tonight and 'was a bit' a wild night of revelations, insights and profound mental and physical findings are clear, crystal clear, those who say ... eureka!
shame that while I have come a great goose bumps, chills, headache, and me and 'strongly increased the steady hum in my ears that I have, it seems that I must express my head explode ...
what if I say 'I'm going to write to the wrong people would have secured admission to psychiatry.
already 'cause I had the clear perception, of which I'm sure by now, to have a plant micro-relief.
in practice, I have placed a microcamera connected Somehow the optic nerve. see what 'I see. this is an experiment in cybernetics, human-machine interaction. sending the film in progress in my life that if someone looks at him, and not e'certo a passive spectator, can 'interact and change the course of events, cut scenes that do not like ... thrilling is not it?
so I have a second sight. a mine and an artificial, which broadcasts remotely wherever I am. here 'cause I see some small light sources are doubles.
here 'cause I often feel like to see on a monitor in high definition. here 'cause when there' low light I think I see a screen with missing pixels in small dives points, opaque areas of the overview that makes my vision. gave me a faulty microchip! could at least give me night vision also included in the package ...
I understand 'cause a lot of things. all my troubles to the eyes, peripheral vision, the microcicatrici under the right eye, the sclera pinguecole, hypersensitivity 'and the gradual contraction of the eyes, as if it fosseo small and sunken into the skull.
the device interface is obviously the environmental, transmitting and receiving simultaneously, and likely to be translated into actual pictures and resubmit it to the destination (which?) Needs an external digital media, which is evident through the use of Satellite technologies or laser, infrared, ultraviolet or other types of light invisible to the naked eye.
or rather, watching carefully the lights in places where they remain, especially small ones like the lights of home appliances, or the stars, you can 'see a light splitting. This is also seen from the photos if taken without a flash. we can also see shadows and reflections digital high-definition, except that no one notices except me.
the fact that I know of to have such a MicroPlant fore the grounding me quite overwhelming, even if it now 'I suspected for some time, but I did not want to believe so far, I have often chased away the thought.
yet the feeling of big brother coming back ... and now I realize that for a while 'time I continued to accumulate data in bulk, that suddenly you are stuck with each other perfectly, producing a logical conclusion. it is not anything new, the microchip implants in the optic nerve is what well-founded, as you can 'read here:
and I back it all: the feeling of sending my position through my point of view , to the spies who were looking for me around here ... people approached by pointing a mobile phone to me and my subsequent pulse at a given point of the right eye, with hints of oncoming waves and changes in vision ... the fact that I do not lose sight of ...
the video also assumes that there is also the sound, and perhaps the latter espionage with traditional methods would be sufficient. I try to find reasons to reject this hypothesis, but I just confirmed.
in January 2004 I returned home after being in Cuba and Mexico, and as I mentioned in my previous post and the trip 'was very strange, especially the two weeks in Cuba, of which I remember only half' of the day. The thing I remember very well, 'that I got home I found a job at a call center, and absolutely could not stand the light of the computer ... I got to work with your eyes closed. I had to write when I put the glasses blacks.
since the disturbances began in the eyes, redness, inflammation, sensitivity 'in the light, strange reflections, doubling ... up to, especially this year when I made the meaning more 'awake from spiritual practices, to see something that could be defined as "transmission-images, especially when it comes to light when my eyes are closed.
but I'm not to dwell on this, although I would be writing for hours.
demand and 'always the same: because' everything '?? prche 'I??
and perhaps' one of those experiments that test new weapons or new "achievements of science." type of spot, you become blind? made a nice chip eyes, we see better than before, and we have no more 'secrets!
obviously this experiment could be done only on a sample of a few "privileged", which meet all a number of factors that made them suitable candidates. perhaps even the shape of the skull or eyes, or ears, blood group and personality ', boh ...
did not matter that one was a great champion of cycling and another accountant a toxic half recovered.
or perhaps there is' another explanation.
have chosen me and Marco Pantani reasons, we have something else in common, that is not 'physical. we have a soul like that.
physical characteristics in common can not see, for now, although I do not have sufficient data to compare his with mine, but very similar characteristics of inner torment, of great loneliness, but suffered at the same time desired, of diversity 'and alienation from others, blood I see many old and ailing.
course this would mean to corroborate the thesis Malanga, of alien abductions and so on, would anyone want to transplant a soul in another body, and failing in the meantime the monitors through the implantation of microchips and espionage.
but aside from the esoteric ponderings, I still have to ruminate for a while ', there are some basic points, the facts in common with the story of Marco Pantani.
since the very moment when I read the newspaper and saw on television the news of his death, February 14, 2004 in a residential community of Rimini, I had assured him that he had the exact same criminal organization that I brought along myself.
when I saw pictures of the studio upside down, imagine what had happened. I viewed my home.
fact and 'The same thing happened to me several times, is that I'm still here and I could tell, if anyone ever believe me ...
that prevented both cocaine use may be motivated by the nature of MicroPlant eye or other gadgets to it, they would first have a distorted vision, then it would be destroyed by going to short circuit ... overexcitation Network neuronal ...
or perhaps a particular flow conditions' which must remain in the bloodstream, which consistently produces heat energy.
it to me and to the use of the substance Pantani made the clotted blood, thick, dark, almost solid. also a minimum amount '. this does not happen using other substances such as heroin, cannabis, or alcohol. in any case I am almost certain that the fluidity of 'the blood of both was manipulated from outside, from these people. I pricked her finger one day and went 'that looked like a blood annaquato, rose, flowed without any hint of stop and had almost nothing in my blood "normal." other times it was very dark and thick as honey.
's true that the cause of death of Pantani, and' was too much cocaine, but not in the way they wish.
second I had bought so much, 'cause he knew gia'che much of it to him would make her disappear under the nose, wherever he tried to hide it. him would have prevented the use in any way.
why the only solution at the end was to put in your mouth. can not enter into them with their technology of reality 'virtual, so access to apartments or cars and you physically perform actions according to another room, they' can not access, if one does not open his mouth.
and have also tried this at the end, they fought and he swallowed several grams and it 'went in overdose.
certainly have tried to revive or save it in some way, either physically going on site and calling the owner of the residence, which in turn call the 'Secretary' cause he went to check, but arrived too late.
do not think the autopsy carried out x-ray or magnetic resonance to identify any foreign objects such as microchips, and who knows' if they would be found, perhaps they have had ample time to remove them ... in fact, two hours have passed since the relief operation, as described and reported by family members and independent journalists who have investigated the circumstances.