symptoms, forums and events of each Strasbourg
spied my story in person, the symptoms that I have a psychophysical level and their progression, it has much in common with the so-called victims of mind control, otherwise also known as TI Individuals target, that those who are been abducted by aliens, so-called abductees, as well as' with an assorted array of authentic lunatics who write always the same stupid things on different blogs and forums on the Internet, in the grip of paranoia more 'total, and unfortunately most desperate' black.
E 'bad to say, but Unfortunately, the dividing line between a healthy determination to discover where they came from their own troubles, how to defend themselves, and obsession is sick and is repeated continuously becomes paranoid delusions and 'very thin, and sometimes intersects with a certain inclination that we all to exaggerate our problems.
in preparation for my participation in the demonstration in Strasbourg before the European Court of Human Rights'm reading various forums and sites, mostly 'in English but for example there are sections on in various languages, and fore the grounding me difficult to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwho is sane and who is a mythomaniac, or worse, an uninformed, and 'a real jungle.
there are still some fixed points: one from
'for granted, on sites very serious and well documented, that are brought forward by 50 years numerous experiments on humans against their will, that is, victims as unwitting guinea pigs used by both corporations, that 'private enterprise for profit, that the intelligence service to government and parastatal apparatus. officially ended on projects such as MKULTRA and camelot some historical archives have been declassified CIA to prove it, as well as' made a public apology on the matter. I had no victim compensation, nor 'I think none of the perpetrators went to jail. But the problem 'that no one knows absolutely nothing about the projects that are going on NOW!
sure you make many assumptions. Pero 'no concrete evidence. Separate discussion for the international project HAARP, causing among other things, the chemtrails, for which the Committee and Italian Tanker Enemy 'could not demonstrate the spraying of substances containing heavy metals in our skies, but whose tests are ignored, the criminals continue spraying, and sponsors of the site must continuously defend against counter-information, detecting, hackhers and threats of various kinds. Pero 'at least they got the concrete and demonstrable, can no longer' be taken for mad visionaries, and to secret trials on the monitoring of the human mind and the microchip I am not aware that there are some real evidence to that effect , although there are thousands of alleged victims.
About MindControl speak of the existence of several current large-scale projects that they are dealing in a top-secret undercover authorities from different backgrounds, who often do not communicate with each other or are in competition, because of privacy issues and fears that even the smallest details can filter out. current projects can be found only the testimonies of former soldiers, former agents, former everything, and of course those who are, or rather think they are the victims. They complain ¡like symptoms, hearing voices from the offensive man obsessively repeated in your head, electronic and electromagnetic noise, to sexual harassment at a distance, and have similar experiences of gang stalking or street theater by strangers who follow them and annoy them, and seem to know private details of their lives.
admit to some reservations about so many things that are said on these forums and sites of victims of mind control, from the fact that false testimony in the middle are made on purpose to pollute the waters, there are things that do not fit, then each of them seems very taken by himself and his personal history, some write every detail of places to go, names, phrases, upload photos and videos tonnes, some seem to be competing among those who are worse ... boh.
maybe 'already' so get out there and be able to say certain things that one should not expect too. In fact, for me it 's been a relief to see that many people have had experiences similar to mine, we can not all be crazy mica. The usual pain shared is a joy, but not only, 'cause I realized that it is organized large-scale experiments, where people were chosen based on certain characteristics. What are these CHARACTERISTICS do not know. Maybe go to Strasbourg will give me 'some better ideas'.
might distribute anonymous testing also to understand how many of the targets have used drugs and such, and if any of them have experienced unusual reactions with cocaine, both mentally and physically, and particularly violent gang stalking and invasive, with seizures at home, dose of sleeping pills hidden in water and soft drinks, cars and engines tampering, disappearance of money and documents, get an electric shock, injury from directed energy weapons on the skin and so on.
would also be investigated in detail the effect of cocaine on the brain dell'alcaloide, surely there is a neurological stimulation
I noticed that some people have had the diagnosis of serious diseases which later proved unfounded, reports or tampered with, and as 'happened to me, and this brings me back to the evidence that this kind of plots and' always heavily involved in a large pharmaceutical company that invests in a large research budget, as well as' slice of the medical profession that is dedicated to vivisection, in this case of human animals.
E 'quite terrifying the finding, made by several people on these forums, that you feel are the symptoms gradually become worse over time, as they aggravate the daily life is affected in an increasingly' heavy.
Just last night I was put into a large terrace and watch the starry sky and wondered what could still 'do it, and I had come a great Mago' cause I feel that my eyesight is deteriorating more and more 'fast, the Eye disorders have more and more 'strange, my vision is changing day by day, I feel that I cease to be a progressive series of pixels to the optic nerve or the cerebral cortex, as if the picture I have in front missing so many tiny pieces ... and there's no 'a fucking nobody who can help me ..
summarizing, the symptoms that I currently have the eyes are
gradual reduction focus
inconvenience to the vision I see the so-called "floaters" or something like that, I see halos and rays in both electric and natural light, I collide electric lights, the outlines of many things I see double, I see some small lights "double and staggered", such as lights, stars, and I see eye to eye other.
feeling of having a view of "artificial" as if looking through a computer.
moving lights: If you drive without lights for a few seconds sky-lights from lamps to household appliances, they begin to vibrate, to move up and down 'and on both sides of their position, while remaining exactly the same place.
eye pain, dry, dark, sunken eyes, ocular contracts, foreign body sensation in the eyes, eye-spots in the sclera called "pinguecola"
symptoms that I head
headache in the morning upon awakening, takes about an hour and gradually decreases until it disappears
constant hum, background noise that is amplified in the head in silence. This is very annoying loud buzzing, like an engine or machine, is increasing day by day, but there was also the first to a low, almost imperceptible. E 'became very disturbing since I moved to the countryside, 800 meters above sea level and away from population centers. When I go to town or city 'seems to be diminishing, but maybe it' s just my feeling 'cause if I put myself in a room in town', alone and in silence here is reappearing fortissimo.
ringing ears: almost every day at regular intervals I hear a whistle that starts in one ear, usually the right one, and is amplified in the other.
plugs in my ears: I hear that one ear is closed, or both, as when you go to the mountains and there are sudden changes of pressure.
Symptoms on the skin: The skin is thinner and transparent, they lose elasticity ', contracts. (have the same symptoms of aging, I know, but appear suddenly and not gradually). Do you see all the veins even more small and very old scars that had previously disappeared, change colors and take on different tones. (This It is also an effect of remote control technologies that use electricity system, in fact the same phenomenon also occurs on walls and furniture, such as the wood is beginning to notice all the small veins and the parts that were glued in assembly, the walls are noted the flaw and the individual strokes of color.)
enclose symptoms even the most 'controversial that may also mean that a mental conditioning or hypnotic to me, as my make mechanical actions without realizing it was not immediately after, the selective loss of memory, recurrent thoughts and repetitive, and against the impossibility 'or the extreme difficulty' to focus on certain subjects, the 'horrible feeling of being watched and spied on in their own thoughts even more' intimate, that leads me is that others often have fantasies to escape the hard reality ', but that, and' player a third person, in my case a bit 'invented the imagination and a bit 'borrowed from someone I knew.
I learned recently that it 's very dangerous to do this kind of daydreaming,' cause you run the risk of creating from scratch of the entities' astral energy that we suck, and that once shaped by our own thought-forms begin to have its own life, and to take control of an increasing share of mind. They begin to appear in our thoughts even when you absolutely want to distract us, we will prevent the merger, will seek to influence our thoughts and our actions, usually clinging to want very much "land" to escape lifeblood.
fantasies that makes our minds are not harmless, even if I personally have saved my life in different periods of deep crisis and depression .. the problem 'when confused with real life and when they start without you ... you know it will be' even this mind control?
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