Friday, June 26, 2009

Kidney Stones Stuck In The Bladder And Ureter

confirmations from Strasbourg and urgency of witnessing and the seventh sense

tonight I do not know where to start.
but I've got to write something, 'cause I do not know until I am' able to do so, and for the continuous deterioration of my visual condition for a certain feeling that I brought up some possible accident that could have happened.
certainly not a case of a fatal accident, as in most 'instances the perpetrators have shown that for I will serve their purposes in life, but something that might make me quite stupid, lobotomized, or unable to communicate and interact with others, and here or I cut your tongue and hands and possibly blind me as well, ( joke, obviously do not need to use these primitive means, there are toxins that cause paralysis) or kidnap me, or blackmail me.

vabbe 'then saw that tonight is a bit' confused and I dismal thoughts I just say a few things I've said some participants in the demonstration in Strasbourg, and that the perps have diligently recorded, and information are already 'in their possession and did not provide new benefits.
are aware that looking for the truth 'about my vitaspiata lose 'life probably, and maybe not just me, and I must say that I do not care or so.
more 'I continue on my spiritual path more tortuous' I feel it' better to die for something, so we must all die anyway, so might as well do it for this' that I feel is more 'important.
regarding any of Kin I passed the stage of fear, the one that charges the tangent entrepreneurs southern Italy, or who silence the witnesses who killed his wife the day before the trial ... the fear that in my case mingled with the guilt I felt toward my son, or my other family members, and that in the past blocked me in the face of intimidation clear messages that I sent perps. who knows 'maybe now I'm more' awake 'or perhaps it was also of mental conditioning, and this has stopped working, the fact is that today no longer activated' in the same way but would take it as a challenge.

- I got confirmation from some people in fairly common use of networks of private investigative and intelligence agencies from several multinationals when they want information about people uncomfortable, as well as' areas of "hidden" from public bodies, government, military who do not want anyone to know of some of their covert operations.

- I received confirmation of the mode of action of the perps, which lease fleets of company cars to follow the strategic target, which replace your neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances with whom they target the most 'often do, especially for those missions for an indefinite period, in which the guinea pig is monitored for life, as seems to be my case, missions for which no There is a cap on the budget used, and can be bought houses, groups of actors can be used to pay, such as that embodied by the neighbors for decades! (do not know if there is to you to mind the movie The Truman Show ...)

- I received confirmation of some technologies of the highest standard but commonly used in this world, which concerns the tracking card or whatever they call it, that 'microscopic and transparent chip can track the position where they are stuck , (That's' cause I absentmindedly touched the scooter, or car to rent, applying a temporary track, waiting for the right moment to enter the vehicle and place something final), these tiny gadgets technology are also applied on clothes, handbags, hair ... just a passing shock while you're walking and you pass it, or a girl who sits beside you in the library that casually leans his bag to yours, etc. etc. etc. ....

- I received confirmation of the use of hypnotic techniques of mental conditioning, sending subliminal thoughts to the subconscious of the target to which you want to change the behavior and decisions in the way intended. he will become 'account to be thinking thoughts they do not own 'make their own decisions, but will behave' as a true Manchurian Candidate, a zombie under hypnosis!
this raises many issues at stake and no end of questions, also because 'comes into play and the conditioning of their memories can be extrapolated from the unconscious subjected to hypnosis, and' cause you do not have reliable data and officers in this regard, apart from the testimony of some former perps and those of us targets, but that 'no evidence.

I open a parenthesis here and say one thing and I 'ran away talking with a former perpetrator "repented," one who was a spy for money and then he met Jesus' Christ and decided to change my life, except in turn become a target by his former colleagues, but I still have to develop internally, and that means' I strongly suspect that it has made in pushing actions of mind control or at least conditioning hypnotic, especially for a journey I have done in Cuba in December 2003.
thought I had decided to leave for the tropics 'cause I was alone and desperate for all the appalling situation that I was living, and you chose Cuba because' there was a scheduled flight last minute at 150 € ... but I then discovered that in those two weeks that I stayed on the island, without ever once to move to Havana, there was Marco Pantani.
the two are suspicious circumstances, our presence in contemporary almost without knowing they had an appointment to do something that you could only do them ', and my strange living in town', never let it go and where all the tourists and that means' in Santa Clara, or varadero or near Guantanamo ... no, I stayed for two weeks hanging out at the center or watching boring TV Cuba.
maybe I had a hypnotic order not to leave Havana.
perhaps the boy met on the street, I rent 'and gave me an apartment guide was paid to be with me. for sure he was told that cocaine was not to get me, I remember that I asked one of specially ultmi days to see his reaction, I get back 'from his tour empty handed and with some excuse. (as you know Cubans procure two things to tourists, coke and sex, and more 'do piu'ci earn, usually, but not in my case).
missing days or perhaps hours in my memory, the unconscious and I have repressed memories of something that 'happened. and I 'came to mind the great Cuban medical research university and ocular microsurgery ... who knows' why' ...
I'm beginning to wonder if many of the things I thought and decided that in the years since 2000 are not the result of mental conditioning.
better take it slow, gia 'I have a headache ... I do I wear a helmet anti mind control as the guy who I met in Strasbourg? wrap your head in aluminum-lined copper maybe with a bit of veclam?
better to start from certain facts.
from the basic, raw and aggressive gang stalking that I have suffered for years. from my former neighbors that are definitely involved.
than what we have in common that I undoubtedly and Marco Pantani, and that concerns or blood, or neurotransmitters associated with cocaine use, or our soul.
but here the talk gets too tangled.
soon. if you beat a shot.


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