call for the adoption of a European law against testing on humans
report here some of the text presented to the media and various institutions in anticipation of the demonstration to be held 'in Strasbourg, even if you do not agree with some parts and others are less so:
We are victims of assaults with weapons and electromagnetic neurological, and are grouped in Mindcontrol Federation Against Europe "( FEDAME).
We are organizing a demonstration peacefully on June 22 before the European Court of Human Rights, 'Man, Allée des Droits de l'Homme and June 23 before the Council of Europe, from 9:30 to 17:30, in both cases.
We want to demonstrate against the 'use of psychotronic weapons, electromagnetic and neurological used on innocent citizens with purpose' Nazi-like, and we demand a Europe-wide law banning the manufacture, possession, transport, commerce and 'use of such weapons.
stresses the need d 'a directive requiring Member States of the European Parliament.
our appeal
We are not political agitators. We are law-abiding citizens looking for peace, health and freedom. Against our will, we were put in a desperate situation: what 'and that we want to' prevent any person from being used against his will 'in these experiments that constitute a threat to all mankind.
You know, for over 20 years, innocent citizens of our so-called "democracy" are tortured at home, through walls and windows?
There is no longer any privacy with the devices known as "through-the-wall" that see through walls.
Anyone can result in the ins and outs of his intimacy, and to be followed wherever he goes. Today, how many people are mistreated physically and mentally by means of 'criminal use of devices that emit microwaves?
People and entire families are targeted, persecuted and killed by directed energy weapons (DEW). Innocent people are subjected to what is called the "slow death" or "slow death". Body cells are damaged as well as the nervous system, leading to diseases of decomposition, in cardiac arrest ...
people targeted have been reached directly into their thoughts, their feelings and their behavior in psychophysical weapons. These weapons are used in secret and remote, which allows members of the perverse brute military and intelligence services to torture and murder of the innocent. All existing human rights are violated, but that the victims can be supported by any justice
Internet sites where the victims of these crimes together are their only support.
allow this spread of violence to the point of no return?
These brutes are aware that the 'existence of such weapons is protected by secret defense, and that their use can not be proven.
It 'really urgent that the media and politicians finally consider this issue.
We need laws because the killers are prosecuted and citizens are effectively protected. Russia and the State of Michigan have extended their laws
with common sense, but not eradicate problem.
Remember World War II.
The Nazi Party gained power in combining the great capital 'has encouraged, using a population beset by terror. Once installed, the terror, the members of the resistance were shot and political parties were silenced. There was no one to stop the convoys to the gas chambers or experiments on humans within this framework by doctors as Mengele. Things have gone so far that we have almost reached the twilight of 'humanity
Why was there no political reaction in due course, in other words, before the' indoctrination and terror have done their work? A war in disguise, insidious, s' gradually get into the bodies, spirits and lives. The duplicity is his main tool in public opinion. Do not let it happen again
Martin Luther King declared: "Should we be wary of those who promise us safety at the expense of our freedom. We must recognize that part of the price of freedom is the 'insecurity, but that the price of total security is cruelty, slavery "
A special duty to watch it all 'Europe, dirty games are conducted at the expense of our democracy without any reaction or political barriers.
Then again there is no limit on terror? Please
do not move your eyes elsewhere, would be too severe.
We try to find a real support in any part of Europe, and arrive at effective measures.
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