create your own reality ': implications of esoteric mind control and abdutions
arieccomi here, struggling with my mirror, but how much effort to be able to get writing!
seems there is something inside me that wants to stop me ... Seeking an excuse, I repeat that I have other things to do ... and in return, always return.
maybe I scared? anyone else scared? I will I have, I admit, I'm afraid to fix on paper and make visible to the world a reality 'shocking, I first I refused for years.
I'm also afraid to bring order into the chaos of this period, and be forced to pull the money ... but any such conclusion, 'always temporary.
and so even if I remove the fears on a conscious level, I know you are emotions on a subconscious level that command, and those none of us humans have any control.
I noticed that the post in which I tried to write my life experiences have spied a few but very long, entirely inappropriate for a blog and internet in general. I see the outline of the situation and update it at the same time with some of the developments ultmi May 2009.
- October 2002 I became aware of being spied on by an organization unidentified, and through investigation agencies, military and street criminals has heavily influenced my life in all its aspects: daily, emotional, occupational, economic, family, health etc etc
- this remote spy certainly dates back to years ago, maybe 2 but definitely a lot more ', is being carried out in a systematic and permanent, that' until 'the target and' alive. (Otherwise they would buy apartments located strategically with respect to the residency of the target, ne'cercherebbero to prevent suicide)
- I controlled the spies "discreetly" from afar, just listen to my conversations and stalk, but when I wanted to use a particular psychoactive substance: cocaine. in this case came out and tried to prevent by every means that I used. at the same time I experienced a craving (a compulsive desire) to this very unusual substance, probably induced outside some experiments that have been submitted, or as a side effect of substances that I have been given, all of course without my consent, my total knowledge.
- I did various surveys and over time I found myself dealing with the contractors, with soldiers in white gown with fake fake cops and doctors, I witnessed the use of technology age style, I immediately measures bollards mafia-type , that 'threats, vandalism and destruction of things, Kin towards my family, get inflicted accidents and diseases.
- I gave up in the 'intention of wanting to prove my verita'a official level after I realized that nobody wanted or could believe, but only after losing a lot of time and energy, as well as' several times risking his life. I'm trying to make my situation public through the Internet to express my experience in case of unforeseen events, and to help others in the same condition, since there are thousands and almost everyone is alone, isolated, resigned. also through the internet I got in touch with activists and groups of "victims of mind control, which I seem to have much in common.
-I experienced the indifference, disbelief 'and derision from friends, family and law enforcement, and I experienced some attempts at coercion in psychiatric facilities. I realized that are considered crazy, even those who are more 'sensitive and intelligent than others and do not stand a realta'bigotta masks, and that in fact' total illusion, imposed by a elite'mondiale that keeps the population ignorance.
- these experiences of great suffering, I began a spiritual journey to try to awaken my conscience. I realized that e'l'anima the key to everything, and I must observe to know and understand my mind. I'm looking for the truth ', whatever it is, and I have no more' fear it 'for me' to those around me. this and 'the mission that I feel I must pursue, and I hope to do it.
- I do not know who are to spy on me, but probably it is a division of medical pseudosegreta military organization, an international presence, and that everywhere in the world of local contacts to which it supports, which always finds wherever she goes. therefore not enough to control them remotely, via satellite or through sophisticated spying at a distance, they need to be close to me physically. (Sometimes approaching a few meters and I link a kind of handheld, reloading, I think, that I have microchips implanted in the body). ie these military trials in the field of genetics, psychological, mental, soul, of which there is a vast documentation on the Internet, sites and even counter-UFO, as it is' now established collaboration with alien races for the making of "abductions."
- I recently made considerable progress in trying to understand the 'cause of my vitaspiata , know exactly why they chose me, follow me for years, and monitor my every word and every act of mine, and so influence my decision and any probably giving me orders to hypnotic level, which then can not remember a conscious level.
- continue to pose such koan (unanswered questions) have been increasingly 'on a spiritual quest that leads me to look around and experiment in various locations, despite my laziness famous, and despite all my faults and limitations, and I'm learning this trial that:
- my conscious, my rational thinking, and 'only 5% of my mind, and that' the party control logic-level governments, and I flatter myself my life, and everything else, the 95% 'totally unknown. suffice it to say that the subconscious mind directs all our vital functions, breathing, powerful forces such as sex, dreams, desires. e'su this part of the secret organizations that act for their own purposes, using techniques of manipulation of memory, hypnotic suggestions, esoteric knowledge, by running the mechanical behavior of which you have no conscience then.
-from believing the reality of suffering 'I went outside to believe that reality' objective there, 'cause I can see just what' and that 'in me and that I reflect on the outside. Let me explain: Every person creates his own reality 'based on experiences that should make his soul to evolve on this planet, and then' why you are born a thousand times, experience and progress through the pain, the 'love, acceptance, service to others.
start thinking this way, reversing the common places, made me realize that I am not a victim, and nobody the world 's never just a victim because' and 'he who creates his own executioners, and if attracts them in life. I just do not know.
obviously this revelation, along with various other little things that is not 'the case to say here, is making me reconsider the whole situation "spying" on one esoteric point of view. and we say 'good break away from the point of view, see the events from afar, as if they belonged to someone else, especially not as a series of random "things happen" but as pieces of a grand design in product ourselves.
we have to thank every misfortune. but it seems absurd and 'so'.
"If you continue to believe in what you have always believed, if you continue to think like you always thought and continue to act as if you've always done, you get what you always got." said a beautiful sentence, and I with the old way of thinking and do not believe I have come to nothing, while changing the perspective from which I see the reality 'me and' open up a world of possibilities' and considerations as never before.
attention, this does not mean that investigations should not be made, or that we should not fight for their rights, or that the criminals who have destroyed my life should not be pursued, it means that they themselves are pawns in a game a lot more 'big and that is part of another plane of reality', a dimension that we can understand that if we used only 95% of our brain instead fore the grounding that we reach.
know that I drew myself in my life and this situation 'a great incentive for me to wake. obviously if my 'wants more out of the matrix, and put me in the face of evidence ... and like the movie Matrix, there are millions and millions of zombies who think they live but in reality 'are sleeping in their cocoons, dreaming of a reality' virtual, and are content with this illusion. But millions of people there are very few who rebel, struggle and fail to exit the system, just by the Matrix, but lately it seems that critical mass is spreading, at least on the web.
the path of breaking the chains and 'very risky and difficult, you go by trial and error and mistakes, and many times one is tempted to go back to the comfort', watching tv magnificence on the couch, eating popcorn and absorb tons of subliminal messages, but once embarked on a journey of awakening something happens every time.
sure what can 'happen, and' that we go totally crazy, or that you get in situations with no way out, like asylums, prisons, addictions, which leaves for the Foreign Legion, or that we go in hermitage from the world, or it can 'happen that your body does not stand the change, the risks are many. But I
'I also hope for a gradual opening, harmonious, to safeguard their physical and mental health, always trying to stay alert because' all our days in this paradise can 'be the last, and so we must keep cherish every moment we spend on this planet.
but all this 'thing with my central vitaspiata ? I thought I had to do with anything, but even this piece of the puzzle fits right into place, as soon as I' discovered a key point I still miss it, but we are near. this key point and 'at the time in the realm of intuition and not' put into words, but I'm trying to remove her veil in front of him.
I discovered that some of my considerations are common to other people who have experiences similar to mine, and I have contacted different, both in Italy and abroad, are several hundred. counting those who go mad, commit suicide or are killed, interned, you get to several thousand people.
Online I read you stories (targeted individuals, targets) which suggest the use of extensive testing technologies of mental conditioning, intelligence, laser projection of holograms, techniques of reality 'virtual microwave weapons and directed energy, a massive use of gang stalking and false policemen.
these people for now is not taken seriously, but like me, go after each color, it becomes certain, and you learn to scrub the opinions of others, looking at the lens and the mutual support, which are the important things .
some of these targets are being organized and suggest various initiatives, and are very knowledgeable on any topic, from politics to the plot, information technology, the history of intelligence, how to protect themselves from these harmful technologies used to keep us under control.
surely all these people, myself included, were not chosen at random, c'รจ'dietro a detailed strategy. bisognera 'find out if the choice is made for a particular physical question, perhaps a combination of DNA, blood type, antibody formation, past diseases, personal history, and if it is done within certain groups of citizens, for example, between and who 'was already' psychiatrised, or held, or if we analyze the possible targets in the minds of his less known aspects, allows choosing only those who have a mental conformation suitable, for example, or the neurons that have respond better to stimuli, or choosing between the 20% of the human race that owns the soul.
(this crazy thing I did not say, but a number of esoteric as well as 'scientists, who report experiments to implant the human soul from the body of a body to its rightful owner "moved" to recharge the energy.)
Gia' , 'cause in the meantime I read several papers of prof. Richard Malanga and other scientists involved in abductions, (alien abduction), given that the abductees have different "symptoms" in common with my condition, disturbances which doctors have no understanding, or to be taken for fools mythomaniac, lose many times the job, is compelled to silence, put controlled by military organizations, are powerless and alone in the face of forces far more 'bigger than themselves, and so on.
I did a self-assessment test online on the web and e stargate 'result, as I expected, and' negative. not be invoked by an alien, but they probably are from Earth, and I honestly do not know which one is worse!
I then had some indication from an employee of Malang to make the so-called "Sinbad," a psychodrama, self-induced, and try to neutralize any foreign bodies or implanted microchip hypnotic commands introduced, I think I have. Unfortunately, so far has not worked, or rather the process has worked in the middle, 'but I know I'm on track. the problem and 'that my party will have hidden' taken immediate action by boycotting the self-hypnosis. Sinbad is in fact the results of a partial block to the display, resulting in a lack of will 'soul, which also occurs, and an invasive presence of a military but hidden in a white coat.
(to understand what 'and how is the Simbad reference sites malanga)
am sure that the regressive hypnosis, self-hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming are absolutely indicated, in my case, to be able to recall episodes removed, to resurface forgotten episodes, faces, places, experiences carried out in an unconscious state, and all are generally technical depth for a better understanding of the mind, so check it by military organizations, intelligence, aliens or whatever, becomes impossible.
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