revive or save it in some way, either physically going on site and calling the owner of the residence, which in turn call the 'Secretary' cause he went to check, but arrived too late.

do not think the autopsy carried out x-ray or magnetic resonance to identify any foreign objects such as microchips, and who knows' if they would be found, perhaps they have had ample time to remove them ... in fact, two hours have passed since the relief operation, as described and reported by family members and independent journalists who have investigated the circumstances.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Kidney Stones Stuck In The Bladder And Ureter

confirmations from Strasbourg and urgency of witnessing and the seventh sense

tonight I do not know where to start.
but I've got to write something, 'cause I do not know until I am' able to do so, and for the continuous deterioration of my visual condition for a certain feeling that I brought up some possible accident that could have happened.
certainly not a case of a fatal accident, as in most 'instances the perpetrators have shown that for I will serve their purposes in life, but something that might make me quite stupid, lobotomized, or unable to communicate and interact with others, and here or I cut your tongue and hands and possibly blind me as well, ( joke, obviously do not need to use these primitive means, there are toxins that cause paralysis) or kidnap me, or blackmail me.

vabbe 'then saw that tonight is a bit' confused and I dismal thoughts I just say a few things I've said some participants in the demonstration in Strasbourg, and that the perps have diligently recorded, and information are already 'in their possession and did not provide new benefits.
are aware that looking for the truth 'about my vitaspiata lose 'life probably, and maybe not just me, and I must say that I do not care or so.
more 'I continue on my spiritual path more tortuous' I feel it' better to die for something, so we must all die anyway, so might as well do it for this' that I feel is more 'important.
regarding any of Kin I passed the stage of fear, the one that charges the tangent entrepreneurs southern Italy, or who silence the witnesses who killed his wife the day before the trial ... the fear that in my case mingled with the guilt I felt toward my son, or my other family members, and that in the past blocked me in the face of intimidation clear messages that I sent perps. who knows 'maybe now I'm more' awake 'or perhaps it was also of mental conditioning, and this has stopped working, the fact is that today no longer activated' in the same way but would take it as a challenge.

- I got confirmation from some people in fairly common use of networks of private investigative and intelligence agencies from several multinationals when they want information about people uncomfortable, as well as' areas of "hidden" from public bodies, government, military who do not want anyone to know of some of their covert operations.

- I received confirmation of the mode of action of the perps, which lease fleets of company cars to follow the strategic target, which replace your neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances with whom they target the most 'often do, especially for those missions for an indefinite period, in which the guinea pig is monitored for life, as seems to be my case, missions for which no There is a cap on the budget used, and can be bought houses, groups of actors can be used to pay, such as that embodied by the neighbors for decades! (do not know if there is to you to mind the movie The Truman Show ...)

- I received confirmation of some technologies of the highest standard but commonly used in this world, which concerns the tracking card or whatever they call it, that 'microscopic and transparent chip can track the position where they are stuck , (That's' cause I absentmindedly touched the scooter, or car to rent, applying a temporary track, waiting for the right moment to enter the vehicle and place something final), these tiny gadgets technology are also applied on clothes, handbags, hair ... just a passing shock while you're walking and you pass it, or a girl who sits beside you in the library that casually leans his bag to yours, etc. etc. etc. ....

- I received confirmation of the use of hypnotic techniques of mental conditioning, sending subliminal thoughts to the subconscious of the target to which you want to change the behavior and decisions in the way intended. he will become 'account to be thinking thoughts they do not own 'make their own decisions, but will behave' as a true Manchurian Candidate, a zombie under hypnosis!
this raises many issues at stake and no end of questions, also because 'comes into play and the conditioning of their memories can be extrapolated from the unconscious subjected to hypnosis, and' cause you do not have reliable data and officers in this regard, apart from the testimony of some former perps and those of us targets, but that 'no evidence.

I open a parenthesis here and say one thing and I 'ran away talking with a former perpetrator "repented," one who was a spy for money and then he met Jesus' Christ and decided to change my life, except in turn become a target by his former colleagues, but I still have to develop internally, and that means' I strongly suspect that it has made in pushing actions of mind control or at least conditioning hypnotic, especially for a journey I have done in Cuba in December 2003.
thought I had decided to leave for the tropics 'cause I was alone and desperate for all the appalling situation that I was living, and you chose Cuba because' there was a scheduled flight last minute at 150 € ... but I then discovered that in those two weeks that I stayed on the island, without ever once to move to Havana, there was Marco Pantani.
the two are suspicious circumstances, our presence in contemporary almost without knowing they had an appointment to do something that you could only do them ', and my strange living in town', never let it go and where all the tourists and that means' in Santa Clara, or varadero or near Guantanamo ... no, I stayed for two weeks hanging out at the center or watching boring TV Cuba.
maybe I had a hypnotic order not to leave Havana.
perhaps the boy met on the street, I rent 'and gave me an apartment guide was paid to be with me. for sure he was told that cocaine was not to get me, I remember that I asked one of specially ultmi days to see his reaction, I get back 'from his tour empty handed and with some excuse. (as you know Cubans procure two things to tourists, coke and sex, and more 'do piu'ci earn, usually, but not in my case).
missing days or perhaps hours in my memory, the unconscious and I have repressed memories of something that 'happened. and I 'came to mind the great Cuban medical research university and ocular microsurgery ... who knows' why' ...
I'm beginning to wonder if many of the things I thought and decided that in the years since 2000 are not the result of mental conditioning.
better take it slow, gia 'I have a headache ... I do I wear a helmet anti mind control as the guy who I met in Strasbourg? wrap your head in aluminum-lined copper maybe with a bit of veclam?
better to start from certain facts.
from the basic, raw and aggressive gang stalking that I have suffered for years. from my former neighbors that are definitely involved.
than what we have in common that I undoubtedly and Marco Pantani, and that concerns or blood, or neurotransmitters associated with cocaine use, or our soul.
but here the talk gets too tangled.
soon. if you beat a shot.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cell Respiration Lab Five

heavy backpack

I recently picked up a book written by a former "psychic-spy" who has worked all his life for the U.S. military and intelligence agencies. this gentleman, now retired, he opened his own agency, where he teaches the skills and 'ESP. and it 'very interesting testimony on projects for decades secretly funded by both the U.S. and Russia on the search for hidden powers of the human mind, how to influence the thoughts of others (what he says and his team managed to instill ideas in subliminal anti-Gorbachev when he took power, and found expressed in the letter in his famous speech in front of the home), how to enter the visual and auditory perceptions of others too - for example, were put in contact with an American hostage kidnapped, or a criminal on the run, being able to describe the place where they were or what 'was said in the room).
the important thing 'that this type of mental powers are not considered at all paranormal or parapsychology, but of course in our possession even if completely unused, and then to be rediscovered and train again until you get to make them part and parcel of our consciousness.
I was too curious and I jumped the final appendix where the author of 'a small series of exercises for those who want to take their first steps with the PEC - extrasensory perception subsidiary - and I found an incredible match: the exercise felt more' important 'to develop the sensitivity' environmental and prejudice must be made fully aware of their feelings every time you pass a door, which crosses a threshold from one room to another .... well, I could not believe, but that 's one of the basic exercises of the course "awakening of consciousness" I had done recently, with the small difference that we are talking about staying present to remember if you '... but always do it when you are going through a door.
more and more 'small pieces of the puzzle are put together. Mitakuye Oyasin, and everything 'related, I am a part of everything and everything is reflected in me, and every part of the universe' in relation to me.
and as in the case of abductions of corrado malanga unite philosophical concepts, science fiction, spiritual and political, here the esoteric sciences such as alchemy, gnosticism, occultism, go hand in hand with top secret military research projects and departments science more 'advanced various governments.
there are still some pieces who are struggling to find a place, but I'm working on and which I intend to compare with other targets, people used as guinea pigs in experiments like me. if someone reads me, apart from my spies, it stays in touch!
are in Strasbourg, France north of the border with Germany, Alsace. to get here, I first fired a long journey by car and then by bus. almost 3 days of travel, we hope that it's worth it.
I noticed that my "followers", or how to define them, stalkers, spies, detectives on a mission of "shadowing continuous but discrete, the last time trying to get noticed as little as possible, cosi'da a bit 'of time this part have not been verified strangely the usual burglary, intruders in your home or car, I have not found oiled locks or misplaced, it 'I noted in my special tamper appliances, replacement of objects, ne'mi came across the usual investigative agency spies from two-bit I follow with the utmost indifference to the fact that I know it or not, even trying to get noticed while sending the sms to the exchange, when the next step.
what it will 'mean? certainly does not mean they have decided to let go. perhaps this is a temporary easing policy, so I could scrub better later, and when I am 'and distracted by other things taken by surprise ... I will take with their special effects.
and this 'already' success several times in the past, and therefore I try to always be alert, fighting my natural tendency to daydream, to distract, to imagine situations from the film, as an eternal adolescent.
I also try to take some countermeasures, unfortunately not very effective so far, and that means' to always carry all the important things: wallet, passport, house keys and car keys including second, various documents, netbook with its battery, cell phone, camera and its battery, small supply of pills, and so on.
sometimes costs me a lot and literally weighing me bring my backpack everywhere a big heavy as a rock, and I have so often tempted to leave it at home, especially when they are from friends who know my situation and tell me 'here and' quiet, does not fit anyone, it 's never happened at all! " poor, naive, unaware that in just five minutes spies can come and go from their house without a trace and without being noticed by anyone.
if the effort to always carry a certain number of things in a certain way is paid for those items as a passport and documents, so that at least 'is saved from being sprayed with lubricating substances, or counterfeiting, or inserting microscopic chips or other gadgets, with regard to technological objects and 'a useless effort.
mini notebook, mobile phone, camera, work with a battery for power things must be charged by an electrical outlet, and their technology, as I have already 'mentioned in other posts, is based directly on to infiltrate - I guess with special software - in the normal power grid, so all these objects are easily pirated remote without necessarily having to physically hand them to steal.
at times, especially in the early days after the purchase of a new mobile phone or camera, I went in the bar or in the internet cafe 'to recharge the battery, but not always and I' as possible, and not 'all that is needed, since apparently have a mapping of the entire power grid that can be accessed in real time, so 'as the telephone network of the rest.
and 'useless with technology there 'no way to escape the control and espionage,' cause the military establishment have a means of power and knowledge piu'avanzata incredibly complex and that to which I can have access or the common people.
the only way to escape the control and 'not to use it at all: give up the phone, computer, machine, on TV, all'elettricita'in ... but not s easy ... and even if you go in the most 'out of the world satellite tracking you ... you can read minds and see through your eyes, or microchips implanted under the skin or that you have in your shoes!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mirror Says Not To Hang With Hook

digital photos of reflections

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call for the adoption of a European law against testing on humans

report here some of the text presented to the media and various institutions in anticipation of the demonstration to be held 'in Strasbourg, even if you do not agree with some parts and others are less so:

We are victims of assaults with weapons and electromagnetic neurological, and are grouped in Mindcontrol Federation Against Europe "( FEDAME).

We are organizing a demonstration peacefully on June 22 before the European Court of Human Rights, 'Man, Allée des Droits de l'Homme and June 23 before the Council of Europe, from 9:30 to 17:30, in both cases.

We want to demonstrate against the 'use of psychotronic weapons, electromagnetic and neurological used on innocent citizens with purpose' Nazi-like, and we demand a Europe-wide law banning the manufacture, possession, transport, commerce and 'use of such weapons.
stresses the need d 'a directive requiring Member States of the European Parliament.

our appeal

We are not political agitators. We are law-abiding citizens looking for peace, health and freedom. Against our will, we were put in a desperate situation: what 'and that we want to' prevent any person from being used against his will 'in these experiments that constitute a threat to all mankind.
You know, for over 20 years, innocent citizens of our so-called "democracy" are tortured at home, through walls and windows?
There is no longer any privacy with the devices known as "through-the-wall" that see through walls.
Anyone can result in the ins and outs of his intimacy, and to be followed wherever he goes. Today, how many people are mistreated physically and mentally by means of 'criminal use of devices that emit microwaves?
People and entire families are targeted, persecuted and killed by directed energy weapons (DEW). Innocent people are subjected to what is called the "slow death" or "slow death". Body cells are damaged as well as the nervous system, leading to diseases of decomposition, in cardiac arrest ...

people targeted have been reached directly into their thoughts, their feelings and their behavior in psychophysical weapons. These weapons are used in secret and remote, which allows members of the perverse brute military and intelligence services to torture and murder of the innocent. All existing human rights are violated, but that the victims can be supported by any justice

Internet sites where the victims of these crimes together are their only support.
allow this spread of violence to the point of no return?
These brutes are aware that the 'existence of such weapons is protected by secret defense, and that their use can not be proven.
It 'really urgent that the media and politicians finally consider this issue.
We need laws because the killers are prosecuted and citizens are effectively protected. Russia and the State of Michigan have extended their laws
with common sense, but not eradicate problem.
Remember World War II.
The Nazi Party gained power in combining the great capital 'has encouraged, using a population beset by terror. Once installed, the terror, the members of the resistance were shot and political parties were silenced. There was no one to stop the convoys to the gas chambers or experiments on humans within this framework by doctors as Mengele. Things have gone so far that we have almost reached the twilight of 'humanity
Why was there no political reaction in due course, in other words, before the' indoctrination and terror have done their work? A war in disguise, insidious, s' gradually get into the bodies, spirits and lives. The duplicity is his main tool in public opinion. Do not let it happen again

Martin Luther King declared: "Should we be wary of those who promise us safety at the expense of our freedom. We must recognize that part of the price of freedom is the 'insecurity, but that the price of total security is cruelty, slavery "

A special duty to watch it all 'Europe, dirty games are conducted at the expense of our democracy without any reaction or political barriers.
Then again there is no limit on terror? Please

do not move your eyes elsewhere, would be too severe.
We try to find a real support in any part of Europe, and arrive at effective measures.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Interesting Facts Of Tay-

symptoms, forums and events of each Strasbourg

spied my story in person, the symptoms that I have a psychophysical level and their progression, it has much in common with the so-called victims of mind control, otherwise also known as TI Individuals target, that those who are been abducted by aliens, so-called abductees, as well as' with an assorted array of authentic lunatics who write always the same stupid things on different blogs and forums on the Internet, in the grip of paranoia more 'total, and unfortunately most desperate' black.

E 'bad to say, but Unfortunately, the dividing line between a healthy determination to discover where they came from their own troubles, how to defend themselves, and obsession is sick and is repeated continuously becomes paranoid delusions and 'very thin, and sometimes intersects with a certain inclination that we all to exaggerate our problems.
in preparation for my participation in the demonstration in Strasbourg before the European Court of Human Rights'm reading various forums and sites, mostly 'in English but for example there are sections on in various languages, and fore the grounding me difficult to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwho is sane and who is a mythomaniac, or worse, an uninformed, and 'a real jungle.
there are still some fixed points: one from

'for granted, on sites very serious and well documented, that are brought forward by 50 years numerous experiments on humans against their will, that is, victims as unwitting guinea pigs used by both corporations, that 'private enterprise for profit, that the intelligence service to government and parastatal apparatus. officially ended on projects such as MKULTRA and camelot some historical archives have been declassified CIA to prove it, as well as' made a public apology on the matter. I had no victim compensation, nor 'I think none of the perpetrators went to jail. But the problem 'that no one knows absolutely nothing about the projects that are going on NOW!
sure you make many assumptions. Pero 'no concrete evidence. Separate discussion for the international project HAARP, causing among other things, the chemtrails, for which the Committee and Italian Tanker Enemy 'could not demonstrate the spraying of substances containing heavy metals in our skies, but whose tests are ignored, the criminals continue spraying, and sponsors of the site must continuously defend against counter-information, detecting, hackhers and threats of various kinds. Pero 'at least they got the concrete and demonstrable, can no longer' be taken for mad visionaries, and to secret trials on the monitoring of the human mind and the microchip I am not aware that there are some real evidence to that effect , although there are thousands of alleged victims.

About MindControl speak of the existence of several current large-scale projects that they are dealing in a top-secret undercover authorities from different backgrounds, who often do not communicate with each other or are in competition, because of privacy issues and fears that even the smallest details can filter out. current projects can be found only the testimonies of former soldiers, former agents, former everything, and of course those who are, or rather think they are the victims. They complain ¡like symptoms, hearing voices from the offensive man obsessively repeated in your head, electronic and electromagnetic noise, to sexual harassment at a distance, and have similar experiences of gang stalking or street theater by strangers who follow them and annoy them, and seem to know private details of their lives.

admit to some reservations about so many things that are said on these forums and sites of victims of mind control, from the fact that false testimony in the middle are made on purpose to pollute the waters, there are things that do not fit, then each of them seems very taken by himself and his personal history, some write every detail of places to go, names, phrases, upload photos and videos tonnes, some seem to be competing among those who are worse ... boh.
maybe 'already' so get out there and be able to say certain things that one should not expect too. In fact, for me it 's been a relief to see that many people have had experiences similar to mine, we can not all be crazy mica. The usual pain shared is a joy, but not only, 'cause I realized that it is organized large-scale experiments, where people were chosen based on certain characteristics. What are these CHARACTERISTICS do not know. Maybe go to Strasbourg will give me 'some better ideas'.
might distribute anonymous testing also to understand how many of the targets have used drugs and such, and if any of them have experienced unusual reactions with cocaine, both mentally and physically, and particularly violent gang stalking and invasive, with seizures at home, dose of sleeping pills hidden in water and soft drinks, cars and engines tampering, disappearance of money and documents, get an electric shock, injury from directed energy weapons on the skin and so on.
would also be investigated in detail the effect of cocaine on the brain dell'alcaloide, surely there is a neurological stimulation
I noticed that some people have had the diagnosis of serious diseases which later proved unfounded, reports or tampered with, and as 'happened to me, and this brings me back to the evidence that this kind of plots and' always heavily involved in a large pharmaceutical company that invests in a large research budget, as well as' slice of the medical profession that is dedicated to vivisection, in this case of human animals.

E 'quite terrifying the finding, made by several people on these forums, that you feel are the symptoms gradually become worse over time, as they aggravate the daily life is affected in an increasingly' heavy.
Just last night I was put into a large terrace and watch the starry sky and wondered what could still 'do it, and I had come a great Mago' cause I feel that my eyesight is deteriorating more and more 'fast, the Eye disorders have more and more 'strange, my vision is changing day by day, I feel that I cease to be a progressive series of pixels to the optic nerve or the cerebral cortex, as if the picture I have in front missing so many tiny pieces ... and there's no 'a fucking nobody who can help me ..

summarizing, the symptoms that I currently have the eyes are
gradual reduction focus
inconvenience to the vision I see the so-called "floaters" or something like that, I see halos and rays in both electric and natural light, I collide electric lights, the outlines of many things I see double, I see some small lights "double and staggered", such as lights, stars, and I see eye to eye other.
feeling of having a view of "artificial" as if looking through a computer.
moving lights: If you drive without lights for a few seconds sky-lights from lamps to household appliances, they begin to vibrate, to move up and down 'and on both sides of their position, while remaining exactly the same place.
eye pain, dry, dark, sunken eyes, ocular contracts, foreign body sensation in the eyes, eye-spots in the sclera called "pinguecola"

symptoms that I head
headache in the morning upon awakening, takes about an hour and gradually decreases until it disappears
constant hum, background noise that is amplified in the head in silence. This is very annoying loud buzzing, like an engine or machine, is increasing day by day, but there was also the first to a low, almost imperceptible. E 'became very disturbing since I moved to the countryside, 800 meters above sea level and away from population centers. When I go to town or city 'seems to be diminishing, but maybe it' s just my feeling 'cause if I put myself in a room in town', alone and in silence here is reappearing fortissimo.
ringing ears: almost every day at regular intervals I hear a whistle that starts in one ear, usually the right one, and is amplified in the other.
plugs in my ears: I hear that one ear is closed, or both, as when you go to the mountains and there are sudden changes of pressure.
Symptoms on the skin: The skin is thinner and transparent, they lose elasticity ', contracts. (have the same symptoms of aging, I know, but appear suddenly and not gradually). Do you see all the veins even more small and very old scars that had previously disappeared, change colors and take on different tones. (This It is also an effect of remote control technologies that use electricity system, in fact the same phenomenon also occurs on walls and furniture, such as the wood is beginning to notice all the small veins and the parts that were glued in assembly, the walls are noted the flaw and the individual strokes of color.)

enclose symptoms even the most 'controversial that may also mean that a mental conditioning or hypnotic to me, as my make mechanical actions without realizing it was not immediately after, the selective loss of memory, recurrent thoughts and repetitive, and against the impossibility 'or the extreme difficulty' to focus on certain subjects, the 'horrible feeling of being watched and spied on in their own thoughts even more' intimate, that leads me is that others often have fantasies to escape the hard reality ', but that, and' player a third person, in my case a bit 'invented the imagination and a bit 'borrowed from someone I knew.

I learned recently that it 's very dangerous to do this kind of daydreaming,' cause you run the risk of creating from scratch of the entities' astral energy that we suck, and that once shaped by our own thought-forms begin to have its own life, and to take control of an increasing share of mind. They begin to appear in our thoughts even when you absolutely want to distract us, we will prevent the merger, will seek to influence our thoughts and our actions, usually clinging to want very much "land" to escape lifeblood.
fantasies that makes our minds are not harmless, even if I personally have saved my life in different periods of deep crisis and depression .. the problem 'when confused with real life and when they start without you ... you know it will be' even this mind control?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Cs3 Master Cllection Insert Disk 1

create your own reality ': implications of esoteric mind control and abdutions

arieccomi here, struggling with my mirror, but how much effort to be able to get writing!
seems there is something inside me that wants to stop me ... Seeking an excuse, I repeat that I have other things to do ... and in return, always return.
maybe I scared? anyone else scared? I will I have, I admit, I'm afraid to fix on paper and make visible to the world a reality 'shocking, I first I refused for years.
I'm also afraid to bring order into the chaos of this period, and be forced to pull the money ... but any such conclusion, 'always temporary.
and so even if I remove the fears on a conscious level, I know you are emotions on a subconscious level that command, and those none of us humans have any control.
I noticed that the post in which I tried to write my life experiences have spied a few but very long, entirely inappropriate for a blog and internet in general. I see the outline of the situation and update it at the same time with some of the developments ultmi May 2009.

- October 2002 I became aware of being spied on by an organization unidentified, and through investigation agencies, military and street criminals has heavily influenced my life in all its aspects: daily, emotional, occupational, economic, family, health etc etc

- this remote spy certainly dates back to years ago, maybe 2 but definitely a lot more ', is being carried out in a systematic and permanent, that' until 'the target and' alive. (Otherwise they would buy apartments located strategically with respect to the residency of the target, ne'cercherebbero to prevent suicide)

- I controlled the spies "discreetly" from afar, just listen to my conversations and stalk, but when I wanted to use a particular psychoactive substance: cocaine. in this case came out and tried to prevent by every means that I used. at the same time I experienced a craving (a compulsive desire) to this very unusual substance, probably induced outside some experiments that have been submitted, or as a side effect of substances that I have been given, all of course without my consent, my total knowledge.

- I did various surveys and over time I found myself dealing with the contractors, with soldiers in white gown with fake fake cops and doctors, I witnessed the use of technology age style, I immediately measures bollards mafia-type , that 'threats, vandalism and destruction of things, Kin towards my family, get inflicted accidents and diseases.

- I gave up in the 'intention of wanting to prove my verita'a official level after I realized that nobody wanted or could believe, but only after losing a lot of time and energy, as well as' several times risking his life. I'm trying to make my situation public through the Internet to express my experience in case of unforeseen events, and to help others in the same condition, since there are thousands and almost everyone is alone, isolated, resigned. also through the internet I got in touch with activists and groups of "victims of mind control, which I seem to have much in common.

-I experienced the indifference, disbelief 'and derision from friends, family and law enforcement, and I experienced some attempts at coercion in psychiatric facilities. I realized that are considered crazy, even those who are more 'sensitive and intelligent than others and do not stand a realta'bigotta masks, and that in fact' total illusion, imposed by a elite'mondiale that keeps the population ignorance.

- these experiences of great suffering, I began a spiritual journey to try to awaken my conscience. I realized that e'l'anima the key to everything, and I must observe to know and understand my mind. I'm looking for the truth ', whatever it is, and I have no more' fear it 'for me' to those around me. this and 'the mission that I feel I must pursue, and I hope to do it.

- I do not know who are to spy on me, but probably it is a division of medical pseudosegreta military organization, an international presence, and that everywhere in the world of local contacts to which it supports, which always finds wherever she goes. therefore not enough to control them remotely, via satellite or through sophisticated spying at a distance, they need to be close to me physically. (Sometimes approaching a few meters and I link a kind of handheld, reloading, I think, that I have microchips implanted in the body). ie these military trials in the field of genetics, psychological, mental, soul, of which there is a vast documentation on the Internet, sites and even counter-UFO, as it is' now established collaboration with alien races for the making of "abductions."

- I recently made considerable progress in trying to understand the 'cause of my vitaspiata , know exactly why they chose me, follow me for years, and monitor my every word and every act of mine, and so influence my decision and any probably giving me orders to hypnotic level, which then can not remember a conscious level.

- continue to pose such koan (unanswered questions) have been increasingly 'on a spiritual quest that leads me to look around and experiment in various locations, despite my laziness famous, and despite all my faults and limitations, and I'm learning this trial that:

- my conscious, my rational thinking, and 'only 5% of my mind, and that' the party control logic-level governments, and I flatter myself my life, and everything else, the 95% 'totally unknown. suffice it to say that the subconscious mind directs all our vital functions, breathing, powerful forces such as sex, dreams, desires. e'su this part of the secret organizations that act for their own purposes, using techniques of manipulation of memory, hypnotic suggestions, esoteric knowledge, by running the mechanical behavior of which you have no conscience then.
-from believing the reality of suffering 'I went outside to believe that reality' objective there, 'cause I can see just what' and that 'in me and that I reflect on the outside. Let me explain: Every person creates his own reality 'based on experiences that should make his soul to evolve on this planet, and then' why you are born a thousand times, experience and progress through the pain, the 'love, acceptance, service to others.
start thinking this way, reversing the common places, made me realize that I am not a victim, and nobody the world 's never just a victim because' and 'he who creates his own executioners, and if attracts them in life. I just do not know.
obviously this revelation, along with various other little things that is not 'the case to say here, is making me reconsider the whole situation "spying" on one esoteric point of view. and we say 'good break away from the point of view, see the events from afar, as if they belonged to someone else, especially not as a series of random "things happen" but as pieces of a grand design in product ourselves.
we have to thank every misfortune. but it seems absurd and 'so'.
"If you continue to believe in what you have always believed, if you continue to think like you always thought and continue to act as if you've always done, you get what you always got." said a beautiful sentence, and I with the old way of thinking and do not believe I have come to nothing, while changing the perspective from which I see the reality 'me and' open up a world of possibilities' and considerations as never before.
attention, this does not mean that investigations should not be made, or that we should not fight for their rights, or that the criminals who have destroyed my life should not be pursued, it means that they themselves are pawns in a game a lot more 'big and that is part of another plane of reality', a dimension that we can understand that if we used only 95% of our brain instead fore the grounding that we reach.

know that I drew myself in my life and this situation 'a great incentive for me to wake. obviously if my 'wants more out of the matrix, and put me in the face of evidence ... and like the movie Matrix, there are millions and millions of zombies who think they live but in reality 'are sleeping in their cocoons, dreaming of a reality' virtual, and are content with this illusion. But millions of people there are very few who rebel, struggle and fail to exit the system, just by the Matrix, but lately it seems that critical mass is spreading, at least on the web.
the path of breaking the chains and 'very risky and difficult, you go by trial and error and mistakes, and many times one is tempted to go back to the comfort', watching tv magnificence on the couch, eating popcorn and absorb tons of subliminal messages, but once embarked on a journey of awakening something happens every time.
sure what can 'happen, and' that we go totally crazy, or that you get in situations with no way out, like asylums, prisons, addictions, which leaves for the Foreign Legion, or that we go in hermitage from the world, or it can 'happen that your body does not stand the change, the risks are many. But I
'I also hope for a gradual opening, harmonious, to safeguard their physical and mental health, always trying to stay alert because' all our days in this paradise can 'be the last, and so we must keep cherish every moment we spend on this planet.
but all this 'thing with my central vitaspiata ? I thought I had to do with anything, but even this piece of the puzzle fits right into place, as soon as I' discovered a key point I still miss it, but we are near. this key point and 'at the time in the realm of intuition and not' put into words, but I'm trying to remove her veil in front of him.
I discovered that some of my considerations are common to other people who have experiences similar to mine, and I have contacted different, both in Italy and abroad, are several hundred. counting those who go mad, commit suicide or are killed, interned, you get to several thousand people.
Online I read you stories (targeted individuals, targets) which suggest the use of extensive testing technologies of mental conditioning, intelligence, laser projection of holograms, techniques of reality 'virtual microwave weapons and directed energy, a massive use of gang stalking and false policemen.
these people for now is not taken seriously, but like me, go after each color, it becomes certain, and you learn to scrub the opinions of others, looking at the lens and the mutual support, which are the important things .
some of these targets are being organized and suggest various initiatives, and are very knowledgeable on any topic, from politics to the plot, information technology, the history of intelligence, how to protect themselves from these harmful technologies used to keep us under control.
surely all these people, myself included, were not chosen at random, c'è'dietro a detailed strategy. bisognera 'find out if the choice is made for a particular physical question, perhaps a combination of DNA, blood type, antibody formation, past diseases, personal history, and if it is done within certain groups of citizens, for example, between and who 'was already' psychiatrised, or held, or if we analyze the possible targets in the minds of his less known aspects, allows choosing only those who have a mental conformation suitable, for example, or the neurons that have respond better to stimuli, or choosing between the 20% of the human race that owns the soul.
(this crazy thing I did not say, but a number of esoteric as well as 'scientists, who report experiments to implant the human soul from the body of a body to its rightful owner "moved" to recharge the energy.)

Gia' , 'cause in the meantime I read several papers of prof. Richard Malanga and other scientists involved in abductions, (alien abduction), given that the abductees have different "symptoms" in common with my condition, disturbances which doctors have no understanding, or to be taken for fools mythomaniac, lose many times the job, is compelled to silence, put controlled by military organizations, are powerless and alone in the face of forces far more 'bigger than themselves, and so on.
I did a self-assessment test online on the web and e stargate 'result, as I expected, and' negative. not be invoked by an alien, but they probably are from Earth, and I honestly do not know which one is worse!
I then had some indication from an employee of Malang to make the so-called "Sinbad," a psychodrama, self-induced, and try to neutralize any foreign bodies or implanted microchip hypnotic commands introduced, I think I have. Unfortunately, so far has not worked, or rather the process has worked in the middle, 'but I know I'm on track. the problem and 'that my party will have hidden' taken immediate action by boycotting the self-hypnosis. Sinbad is in fact the results of a partial block to the display, resulting in a lack of will 'soul, which also occurs, and an invasive presence of a military but hidden in a white coat.
(to understand what 'and how is the Simbad reference sites malanga)

am sure that the regressive hypnosis, self-hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming are absolutely indicated, in my case, to be able to recall episodes removed, to resurface forgotten episodes, faces, places, experiences carried out in an unconscious state, and all are generally technical depth for a better understanding of the mind, so check it by military organizations, intelligence, aliens or whatever, becomes impossible.